Friday, October 14, 2016

Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, which should thus both be rejected.

From: Arend Lammertink <>
Subject: An exceptionally elegant "Theory of Everything"

Dear fellow dissident scientist,

I have spent a lot of time analyzing the history of Maxwell's
equations and how those led to Relativity as well as Quantum Field
Theory. Based on that analysis, I found an astonishing inconsistency
in Maxwell's equations, which led to an incomplete model for

For instance, Maxwell's equations predict only one type of
electromagnetic waves to exist, namely transverse waves, while in
actual fact at least two types of waves are known to exist, namely the
"near" and "far" fields:

By correcting this inconsistency, we can come to a Unified model in an
elegant, consistent and natural way. Please find my abstract below.

You can read the full article at my personal website:

I hope you are able and willing to consider my proposal and let me
know what you think about it. To me, it contains the answer I believe
science has been looking for, but of course you may differ in opinion.

Kindest regards,

Arend Lammertink, MScEE,
Goor, The Netherlands.

P.S. I found your email address at:



In a previous article, we stated that all currently known areas of
Physics' theories converge naturally into one Unified Theory of
Everything once we make one fundamental change to Maxwell's aether
model. In that article, we explored the history of Maxwell's equations
and considered a number of reasons for the need to revise Maxwell's
equations. In this article, we will make the mathematical case that
there is a hole in Maxwell's equations which should not be there,
given that we started with the same basic hypothesis as Maxwell did:

A physical, fluid-like medium called "aether" exists.

Maxwell did not explicitly use this underlying hypothesis, but
abstracted it away. This leads to a mathematically inconsistent model
wherein, for example, units of measurements do not match in his
definition for the electric potential field. By correcting this
obvious flaw in the model and extending it with a definition for the
gravity field, we obtain a simple, elegant, complete and
mathematically consistent "theory of everything" without "gauge
freedom", the fundamental theoretical basis for Quantum Weirdness
which we must therefore reject.



By working out standard textbook fluid dynamic vector theory for an
ideal, compressible, non-viscous Newtonian fluid, we have established
that Maxwell's equations are mathematically inconsistent, given that
these are supposed to describe the electromagnetic field from the
aether hypothesis. Since our effort is a direct extension of Paul
Stowe and Barry Mingst' aether model, we have come to a complete
mathematically consistent "field theory of everything". And we found
"Maxwell's hole" to be the original flaw in the standard model that
led to both relativity and Quantum Mechanics, which should thus both
be rejected.

Friday, October 7, 2016

what appears to be a complete unified analytical theory of integration

For quite some time now I have been supporting a research development project in Physics and Engineering entirely on my own.  Over time, my findings have accumulated to a point where it may now be considered important enough to warrant the close attention of many knowledgeable researchers in the Physical Sciences.  

As a result of this, my research has now progressed much beyond the level of postdoctoral studies and so this represents for me an excellent opportunity to reach out for some much needed support from within your department.  I would also like to mention that I am currently seeking to apply for some form of funding from various private and public agencies that would tend to favor promoting the development of such a unique type of project in Physics and Engineering. 

The nature of my current research development project involves targeting a very specific type of algorithm that would be constructed from the use of differentials defined in a very unique algebraic configuration.  In accordance with a vast amount of computational experimentation performed over the years, such a unique algorithm has apparently succeeding in exposing what appears to be a complete unified analytical theory of integration in Calculus.  The unique mathematical properties of this algorithm could be exploited much further into the future for establishing the basic fundamental building blocks of what is known today as the theory of everything.  All of this has been well documented in the attachment PDF file entitled  "Main_Proposal.Pdf" followed by a number of supporting PDF reference documents. 

In order to confirm my results, I would like to become part of a research development team within your department so that I can receive the proper resources for providing a complete numerical validation on the existence of such a unified theory of integration for specific applications to Applied Physics and Engineering Science. 

The proposed numerical validation process would consist primarily of using the new universal differential algorithm for arriving at the same exact analytical solutions that were obtained by various authors of several previously published papers in Applied Physics and Engineering Science.  Three of these papers would involve the use of the Navier-Stokesequations in mechanics of fluids, one involving the Navier-Cauchy equations in mechanics of material and finally, the use of the Maxwell-Einstein equation in Applied Physics for a problem in magnetostatic fields. 

I have also included the PDF attachment files  "Seminar_Abstract.Pdf"  and  "Seminar_Abstract_Navier-Stokes.pdf"  each containing a complete abstract for possible presentation at one of your upcoming internal seminars.  This would provide an ideal environment for everyone by which the entire proposal would be discussed in much greater detail. 

Best regards, 
Mike Mikalajunas 
Center for Innovations in Mathematical Equations 
(514) 425-1370 
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