From: "" <> Subject: Mind Matters Science Can and Does Point to God's Existence In mathematics, a singularity can be understood as division by zero, which is undefined mathematically. In this sense, a singularity in...
SCIENCE CAN AND DOES POINT TO GOD’S EXISTENCENatural science is not at all methodologically naturalist — it routinely points to causes outside of nature. MICHAEL EGNOR OCTOBER 3, 2021 Share
In my recent debate at Theology Unleashed, with Matt Dillahunty, Dillahunty made the claim that science necessarily follows methodological naturalism, allowing only for causes within nature. This is a common assertion by atheists. It’s wrong, and here’s why: First we need to start with the definition of science. Despite the huge literature on this topic and the great confusion about the answer, I think the answer is relatively simple. Classical philosophers defined science (scientia) as the systematic study of effects according to their causes. To clarify, consider the three assertions in this definition: 1) science is systematic — that is, it is not merely the occasional musing or haphazard insight but an organized planned course of action to deepen understanding. 2) science is the study of effects — that is, it is the study of things that we can know and/or observe. 3) science studies effects by exploring their causes. The causes studied by science can be any of Aristotle’s four causes — material, formal, efficient, or final. A metallurgist studies material causes, a taxonomist studies formal causes, a physicist studies efficient causes, and archaeologist studies final causes. In the traditional understanding, all systematic study of effects according to causes is science. This includes theology and the various subdisciplines of philosophy, ethics, as well as natural science. What we moderns call science classical philosophers would call natural science or natural philosophy. So science in the modern world is really the systematic study of natural effects according to their causes. Note that science studies natural effects and does not and cannot specify whether the causes must be natural or supernatural. To constrain science to the search for natural causes is to introduce inherent error into scientific investigation — the error is that if supernatural causes exist, then science would be blind to them and therefore would not be good science. If we are to understand natural effects, we must be open to all kinds of causes, including causes that transcend nature. To restrict causes in natural science to causes within nature itself is to impose an ideological bias on the science and thus make science a slave of ideology instead of truth. This is obviously what atheists do when they insist upon methodological naturalism. Note also that the insistence upon methodological naturalism means that atheists can’t even plausibly claim that science provides no evidence for God’s existence, which of course they claim all the time as Dillahunty did in our debate. If you preclude the supernatural a priori from scientific evidence, then you can’t logically argue that scientific evidence refutes the existence of the supernatural. Yet atheists do this all the time — they argue at the same time that science is methodologically naturalist, and that science demonstrates that God doesn’t exist. artist’s conception of a black hole Atheists don’t even understand their own contradictions. Cognitive dissonance plagues atheism at every step. So science must include the possibility of supernatural causes if it is to seek the truth without ideological bias. And the reality is that science does routinely invoke causes outside of nature. The most obvious example is the Big Bang. To understand this, consider the singularity that cosmologists universally agree was the source of the Big Bang and the singularities that give rise to black holes. A singularity in general relativity is a location where the quantities necessary to describe the gravitational field are lost in infinity. Thus space-time at that location is undefined. In mathematics, a singularity can be understood as division by zero, which is undefined mathematically. In this sense, a singularity in physics is undefined physically. Thus, a singularity is not within nature as understood by modern science. It cannot be known in itself by any theory in science. There are, of course, countless other examples of supernatural (i.e. extra-natural) causes recognized in natural science – the mathematical equations of modern physics are excellent examples. The field equations of general relativity, Schrödinger’s equation, Newton’s equation of gravitation and Maxwell’s equations of electromagnetism are not “things” that exist in nature — mathematical equations have no mass, density, location, or temperature. Yet they are the backbone of modern physics and are ubiquitously referred to by scientists as causes, at least in the formal sense. Given that natural science is the systematic study of natural effects according to (all) their causes, the extra-natural nature of singularities or mathematics is not a problem at all. While science cannot define the singularity in itself, it can know things about the singularity that allow us to understand natural effects in our universe. We can know three things about extra-natural singularities: 1) We can know what singularities are not — they aren’t quantifiable, they don’t have dimensions, they don’t have color or shape or electrical charge. This negative knowledge doesn’t give us a complete picture of singularities of course, but it does help us to understand them in the sense that we know what they are not. 2) We can know the effects of singularities in the natural world — we know that a singularity gave rise to the Big Bang and that singularities are at the centers of black holes. This knowledge is of extraordinary use to science — the understanding of the natural effects of the extra-natural singularities of the Big Bang and in black holes is the foundation of modern cosmology. 3) We can know something about singularities by analogy — it is common for example to represent black holes as deep pits in a stretched rubber membrane with the membrane representing space-time. These analogies help us to partially understand what singularities are. To see how this definition of science and routine scientific method of exploring natural effects by understanding all causes — natural and supernatural — is applicable to proving the existence of God, consider the traditional theological methods by which we can know God. Classical theologians point out that we cannot know God as He is. Our supernatural Creator so transcends us that no knowledge of Him on our part can be complete or direct. We can only know Him indirectly and incompletely. Classically there are three ways to acquire this incomplete knowledge: 1) We can know God by what He is not — He is not limited, He does not change, He is not material, He is not mortal, He is not evil, etc. 2) We can know God by His effects in the world — this kind of knowledge is provided by the classical arguments for God’s existence such as Aquinas’ Five Ways, the Rationalist Proof, the Neoplatonist Proof, the Aristotelian Proof, the Proof from Moral Law, etc. All of these proofs entail the systematic study of the effects in nature that point to God. [See “ten proofs of God’s existence” for a brief explanation of each proof.] 3) We can know God by analogy — that He is good by an analogy to good things in the world, that He is powerful by an analogy to powerful things in the world, that He is beautiful by an analogy to beautiful things in the world, etc. My comparison between the scientific approach to understanding singularities and the scientific approach to understanding God is not to argue that God is a singularity. It is to argue that science routinely uses tools that allow us to know supernatural things (i.e., things not defined in nature, such as singularities) even though we are incapable of direct and complete knowledge of them. This scientific method includes, as we have seen, 1) definition by what a cause is not, 2) definition by studying natural effects of supernatural causes, and 3) definition by analogy. It is exactly the same method we use in natural theology to understand God. Natural science is the systematic study of natural effects according to all causes, natural and supernatural. Neither in theory nor in practice does natural science exclude supernatural causation — science that excludes supernatural causes is not science at all, but ideology. And the method by which natural science studies supernatural causation (e.g. singularities, mathematical laws of physics, etc.) is identical to the method by which theologians study God in the discipline of natural theology. To sum up, natural science is not methodologically naturalist — it routinely points to causes outside of nature. Science can and does point to God’s existence, and given the massive evidence for intelligent agency in our universe, it can quite reasonably be said that God’s existence is the most thoroughly proven theory in natural science. The debate between neurosurgeon Michael Egnor and atheist broadcaster Matt Dillahunty to date:
Next: Dillahunty asks the 2nd oldest question: If God exists, why evil? You may also wish to read: Atheist spokesman Matt Dillahunty refuses to debate me again Although he has said that he finds debates “incredibly valuable,” he is — despite much urging — making an exception in this case. Why? For millennia, theists have thought meticulously about God’s existence. New Atheists merely deny any need to make a case. That’s partly why I dumped atheism. (Michael Egnor) MICHAEL EGNORSENIOR FELLOW, CENTER FOR NATURAL & ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Michael R. Egnor, MD, is a Professor of Neurosurgery and Pediatrics at State University of New York, Stony Brook, has served as the Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery, and award-winning brain surgeon. He was named one of New York’s best doctors by the New York Magazine in 2005. He received his medical education at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons and completed his residency at Jackson Memorial Hospital. His research on hydrocephalus has been published in journals including Journal of Neurosurgery, Pediatrics, and Cerebrospinal Fluid Research. He is on the Scientific Advisory Board of the Hydrocephalus Association in the United States and has lectured extensively throughout the United States and Europe. Follow MichaelProfile とても興味深く読みました:
これゼロ除算の批判を 批判されているように 見えますね。 ゼロ除算は、数学界の 歴史的な汚点なのに 何か 隠そうとしているように見える: Walter Gomide - Is nature written in transmathematics?
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神でさえ ゼロでは割れない と有名な言葉が有りますが、それはできないものを 大げさに表現する 人間の習性からきていますが、 実は ゼロ除算の意味を考えれば 当たり前でした。 しかし、新世界が現れて来ました: Black holes are where God divided by zero. ~~ Stephen Wright #quote
Black holes are where God divided by zero. Albert Einstein
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再生核研究所声明639(2021.9.28): 数学の価値、研究の方向、数学の様子 最近 次のような 問題があるような声明 を纏めた: 再生核研究所声明637(2021.9.22): 何故数学界は駄目か ー 数学界の進化のために そこで 当然 問題は無いか と気になって 繰り返し反芻して来た。 一面であるが大事なことが述べられていると考える。 すると自然にその先の本質について触れたくなった。 私は存念の率直な表現に興味と関心を懐いている。 次も参照: 再生核研究所声明 584 (2020.9.14): 数学者の反省 - 自戒を込めて 再生核研究所声明617(2021.4.23): ゼロ除算の理解を求める ― マスコミ関係者にお願い の続編とも考えられる。 ところで、この夏は かぼちゃが 大きく成長し、生垣、柚子の木、竹などにも生えあがり、 そこで、数学の研究の在りようです。 当然、 問題は世知辛い状況に置かれているように 永続的なポストに着かれた方が、 抹消と思われるような研究に取り組み、 言わば無駄のような努力をされているようなことがないかと気にな 意味のない数学に、無駄な努力をして 疲れたり、時間を失い、 数学界は無駄な研究努力を避けて 時間とエネルギーの余裕を持ち、数学を楽しむような世相の醸成が 大事ではないでしょうか。 このような発想、考えは一面の発想で、 逆の考えもあり、いろいろな対応が考えられ 考え方の多様性は 研究の基礎ですから、 参考程度に考えて下さい。 いろいろな視点から、いろいろな意見が出され、 数学とは何か、良い数学とは何か、何のための数学か と絶えず問い、意見交流して行くことは 大事ではないでしょうか。 数学界が展望もなく盲目的に進んでいるように見えます。 もちろん、それは 生命の本質の一面ですから、それは それでも良いのですが、省察も大事ではないでしょうか。 以 上
再生核研究所声明638(2021.9.27): 奥村 博 氏 ファンクラブの創設と会員募集 奥村 博氏の 和算幾何学の発展には目覚ましいものがあり、それは 2200年を越える ユークリッド幾何学に革命 を起こしている: 再生核研究所声明636(2021.9.20): 日本の偉大な数学者 奥村 博 氏 ー ユークリッド幾何学の王 再生核研究所声明588(2020.11.30): 奥村 博 氏の 和算数学へ大きな貢献について ー 声明569の続編 - 再生核研究所声明569(2020.7.21): 奥村 博 氏の 和算への大きな貢献と 美しい幾何学の世界 ー ユークリッド幾何学 と 和算幾何学の新展開 そこで、 奥村 氏の美しい数学を通して、相互の交流を図り、 幾何学の楽しみを共感、共鳴して さらに 発展させるために、 奥村 博 氏 ファンクラブ を下記の要綱で創設したいと考えます。 積極的な参加を広く呼びかけます: 1. 奥村氏の幾何学を通して、幾何学を楽しむ会員が 共感、共鳴し、相互交流を図り、 2. 交流は主に電子メールなどを用いて行い、 3. 会員には個人番号を付けて、会員の規模、動向を明らかにして、 4. 再生核研究所は 上記声明中の キーワード: 日本の偉大な数学者、 ユークリッド幾何学の王 の述語の 国際的な定着化を目指し、実のある王冠を 差し上げられるような努力 を行う。 5. 会費は無料で、自由な交流を図り、楽しむ数学の普及を目指す。 6. 会員入会希望者は、会員入会希望の簡単な理由を付けて 下記メールにご希望をお寄せ下さい。 簡単な審査の上、会員番号を付与し、関係情報をお送りします。 江戸時代 千葉県のある和算家 お弟子さん3000人を抱えて居たという。 その世相を回想して、楽しむ数学の文化の輪を広げて行きたい。 奥村氏の代表的な結果、あるいは様子としては、英文であるが、 viXra:2106.0108 submitted on 2021-06-19 20:06:05, Division by Zero Calculus in Figures - Our New Space Since Euclid - Geometry and division by zero calculus. International Journal of Division by Zero Calculus, 1(1), pp.1-36. No. 1: 代表者 齋藤三郎, No. 2: 事務代表 齋藤尚徳 |
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Monday, November 29, 2021
the essentially deterministic paradigm of cognition
From: Выхованко Святослав Васильевич <>
Subject: "The Soliton Model of Matter. Unified theory of fields, particles and interactions"
Dear scientist!
I suggest you familiarize yourself with the book "The Soliton Model of Matter. Unified theory of fields, particles and interactions".
Scientists call the "Theory of Everything" or "Unified Field Theory" a hypothetical unified physical and mathematical theory describing all known fundamental interactions, as well as explaining the existence of all elementary particles.
For more than thirty years of his life, Einstein was engaged in the development of such a model; many other outstanding physicists developed (and continue to develop) various versions of "theories of everything", but the result was never achieved. The main reason for the failures, according to the author, is explained by the fact that in modern theoretical physics the abstract-formal paradigm of cognition is taken as a basis, in which the construction of models is carried out exclusively by manipulating mathematical symbols and non-essential abstractions.
The author, based on the essentially deterministic paradigm of cognition, developed a new model that resolved the paradox revealed in theoretical physics and explained the essence and origin of the fundamental manifestations of Matter - elementary particles, "charge", "mass", "gravity", "electromagnetism", "strong and weak" interactions.
I hope that the information offered will be useful in your research when planning experiments and processing their results.
The models presented in the book meet the scientific evaluation criteria - verifiability, heuristic value, internal consistency, economy, theoretical and practical significance.
Application: pdf file.
Sincerely yours - Vyhovanko Svyatoslav Vasilyevich
It is unthinkable that such a fundamental experiment has not yet been verified outside the Earth's reference frame!
Subject: Michelson and Morley experiment in Space.
Dear Professor,
The consequences of Michelson and Morley's experiment still haunt all of physics.
This fundamental experiment has been performed many times, but always within the Earth reference frame. There are many uses of interferometers and associated spectrometers in Space, but they are never performed specifically to highlight any relative motion.
It is unthinkable that such a fundamental experiment has not yet been verified outside the Earth's reference frame!
In 1972, the late Dr. Carl Zapffe sent a letter to NASA proposing to test the basis of Einstein’s theory of relativity by placing a Michelson type interferometer in outer space. He sent a second letter of 1980 to NASA Administrator Dr. Robert Frosch. Both letters receive a negative answer.
The Zapffe theory involves an influence of the Earth magnetic field on the measurements done with the Morley and Michelson interferometer. Pr. David Tombe issued a report about the requests of Dr Zapffe and explained that his letters to NASA was unclear and his theory not that easy to understand.
As all alternative theories are rejected by the mainstream, the proposal of flying a Michelson interferometer in outer space should be based only on the intention to check the Lorentz formulas outside the reference frame of the Earth.
The best would be that the satellite bearing the interferometer turns around the Sun in the opposite direction of the Earth.
This is a related short video:
Michelson and Morley experiment in Space
The text of the video is attached.
Best regards!
Jean de Climont
The photon has the shape of an eight
Subject: Fwd: cosmological theorem
Dear Sirs.
Images from the Hubble Space Telescope do not wobble due to passing gravitational waves.
It is obvious that the curvature of spacetime has no effect on the position of material objects, and therefore the curvature of spacetime cannot cause gravity. In General Relativity, cause and effect have been confused.
The real curvature of spacetime by the presence of matter only tells us that spacetime is also a form of matter, which has been suspected for some time, and that gravity acts on it as it does on everything else.
It is obvious that the curvature of spacetime has no effect on the position of material objects, and therefore the curvature of spacetime cannot cause gravity. In General Relativity, cause and effect have been confused.
The real curvature of spacetime by the presence of matter only tells us that spacetime is also a form of matter, which has been suspected for some time, and that gravity acts on it as it does on everything else.
The favourite for a party guilty of an accelerated expansion of intergalactic space is a photon gas. Estimates of an average number of low-energy photons per cubic centimetre vary, but all are very high. The photon gas, unlike conventional gases, must have an anomaly somewhat reminiscent of a water anomaly, namely that a certain number of photons has the smallest volume at a particular temperature. As the temperature drops further, the volume begins to increase.
The photon lives in the surfaces transverse to the direction of motion, the number of surfaces is determined by frequency, and these surfaces cannot move through spacetime faster than at “c”. However, the speed of a photon, as a 2D object, is actually a square of constant “c”. Thus, unlike conventional gases, the speed of photons does not decrease with decreasing temperature, i.e. until the universe has cooled down sufficiently (see below). The pressure of the photon gas decreases with decreasing frequency, but at a certain temperature point (approximately 7 K) the influence of dramatically increasing amplitudes prevails and the volume begins to increase rapidly.
The photon has the shape of an eight, it is a 2D coil, and due to the internal motion of a tiny charged particle and an oscillating motion, it has cyclic electromagnetic manifestations. After breaking into an electron and a positron, two unevenly rotating coils creating +/- charges according to the direction of rotation, 3D objects with their own rest mass are also created by transverse rotation.
The Planck’s surface – a tiny square – was replaced by a tiny circle. Where to find a square in the universe!?
It is just not clear when the man will be able to measure the time interval of change in the quantum state of interconnected particles. However, this interval is certainly not zero.
Zdeněk Jícha
Monday, August 9, 2021
supreme energy coming from outside the universe
Subject: Dear Professor
Dear professors,
I'll be so grateful if I know your opinion about this theory and
I wonder if you can help in proving it mathematically or conduct a
debate about it or a competition to prove it. or just send it to those who can prove it. thank you
This's the page of the theory.
The page of the theory :
Time energy theory
The universe is a multi-dimensions sphere of dark matter
To imagine that we may imagine a cube of dark matter
Three dimensions cube is composed of six two dimensions squares. In the case of the four dimensions cube instead of the squares, we put three dimensions cubes. And so, four-dimensional cubic is composed of six of four dimensions cubes, in a way which we can’t imagine it mentally. And so, the six dimensions world and the seven dimensions world
And if we replace these cubes with spheres we can imagine the form of the multi-dimensions sphere universe.
This sphere started as a single dot with zero dimensions but it has the energy of existence, existence in time with no place, time is necessary to make the motion, this energy makes this dot moves to make a line that performs one dimension world, the line moves and rotates to make a circle it means two dimensions world and the circle moves to make three dimensions sphere that moves to make four dimensions sphere which moves to make five dimensions sphere. And so, until makes seven dimensions sphere
As the motion of the dot of energy makes line what makes the place after reaching three dimensions form of energy or of matter (both are the same) this matter what we call it dark matter
Also, the motion of this dot repeats its existence and makes a line of existence what makes time which living creatures can realize after reaching three dimensions form of energy
It's like making a movie from steady images
The dot has zero dimensions but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist as we don't see zero in nature but we can imagine it, that's mean it exists as an idea- a though - and that is a shape of existence (shape of energy) and that's the simplest shape of energy, this energy doesn't belong to our three dimensions world so can't be realized physically, the major idea of existence belongs to another existence with no time and place, it's the knowledge of the creator of the universe, of our existence which has time and place.
The multi-dimensions sphere has very high pressure of the dark matter that makes the dark matter returns to the simplest form – strings form – then it gets back to the seven dimensions world. This process is like the water cycle in nature. We see water as snow then appear as a liquid status then return to be vapor then liquid then steam again which is the simplest status.
The dark matter is moving between worlds (spheres) in the zigzag track. To imagine that, we can imagine a thick sheet of rubber overlapped so many times and placed in a very small box then we imagine an ant moving on the surface of this super folded sheet.
While the dark matter moves in those zigzag tracks under very high pressure it emits energy which is gamma rays and that explains the phenomena of (gamma ray busters). The scientist observed emissions of gamma rays in random places in the universe and they can't explain the reason for those emissions or determine the source of it.
The vortexes
Because of the super folding of the dark matter, the dark matter had been very compressed and very intensive and that makes it transmits by whirlpooling in tiny holes which act as shortcuts between worlds and that is beside the tracks through folding layers.
Those vortexes make particles because of an accumulation of dark matter happens in vortexes, before they release a dark matter
The quark, for example, is a vortex transmitting dark matter from the four dimensions world to the three dimensions world and the antiquark is another the vortex which transmits dark matter from the three dimensions world to the two dimensions world, both vortexes connected with each other by exchanging the impulsive dark matter between them and both vortexes keep a quantum of dark matter in the center of the vortex because the speed of dark matter is increasing continuously .so, the amount of dark matter that coming in is always more the amount is coming out from the three dimensions world and so for the other worlds
Each vortex is composed of three vortexes in the three axes ( x , y , z )
These vortexes cause a strong condensation of the dark matter (the ether ) in a small space
The dark matter moves to inside vortexes in a waveform, the volume of vortex determines the oscillation of waves, each
The subatomic particle has its oscillation
This theory considers the dark matter is the ether, The ether is material has a rubbery and flexible entity.
Why The sphere is seven dimensional?
There are seven levels of existence in the universe starting from the one dimensions world until the seven dimensions worlds, each atom which is a vortex of dark matter has its shadows if we can describe them like this, those shadows are vortexes in the other worlds and because there are seven worlds there are seven orbits in the atom, the strings of dark matter passing through the multi-dimensions worlds are getting different levels of energy, the top the level is the seventh level represents the seventh orbit which has the biggest the capacity that arms of the vortex can reach.
And for the same reason, there are seven main colors in the spectrum.
Dark matter and time
Dark matter motion composes the time and in case of stopping this motion, there will be no time. It also causes the vortexes rotation. Thus, causes the mass existence and energy existence consequently.
If particles move at very high speed it approaches the speed of dark matter which causes time. So, the difference between its speed and the speed of the renewal of the ether becomes lesser. Then, time passes slowly to those particles and the mass that is composed of those particles.
We can’t recognize the time passing – the renewal of ether – because we have the same oscillation of ether in our world like someone traveling in space he can’t realize that he is moving because he can’t see any steady thing around him. but any object in the four-dimensional world can realize time in our world because It has a different oscillation this object is the etheric body which is an opposite body to the human body in the four-dimensional world as every vortex in three dimensional worlds has opposite vortex in the four-dimensional and any mass is a gathering of vortexes (particles).
the speed of dark matter motion increases because the folding of ether is resolving very slowly and that makes the zigzag path of the dark matter the unblended loose path which makes dark matter moves faster in this path, And that causes accelerating in moving from world to another and so time passes faster. This is the main cause of sensing that time passes more quickly than it was in the past.
Time slowing in the big mass field
When any mass which is composed of vortexes( particles) approaches big masses ( big vortexes ) the small vortex which creates the particle will be attracted to the big vortex. This happens by attracting small vortexes to the big vortex and this is cause decreasing in the dark matter’s condensation in the small vortex and consequently decreasing the oscillation .the oscillation that makes time, that causes time slowing for particles in the field of big masses.
- Dark matter is like the air and dark energy for it is like sound meaning when dark matter oscillates it composes dark energy, dark energy is a vibration in dark matter
- Dark matter is forming the cores of particles, stars, photons and so on and they are not moving strongly like the dark energy around them, the core of those subjects have high density, so they do not oscillate strong enough so not making waves like dark energy, for that DE is 72% and the dark matter is less.
The big bang
At the beginning of the universe, it has been a crack caused a big vortex in the center of the multidimensional spheres,
That crack happened because of the high pressure of the folded dark matter
This vortex composed of three vortexes in three axes. So, it caused a very strong condensation of the dark matter in the vortex’s center and caused increasing in density and make it intense matter. After reaching a critical point. The compression made a very powerful explosion, the vortex’s center turned to be small vortexes from the dark matter which created the basic vortexes that composed photons then electrons and positrons, gluons, protons until created the atoms.
These vortexes convey the dark matter from the dimensional world to another dimensional world
The dark matter speed increases continuously and that makes the whirlpooling motion gets faster, Then the particles in the universe will be attracted to the Center of the first Vortex again in the center of the universe and turn all particles in the universe, to a single one mass as they were before the Big Bang.
Stars and galaxies are big vortexes linking the multidimensional worlds.
The star’s sites have great importance. Because in these specific sites vortexes achieve the most stability for the folded layers of dark matter.
The creating of earth
There was big vortex in the place of the earth, this vortex attracted atoms to it and after being cold it formed the planet of earth, There were other big vortexes attracted small vortexes to them but they didn't lose their energy because the power of these vortexes was very high, those big vortexes are the stars.
The light and dark matter
Photon is a small quantum of dark matter, the oscillation of the dark matter what is making photons move. This means that time’s waves cause photons motion.
If any mass has the same dark matter renewal speed which causes times oscillation. Time doesn't pass for it. So time will be zero for it. This means If any mass moves in the speed of light The time will zero for it
The oscillation of the ether (or time passing) Causes photons moving in increasing acceleration. But stay for our three-dimensional world constant speed which is the speed of light. Because the ether oscillates and causes photons and particles oscillation. The photons oscillate and move causing a ray of light. The particles oscillate and don’t move because this energy is going to vortexes, the photons oscillation increases continuously because of the motion of ether increases because the folding of ether is resolving very slowly and that makes the zigzag path of the dark matter unblended loose path which makes dark matter moves faster in this path, so photos speed increases as well. Also, the vortexes oscillation. That oscillation presents time and when the photons and particles have the same changing of time there will be no changing in speed of photons with reference to time to the particles. Thus, there will be no acceleration of photons with particles.
As the force is the product of the mass with acceleration. And acceleration here means acceleration of light.
F = a c * m
ac acceleration of light
* d
F*D = E
E = mc2
The acceleration is division distance and time square. Therefore the final product is the square for speed of light multiplicand in mass. This is the equation of energy for EINSTEIN
The Strong Nuclear Force explanation
The one-dimensional world ( the simple basic phase of the dark matter )is formed from strings. So, in the three-dimensional world when vortexes attract the dark matter. The high pressure of the vortexes returns the dark matter to its simplest phase which is strings.
The dark matter that emerged from the vortex as strings form Then attracted to the other vortex and moves inside the hybrid form to the anti-vortex, then the compressed strings of dark matter come out the vortex center to the uncompressed dark matter outside the vortex in the space between particles, it moves in the form of hybrid attracted to the anti-vortex.
Gluons are composed of three sub vortexes in the three axes X, Y, Z. Each one of these vortexes connects with similar vortexes in other gluons by the strings of dark matter (the gluon tube)
The electron and the anti-electron (positron) are smaller and quicker vortexes than other subatomic particles. So, when the vortex and the anti-vortex interlace. The exchange of the dark matter happens quicker. So, pressure decrease in the vortex center quicker. The Residual amount of dark matter in the center will be large which creates the photon. time oscillation causes the moving of photon which still moving until this compressed amount of dark matter loses its pressure and turns to uncompressed plain dark matter. the time that the photon remains compressed depends on the volume of the vortex.
The grand vortexes ( the galaxies ) act like shortcuts connecting the multidimensional worlds . existence of vortexes and anti vortexes keep the balance between the worlds to make the entering dark matter to the vortex equals the amount of dark matter that coming out, but the accumulation of the dark matter happens in vortexes before it comes out and this is the cause the symmetry breaking in the universe.
Because vortex has a lot of arms which are vacuum tinny Tunnels. All those arms can interact with the other vortexes in the same way. So, that makes the supersymmetry.
The chirality
The chirality of living creatures is in one direction caused by the dark matter the direction of rotation between worlds.
Electron's charge
In the case of the elementary particles. The dark matter is being exchanged between the particles which are vortexes.
Because the electron exists single. And not surrounded by other vortexes that will absorb the dark matter from the electron's vortex. Thus, the whole energy of the vortex of electron concerns in making its charge and its spin which is strong.
Black holes
The stars work as vortexes. So, it absorbs dark matter from the four-dimensional world and emerges it in our world making light
The black holes are anti vortexes so it absorbs dark matter from our three-dimensional world and emerges it in the two dimensional world. So, like every quark has antiquark, every star has a black hole in proper distance.
Flat universe
The universe is accelerating exponentially. because of that, the dark matter moves to accelerate to other dimensional worlds causing rapid passage of time and causing that the universe is considered flat. As the light which moves in the dark matter remains moving within the dark matter when it enters the multi-dimensional worlds and when the dark matter bends the light bends with it . So, the light remains appearing in straight lines because the whole world bends with it.
Physics and Psychology
The vortexes transmit The dark matter ( the ether) between worlds. Vortexes are in couples, a vortex moves dark matter from the four dimensions world to the three dimensions world and this makes an anti-vortex in the four dimensions world.
And an anti-vortex moves dark matter from the three dimensions world to the two dimensions world and this makes a vortex in the four dimensions world .so for the other multi-dimensions worlds.
So, there is an opposite particle for each particle in our world. Meaning there is an inverse state to the materials in our world. We can call this opposite material the
etheric body.
The human body has an identical etheric body in the four and five-dimensional world. And have mind and heart in this body
The oscillation of the ether in the four-dimensional world is different from the ether in the three-dimensional world
The ideas are waves in the ether (dark matter) in the four-dimensional world. When the ideas increase. It conveys bigger amount of the ether to the vortexes in the four-dimensional world. it means that ideas turn to materials in the four-dimensional world . That material is saved in the heart of the body of a human in the four-dimensional world ( the etheric body).
when the material that composed in the four-dimensional (ideas) increases It conveys a bigger amount of the ether to the vortexes in the five dimensional world and turn it to material in that world.
Meaning that when we think in something for a long time. These ideas turn to feelings. These feelings are saved in the heart of the five dimensional enteric body
In sleeping the etheric body's mind Can raise to a higher level of energy in the etheric multi-dimensional world to Receive the ideas of the events moving in time cycle ( dark matter cycle) before moving to the three-dimensional world and become in physical state.
Ideas’ energy
The ideas are waves in the ether (dark matter) in the four-dimensional world.
Ideas are composed of simple elements: Voices, shapes, Colors, letters
Every element has its special etheric energy with a specific frequency(etheric energy means energy in the four-dimensional world)
During thinking in an idea. The energies of letters, colors and shapes and the rest of those elements are emitting from the etheric body-mind
Energies of ideas rise to the bigger dimensional world. And affect at energies of events. Events are composed of ideas
During thinking in an idea or group of related ideas the ideas energy increase.
Events’ energy moves from the bigger dimensions world to the smaller dimensions world to turn to materials
Feelings are ideas that have more energy, because ideas are in the five dimensions world.
Ideas’ energy is saved in the mind of the etheric body as a four-dimensional mass, that mass when it becomes bigger for an specific idea then this mass has a bigger opposite mass in the five dimensions world which is feeling. Mass in the five dimensions world has more energy because that world is very intensive. So, the mass of feeling is more powerful and emitting more energy to our world.
Feeling’s energy is saved in the five-dimensional etheric body
Which we name it to heart , a heart that can feel and recognize feelings’ energies from the world, it different than the biological heart but the five dimensional etheric body affects strongly on the heart of a human so we can name it heart or etheric heart
So, feelings are five dimensional masses.
Any inanimate thing has etheric body. So, it can store energies of ideas and events which can affect later in the human’s etheric mind and etheric heart.
The etheric body and evaluation
The etheric mind of controls the internal organs and the nucleic acid
The etheric mind adapt with the fields of the etheric energy belongs to the bodies in the surrounding environment and affects at nucleic acid of the etheric body which affects the physical body and to evaluate with time , some organs adapt with the surrounding envelopment because Small changes happen in every era and the evaluation happens by the accumulation of changes .
So, earth and walls and any solids can keep ideas’ energy and feeling’ energy of persons who lived beside it and affects in any enteric body for any human nearby
The language of the mind
Ideas are being in the brain in the form of images and shapes, expressed in hieroglyphics in logographic elements, but in other languages shapes are replaced with letters have etheric energy represent images and affect the mind like images,
Subconscious mind language or language of ideas turned into several languages because of the various inputs of the conscious mind which differences between regions
At the beginning of mankind the people were talking one language but after they separated the inputs of the conscious mind become different so each group of people had its own language but in mind, these languages turn to the language of the mind
Children and animals because the conscious mind isn't complicated and has little inputs so their subconscious mind are more stronger and thus they can use the language of ideas meaning they can partially read minds and understand some simple ideas
The supreme energy
There is supreme energy coming from outside the universe, it causes the motion of the dark matter and organizes the ideas of events. Every name of Allah (GOD) is presenting an idea’s energy, there are major ideas organize the event’s energy like right. Justice, mercy and so. The holy names like the merciful, the just, the aware, the all-knowing and the most strong and so on. Those ideas’ energy considered supreme energy because it controls and organizes events in the world.
The supreme energy affects the higher level of the human body which is the soul. As the etheric body reacts with energies of ideas which have the etheric condition. The soul reacts with the supreme
(Spiritual) energy. Because the soul has the same condition of supreme energy. So the soul can realize all major ideas and be affected by it and can. some of those major ideas represent the adjectives of our creator, so the soul can realize physically in her level of energy that is a creator for her and for the whole existence as the mind can realize light and materials, but we can't depend on the mind to realize a high level of energy mind away from mind precept.
The supreme energy increases in the worship places because the names and ideas that have supreme energy are repeated in it .
Positive energy and gravity
Positive energy is transmitting dark matter from the four-dimensional world to our world at a faster rate than the normal.
And negative energy dark matter is transferring dark matter in a rate less than the normal
Positive energy comes from major ideas and any event or object depends on those major ideas
The increasing of the entrance of dark matter makes it more intensive
And that makes time passes slower because the oscillation becomes slower in intensive dark matter, also affects the sub atomic reactions and decreases the speediness
And increases the electric current speediness in wires because of increasing alienation between electrons, and on photon, the mass of photons becomes bigger. Thus, light takes a long time before vanishing and become stronger and loaded with more energy.
Also, the vortexes rotate slower and the exchange of dark matter among them becomes lesser, so gravitation among particles becomes less, and the gravity of earth becomes less
Positive or negative energy is the energy in its pure status which comes from the bigger dimensional world. It can affect in the electronic circuits and pendulum. Because it affects electrons’ speediness and the force of the electromagnetic field and the field of gravity. If we control in we can control gravity
The etheric mind considers as a store to the memory. All the energies of ideas stored as four-dimensional mass in the etheric mind, And the etheric body heart consider as store center.
Event’s energy
When we think of an idea. The mind of the etheric body turns it to waves of energy in the bigger dimensional world. This idea energy Strengthens one event energy and makes event overcome another
every event’s energy in the four-dimensional world has a wave function. It specifies a number of paths that event can take it. The idea’s energy specifies one path from these paths to take it in the three dimensional world. It means that event has number of probabilities in the four dimensions world those probabilities are subatomic particles exist in more than one
Place (superposition). But the energy which was resulted from thinking in one of these probabilities is enough to convey the energy of one probability of events to our three dimensional world. So, those subatomic particles become one particle meaning one mass. This complies with Schrodinger experiment because those sub-particles when approach the three-dimensional world are in two places and this approach is close enough to emerge waves can be detected.
After the two probabilities meaning the two subatomic particles get energy which is idea energy or any kind of energy powerful enough, like electromagnetic field in case of physical experiments, they become one probability meaning one sub atomic particle
one of those two probabilities is prevented from getting energy the other
subatomic particle become two probabilities meaning become two subatomic particles until they get enough energy
Thus, in that famous weird experiment when we run a stream of electrons throw the device which is y-spin electrons in this case. the electromagnetic field in this device is supposed to form two types of spin, half of them ( x – spin) and the other is ( y–spin ) but it doesn't, it only emerges one sort of spin ( y – spin )
And this only happens with ( y – spin ) electrons because this spin is similar to the direction of rotation of the vortex or has the same equation. So, the waves of energy effect on it strongly, the other spin rotates in another direction. If the waves of idea's energy don't match the equation of this spin they don't select it, then the other electron with the other spin takes place. and this operation happens with the other subatomic particles.
And when put a small wall in one path of the electrons to absorb one type of them meaning we prevent energy to affect this probability, two types are getting out from the device meaning two probabilities are getting out.
Ideas’ energy overcomes one of the probabilities. Allah makes humans able to control his body and in nature around him. He also makes him able to control some events which occur to him or any other person.
And the all minor events related to someone are stored in the brain of his etheric body like DNA but in etheric status.
(Thus, sometimes we see some events and feel that we have seen those events before. the fact is we can partially see some stored events in our etheric brain.
If we don’t affect those events with our idea’s energies, the best probability of events will happen. But as we think and expect some events we choose and make probabilities of our own we bring some bad events to our world. It's like what mankind did in nature because of interfering with it.
There are major events like major ideas come from outside the universe moving through the multi dimensional worlds, those major events humans can’t control it.
Major events and major ideas are controlling the system of the universe and all its elements and all the reactions between those elements.
As a result of the dark matter rotation between dimensions. The energies of events convey and rotate within it. So, some events are repeated after. So, History repeats itself.
The etheric body has its DNA which store all the information about the person, the biological DNA just a link between the etheric DNA and the cells, etheric DNA can receive energies of ideas from the environment, so it can evaluate according to this surrounded information
Numbers' energy
The numbers are ideas which have her own energy, the idea of the number one comes from the first number occurred in universe which is the idea of first dimensions world and the idea of number two comes from the idea of the two dimensions world and so on with the rest multi dimensions worlds those ideas of numbers have the same superpower of those worlds that compose the universe, every world of those has its own frequency and has its own energies of ideas that special energy goes to the number that represent its specific world
The things which have the same idea of number meaning which repeated the same times get resonance between each other and that transfer energies and properties of those things between them
The order of alphabetic letters gives each letter a number and when a specific number becomes associated with specific letter the letter gets the number's energy
Water and positive energy
Water doesn't have a specified form or color. So it wasn't a signature of energy (color energy or form energy) discriminate it
Water can strongly absorb etheric energy and save it
Water store energies of ideas and considered as storage for
The water cycle in nature absorbs the negative energy from the earth and emerge the positive energy in case of raining.
Moon influence
Each mass has an etheric body in the four-dimensional world, if the mass has Large volume and high density it will have a strong etheric body and a wide etheric field. That's like earth, moon, and mountains, because of the moon is exposed to the sunlight directly and continuously, the moon is emitting strong etheric waves that have strong influences on the etheric body of human , the etheric body is related directly with the unconscious awareness and the feelings of human.
This influence becomes effective at night because the radiation of the sun weakens the transmission of etheric waves
The sun has a strong impact, but in our three-dimensional world Because it represents a vortex transfers etheric energy ( the dark matter) from the four dimensional to a three-dimensional world, but it has no effect on the etheric body.
The energy of existence idea
Everything consists of energy of idea that turned to a physical state in the three-dimensional world, The dark matter that causing the existence of time and place when it oscillates is the energy of the idea of the existence
existence itself is an idea and this idea as all sort of ideas is an energy, we can consider that the energy of idea is a block and universe is a building, to imagine this we can describe the universe like a world we dream with while we're sleeping , this world is built of energy , just some sort of energy your mind is generating and we call it idea but in fact it's kind of energy,
the creator of universe built the universe by a kind of energy too which we can call it idea of energy but it's the main basic idea which is the existence idea , this idea is coming from the knowledge of the creator like ideas which consist our dreams is coming our limited knowledge, the knowledge of the creator is unlimited and it's like unlimited store, as we have store of knowledge in our memory in the fourth dimensional world and this store is the etheric mind , the creator has a store of knowledge and it's too large that it represents another existence above our existence ( space and time ) , so everything before being created was in the existence of the creator's knowledge and creating is moving from the existence of creator knowledge the existence of space and time
Traveling within a time circle
If we find a source for water in the desert and a small garden was planted. We see insects, reptiles, appear quickly in this garden although there are no other insects or reptiles from the same kind is resemble these insects in the surrounding place. How these creatures move to this path through. These sands and how did these creatures know this place?
The explanation according to this theory. These creatures are being attracted to the energy of ideas that comes out from the plants and water or any features of life. What happens when the energy of these creatures passing within time cycle through the multi dimensions worlds, Because everything is an energy of idea moving within time cycle and turning to particles to make materials in the three dimensional world , if any object has charged with a powerful charge of etheric energy which has specific oscillation, that charging makes that object moves within time cycle to go to an exact time or an exact place which has the same oscillation of the etheric charge . this frequency can be determined from any event in the time we have chosen because every event in time and every place in the universe has its own oscillation.
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