I told Mr. Obama early 2011 not to dishonor Hydrology this way . . . http://hydrotechnology. blogspot.com.br/
A nasty gang of fake scientists and corrupt lawyers are trying to work with fluids ignoring the classical Hydrology science and issued American patents.
The same scientific method we employ to reveal nature secrets we can use to crack down those ones messing the beauty harmony over the landscape that obscures human glare. Exploratory analysis portrays the scope of the issue addressed. Recipients stepping over the boundaries disturb the balance becoming a target. Water falls from the sky and recharges the landscape feeding a cycle that cannot be challenged. Academic crib is being contaminated by a few rotten apples. The place I got my PhD more than a decade young boys were raped in the locker rooms while you let the same disgrace taking place in front of your eyes since your preaching is deemed void. The patenting system aimed to protect intellectual property of those ones working hard to bring solutions to common problems is becoming as dirty as those disadvantaged boys getting a hard penis in the bottom because no one cares to protect a sound functioning of society, even less in the academic community that nurtures values to future leaders and followers.
Scientists are supposed to know how science works! The more you derail tighter I grab the handle!
Heat propagation is addressed by Thermal/Heat Conductivity, electricity on Electric Conductivity. Fluids move by hydraulic gradient being described by volume over a cross-section area by time (volume / area / time) as Hydraulic Conductivity.
Understanding the bias – The size of the Hydrological Gap
Wick/wicking is not a word found on my Hydrology textbooks but it is in the patent classification system at USPTO guiding lay inventors and lay Patent Examiners pretending they are known in the art.
In 1856 Henry Darcy proposed an equation Law to address fluids moving on porosity for Hydraulic Conductivity. Afterwards in 1907 Edward Buckingham suggested a change to address negative pressure flow for Unsaturated Hydraulic Flow (wick/wicking).
Today May 12, 2014 searching at USPTO:
Hydraulic Conductivity (wicking for lay people) is mentioned in only 27 issued patents
Microfluid Mob – Unleashing Lousy Flawed Patents by USPTO
Collapsing Scientists – Renowned scientists are developing know-how on fluidic devices ignoring basic understanding on Hydrology principles and IP rights on issued patents by USPTO. The US pat. Appl. 20140191438 - Microflui dic Devices and Methods of Fabrication, has neither a single quotation on ‘hydrology’ nor any Hydrology reference complying with the main science of fluids.
hy•drol•o•gy - The scientific study of the properties, distribution, and effects of water on the earth's surface, in the soil and underlying rocks, and in the atmosphere.
How can any scientist address fluidic devices without knowing Hydraulic Conductivity (K) on Hydrodynamics? Hydraulic Zones? Hydraulic Gradient?
K = volume / area / time
Scientific Flaw
They are not aware of employing ‘Unsaturated Hydraulic Siphon” to displace fluids by a hydraulic gradient on the interplay between Hydraulic Zone when fluids can move reversibly by unsaturated flow taking advantage of molecular connectivity of fluid dynamics.
US Pat. 6,766,918 - FIG. 1 illustrates a cross-sectional view of a hydrodynamic model of saturation and unsaturation zones illustrating reversible unsaturated siphon functioning compared to capillary rise theory in potentially multiple compartments;
Why a PhD scientist graduated at Harvard University is author of
American Patents that he does not understand the language?
My Demand to USPTO
It is not that hard to argue at the Court of the Law that Hydrological issues should be examined by Hydrologists.
My demand to USPTO is the same as the first letter sent on Oct. 2006:
- Hire Examiners with background in Hydrogeology and/or Soil Physics so that they have full comprehension of fluids moving on porosity;
- . . .
Dear Dr. Silva,
‘... If you have a point to make about my treatment of hydrological concepts, I ask that you take the time to explain your specific points of disagreement. I note that my work is better represented in my publications (available at http://www.stroockgroup.org/ home/publications) than in patents, as the lawyers have been translated the latter into legalese that I do not understand.’
Best regards,
______________________________ _____________________________
You are so naive.
‘…Are you sure you got your PhD at Harvard? ‘
Lawyers learn nothing about Hydrology in Law School.
As far as I know no Law School provides Hydrology teaching . . . No Lawyer could discuss Hydrology having no expertise in the subject!
This is funny!
You do not give your scientific papers to Lawyers, so why are your patents different?
(By the way, was it a Lawyer who wrote your PhD thesis?)
Also, Lawyers are illiterate on the functioning of science, besides most scientists have no idea about Epistemology, Metaphysics, Logics, and History of Science (Philosophy of Science).
Also, Lawyers are illiterate on the functioning of science, besides most scientists have no idea about Epistemology, Metaphysics, Logics, and History of Science (Philosophy of Science).
USPTO is a sham system allowing reinvention sometimes by flawed lazy patents from wealthy parties letting Lawyers step over boundaries beyond their background in Law Schools….’
Your peers, your country, all the world needs to be involved simply because you all are screwing up a ‘scientific breakthrough’ which comes from a Classical and old science HYDROLOGY. “
Wicking Mob – Cornell University
My scientific breakthrough (US Pat. 6,766,817) was just reinvented again this time by Carefusion Corporation. Dr. Stroock, you and all Cornell University are joining this wicking mob that neglects an old classical science Hydrology, shamefully breaking the Law violating issued patents with flawed lousy ones - yours on Hydraulic Zones and theirs on microgeometry for porosity.
Geological Porosity - The first porosity system was designed by nature about 2 billions of years ago on weathering of rocks making the soil systems. The second one – Biological Porosity; was designed by live beings about a billion of years ago on growing multicellular beings from unicellular expanding size and needing an enhance porosity for fluid conduction on Phloem and Xylem. Tubarc Porosity is the third generation of porosity learning with nature functioning and considering human limitations to handle matter at tiny scale.
As a scientist I cannot be so disappointed with Carefusion! After all they are proving that my proposed idea is tenable and reliable as I created it. Sure, they just do not have enough honesty to reward my long working hardship on years of research and thousands of experiments to grab nature secrets. I know who they are and how to handle them as we always had this sort of nuisance over the landscape to challenge our will to get through as we had done so far.
Cheating on a Scientific Breakthrough by Fake Scientists and Corrupt Lawyers
1. A fluidic device for conveying liquid to a well of a microplate, the device comprising: a support structure configured to be mounted along the microplate; and a microfluidic tube coupled to the support structure, the tube having an inlet, an outlet, and an open-sided channel that extends longitudinally therebetween, the tube having a cross-section that includes an interior contour with a gap therein, the gap extending at least partially along a length of the tube, the tube being configured to convey liquid to the well of the microplate when the tube is held in a dispensing orientation.
So far I am confident that ‘Tubarc’ US Pat 6,766,817 is a breakthrough important to change textbooks down the line. Lay inventors in collusion with USPTO are reinventing it showing a total disrespect to a scientist that took years and thousands of experiments to grab nature secrets and make human affairs worthwhile in the future. Personally I cannot nurture any disappoint as nature does not depend on any economic system or public recognition. But, I still can have fun chasing them like rats as I used to do in my farm where I grew up. They cross the boundaries and we chase them to fix it and show that honesty is the most important principle to pursue.
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