Thursday, December 6, 2018

It was clairvoyants who inspired research into sub-space.

From: Jon Edmunds <>
Subject: atoms are miniature solar systems.

Hi, I have some alternative ideas about the nature of the universe. I've attached some extracts from the book 'Return To Galaxy-2' which explains why a neutron only lasts for 14 minutes when separated from a nucleus, why electrons are ejected from zinc atoms by UV light (not because of particles striking the electrons), and some other things. Thanks. Jon in Pretoria.  

Some extracts (14 pages) from the book ‘Return To Galaxy-2,
Part 1’ (119 pages), copyright J.A. Edmunds 2018, providing
some alternative ideas about the nature of the universe.

Some Humans believe that time is a physical thing, that it can
be reversed or even stopped. This isn’t possible. Humans have
misinterpreted what Einstein was saying:
Assume two cars are parked at a point along a highway. One of
them, Slowcar, moves off at a slow speed. The second car,
Fastcar, moves off in the same direction 10 minutes later.
When Fastcar overtakes Slowcar on the highway, it will appear
to those in Fastcar that Slowcar is moving backwards. This
doesn’t mean that Slowcar is in reverse gear and driving
backwards - Slowcar is still moving forwards and its occupants
aren’t getting any younger. If Slowcar speeds up so that both
cars are travelling at the same speed, then they will stay the
same distance apart, and Slowcar will appear to have stopped
moving relative to Fastcar.
The same is true for light-speed. Assume two people are
floating above a city park watching the scene below them. One
of them, Lightspeedman, suddenly moves away from Earth at
the speed of light. Because he is moving at the same speed as
the light which was reflecting off the park scene, it will appear
to Lightspeedman as if the city park had frozen in time. If
Lightspeedman sped up, moving faster than light-speed, then
he would overtake the light images that left the park scene
earlier, so that the park scene will appear to be moving
backwards in time. This doesn’t mean that Earth is moving

backwards in time, time is still moving forwards. Catching up
with light images from the past isn’t time travel, and the light
images, moving through space at 1.08 billion kph, would
become distorted as they moved further away from their
source. As an experiment, facing a white wall and having
lamplight or sunlight behind you, close the thumb and
forefinger of one of your hands until they are a few millimetres
apart. Hold your hand in front of the wall creating a clear
shadow of your hand, like when people make animal shapes
using hand shadows. Move your thumb and forefinger together
slowly, watching the shadow on the wall. The gap between the
two fingers of the shadow disappears before you feel your two
fingers touch each other, because the light bends as it moves
through the narrow gap between the two fingers, due to
reflection and refraction. If light can be distorted so easily by
objects, over a distance of less than one metre, imagine how
distorted images can become over a distance of millions of
light-years, with all kinds of objects in between. No wonder
some Humans believe in ‘black holes’. You’ve just created a
black hole in the above experiment.
Some Humans have taken two matching clocks and sent one of
them into orbit. When the orbiting clock returned to Earth, it
showed a slightly different time to the clock that was
earthbound. The orbiting clock experiences physical conditions
that the earthbound clock doesn’t experience. The orbiting
clock would be moving through the Earth’s magnetic fields,
which could have an effect on the orbiting clock. The clock in
the craft will also experience the physical force of acceleration
and deceleration. The clock in orbit would have a different
weight compared to the one on Earth. The orbiting clock may
be affected by static electricity which collects on the craft as it
moves through the atmosphere, or be affected by positively or
negatively charged ions at higher levels. If everything is

relative, does the orbiting clock slow down or does the whole
universe speed up whenever a spacecraft with a clock inside it
leaves Earth?
Humans will age more slowly on an orbiting space station
because their hearts aren’t working as hard when gravity is
absent. Look at the veins in an older person’s arms when their
arms are dangling by their sides; the veins are swollen. Look
again when the arms are held pointing upwards; the veins are
hardly visible. When the heart isn’t fighting against gravity,
but only fighting against resistance, there will be less stress on
the heart. Perhaps weightlessness gives some people a sense of
euphoria, and this may cause the body to release chemicals that
are beneficial to the body.
It could probably be proved mathematically that a long piece
of string ages more slowly than a short piece of string, but time
is just a set of numbers used to measure movement, in the
same way that ‘height’ is a just a set of numbers used to
measure size. Time is not a physical thing, it doesn’t have hair
and teeth. Everything in the Medium is connected. For time to
go backwards in one part of the Medium, everything in the
Medium will have to go backwards. Can you imagine the force
that would be required to reverse the velocity of even one
planet like BP-2b (6 x 10²¹ tons moving at 108,000 kph), let
alone reversing or changing the velocity of all matter, every
atom in the universe.
The Medium and matter.
The Medium is a bubble of energy somewhere in Infinity, in
which matter and Beings exist. Imagine a goldfish bowl filled
with a transparent gel, in which someone has mixed in a spoon
of beach sand. The gel represents the Medium and the beach

sand represents matter. The bubble is infinitely small
compared to all infinity, a tiny pinprick in the sea of infinity,
but compared to a Being, the Medium is vast. We don’t know
what caused the Medium to appear in this part of Infinity. We
have a rough idea of when the Medium came to be, roughly 65
billion years ago. We theorise that the universe is small
compared to the size of the Medium.
Before the big bang there were 128 types of matter particle,
pre-bang matter particles, and one type of Medium particle.
The big bang reduced pre-bang matter particles to their
smallest possible size, post-bang matter particles. After the big
bang there are still 128 types of matter particle, and two types
of Medium particle. Atoms are made of post-bang matter
particles. There are as many post-bang matter particles in an
atom, as there are atoms in an average-size solar system, but a
post-bang matter particle is still 18,000 times bigger than a
Medium particle. There are two types of Medium particle. The
first type of Medium particle is a perfectly spherical, hard,
light, pure, transparent substance, like a tiny glass bead. These
particles are perfectly uniform. The second type of Medium
particle is a fine powder, made of the same substance that the
larger Medium particles are made from, which fills the gaps
between the larger Medium particles. This powder is so fine
that it is solid and liquid at the same time. The big bang caused
some of the original Medium particles to shatter, forming the
powder in between the unbroken Medium particles. The
Medium is constantly moving. The individual Medium
particles are moving, and the Medium has currents that are like
the ocean currents on BP-2b (Earth). All movement that
happens in the Medium, whether it’s the movement of
electrons around a nucleus, the movement of planets around a
star, the movement caused by collisions and explosions, or the
movement of galaxies, causes the Medium itself to move, like

a goldfish causing the water in its bowl to move. No energy
ever escapes from the Medium, but it changes from one form
of energy to another as it moves through the Medium.
All energy in the Medium is because of the attraction between
particles of matter. A particle has energy when it’s moving. If
a particle is stationary, it still has energy - it has the energy to
push back when struck by another particle, altering the path of
the particle that struck it. That’s why energy is equal to mass
(E = m), whether the particle/mass is moving or stationary.
Don’t worry about the c² at the end of the famous formula, it’s
just a number which indicates that there’s a shitload of energy
inside a piece of matter, atoms contain a lot of energy for their
size because atoms are miniature solar systems.
Matter and energy are the same thing, Humans have known
this for a while thanks to Mr Einstein. Matter is equal to
energy because matter is composed of atoms, and atoms are
formed from the energy of the attraction between particles.
Everything in the Medium is about movement, nothing is
stationary, at least not for long. A piece of rock on BP-2b may
be stationary compared to the planet, but the planet is moving,
and the atoms that the rock is composed of are moving. Things
only happened in the Medium in the first place because of the
attraction between particles of matter, which creates movement
and energy.
Humans still believe that Space is mostly a vacuum, and that
light can move through this vacuum, but there are no areas of
vacuum in the Medium. Because the Medium is a bubble
containing particles that are attracted to each other, there’s
immense pressure inside the bubble, so any vacuum in the
Medium will quickly be filled. The pressure inside a soap
bubble, will be greater than the pressure outside a soap bubble,

because the soap particles are pulling towards each other,
trying to make the bubble smaller, compressing the air inside
the bubble. The pressure inside the Medium is great, because
it’s not just the particles forming the surface of the Medium
that are pulling towards each other, but all particles in the
Medium (including the Medium particles) have an attractive
force. Life-forms that developed in the Medium aren’t affected
by this pressure because it’s part of the environment they grow
Outside the Medium there’s a perfect vacuum at absolute zero
temperature, in which light can’t travel (See ‘Science and
transport’, later). Some researchers argue that a perfect
vacuum can’t exist, because infinity itself isn’t a perfect
vacuum; if infinity was a perfect vacuum, then the Medium
wouldn’t exist. Anyway, I digress.
It’s assumed that pre-bang matter particles came into existence
at the same time that the Medium appeared, and it’s assumed
that this matter (the beach sand in the gel) was evenly spread
inside the Medium. The pre-bang matter particles were
stationary at first, something had to start things moving,
attraction. There were no atoms, as Humans know atoms,
before the big bang, only large atoms the size of solar systems
made of pre-bang matter particles. These large atoms formed
as the original pre-bang matter particles coalesced. A sphere is
the natural shape for a coalescing mass, a solar system
formation is the natural formation when particles are attracted
to each other.
We assume that there were no Beings in the pre-bang Medium
because our history begins at a time after the big bang, and we
know this because our memories only go back to a time when
matter was moving away from a central point in the Medium

due to a large explosion. Also, our crystals (described later) are
made of post-bang matter particles.
The big bang.
According to some Humans, matter was created by the big
bang. S1 Humans know there was a big bang, but we don&#39;t
believe that matter was created by the big bang. Energy is
needed to cause an explosion, so energy has to exist before an
explosion can occur. Energy/matter has existed for a very long
time, long before the big bang. There will never be an answer
to the question where did energy/matter come from. Who cares
where energy came from. Energy exists. It’s what we do with
it that counts.
The big bang happened near the centre of the Medium. Pre-
bang matter particles began coalescing due to attraction,
forming larger pieces of matter, and because the Medium is a
sphere, the matter became most dense near the centre of the
Medium. The pressure due to gravity caused the centre of large
masses to heat up. It would have taken a very long time for
these particles to coalesce into planets and solar systems. As
far as the Medium is concerned, time means nothing; in the
same way that any object in infinity, is very small compared to
all infinity, any period of time is very small compared to all
eternity. As pre-bang matter became denser near the centre of
the Medium, the effects of gravity would have increased, and
matter would have accelerated at an increasing rate as it got
closer to the denser centre of the Medium.
Not all of the pre-bang matter in the Medium was part of the
big bang mass. When the big bang occurred, there was still
some pre-bang matter approaching the main mass in the centre
of the Medium. It’s not like the main mass could decide to

hang around until it had gathered all the pre-bang matter in the
Medium before it exploded, the explosion happened when a
critical point was reached. There may still be some pre-bang
matter particles in existence near the outskirts of the Medium,
but this is unlikely because the shock waves of the big bang
would probably have fractured all matter in the Medium.
The big bang wasn&#39;t just one ball of pre-bang matter
exploding. It was an atomic explosion on a grand scale. A
nuclear explosion on BP-2b is very powerful compared to the
size of the bomb. Imagine that the whole of BP-2b was a
nuclear warhead, 12,742 km in diameter and weighing about 6
billion trillion tons, or imagine that BP-2b’s sun was a nuclear
warhead, 330,000 times heavier than BP-2b, but it doesn’t
compare to the big bang. To give you an idea of the size of the
big bang, I first have to describe how a nuclear explosion
works, as on BP-2b, using small atoms. A nuclear explosion on
BP-2b is a chain reaction between certain atoms. The nucleus
of one atom is caused to explode, releasing enough energy to
cause the next two atoms to explode. When these two atoms
explode, enough energy is released to cause four atoms to
explode, which causes eight atoms to explode, 16, 32, 64, 128,
256, etc. The reaction happens very quickly releasing a huge
amount of energy.
Small atoms were created after the big bang. Previously there
were only large atoms which were solar systems. Pre-bang
matter coalesced forming solar systems and galaxies, moving
faster and faster as they approached the centre of the Medium.
Galaxies got closer together, planets would have started
crashing into each other, a densely packed collection of large
atoms. The big bang was initiated when a large planet crashed
at high speed into a star from a nearby solar system. The
energy released by the explosion caused the next two stars to

explode, releasing enough energy to cause four stars to
explode, then 8, 16, 32, 64 etc., a chain reaction as with a
nuclear explosion on Earth, but not with small atoms, with
zillions of large atoms - an explosion that is difficult to
The Medium and the matter within, after the big
After the big bang things changed, as you can imagine. There’s
as much energy in the Medium now as there was before the big
bang, but it isn’t spread evenly through the Medium. Most of
the matter in the Medium was near the centre of the Medium
when the big bang happened. The pre-bang matter particles
were broken down to their smallest possible size due to the
immense power of the explosion. There was only one kind of
force before the big bang, the force of attraction (gravity,
magnetism and electrostatic attraction are all related) which
creates energy. Without the force of attraction there would still
be mass/matter in the Medium, but no energy, the big bang
wouldn&#39;t have happened. The big bang didn’t change the force
of attraction, the same force acted on the smaller and more
energetic post-bang matter particles, creating miniature solar
systems (atoms). Atoms continued to attract other atoms,
forming solar systems (large atoms). We can accurately
measure the forces of attraction and use them to our advantage,
but we still don&#39;t know why particles are attracted to each
other. Until then, it’s a kind of magic. The big bang created a
new force, also a kind of magic, sentient Beings.
Science and transport.
Light-speed, 1,080,000,000 kilometres per hour (1.08 billion
kph), is the maximum speed of electromagnetic radiation

through the Medium. It would be difficult to move Humans at
that speed, how would the ship avoid collisions with objects
when moving at 300,000 kilometres per second. It takes a long
time for an oil-tanker on BP-2b to turn or stop, even at the
slow speed the tanker is moving at.
The problem with light-speed is that it is much too slow for
inter-galactic travel, where distances are measured in light-
years, the distance that light travels in one year, which is
approximately 9.5 trillion kilometres. Travelling at light-speed,
it would take about 2.5 million years to reach the nearest
galaxy to Galaxy-2. We used to believe that nothing could
move faster than electromagnetic radiation. This was
confirmed by tests done on the movement of radiation through
the Medium, where it was shown that Medium particles
couldn’t transfer energy faster than light-speed. It’s only
recently (about 5,000 years ago) that we discovered sub-space
Humans on BP-2b are advancing rapidly, but sometimes they
don’t see what’s right in front of them. It’s not logic that’s the
problem, a CPU can only do four basic logic operations, add,
subtract, move, compare, which even a young Human
understands. Maybe it’s because Humans are quick to accept
something as being true if it’s written in a book. They should
spend more time revisiting long established theories. There’s
more time available for theorising, it’s not like Humans are
constantly fending off tigers or wolves or fighting to the death
against warring tribes.
Humans haven’t learnt yet about the Medium in which matter
and Beings exist. They still believe that light can travel
through a vacuum, hence they’re still confused by the nature of
light. There are two theories, one, that light travels as a wave,

and two, that light travels as collection of particles. The wave
theory of light and the particle theory of light. Light is a wave
of energy, not particles travelling at light-speed. Light doesn’t
travel through a vacuum. Why does all electromagnetic
radiation, whether it’s visible light, infra-red, ultraviolet, radio,
x-rays etc., move at the same speed? Wouldn’t it make more
sense that radiation of different intensities and wavelengths,
moved at different speeds? The Medium has a maximum speed
at which it can transfer electromagnetic radiation, equalising
the speed of different kinds of electromagnetic radiation.
When electrons are ejected from zinc atoms (a zinc atom has
30 electrons around a nucleus) by ultraviolet light, it’s not
because of particles striking and knocking electrons out of
orbit. When the frequency of a wave in the Medium matches
the frequency of an electron’s orbit, the electron will receive a
boost in energy from the surrounding Medium, like one tuning
fork giving energy to another similar tuning fork, causing the
electron to leave its orbit. If the intensity (wave height) of the
ultraviolet light is increased, the frequency (wave length) will
still be the same, so increasing the intensity of the ultraviolet
light won’t cause more zinc electrons to leave their orbit.
Some Humans believe that DNA is something that just formed
by accident. Take a closer look. DNA is a very sophisticated
nano-technology computer program, a complex double helix
with a range of electro-chemical switches, designed to
assemble machines from the available atoms on BP-2b.
Something so complex could never form by accident. Human
scientists glibly say “DNA appeared, and then ..... ”
Humans still believe that the nucleus of an atom is made of
protons and neutrons, because they haven’t discovered post-
bang matter particles yet. Atoms and solar systems have the

same structure, objects orbiting a nucleus at high speed, and
most of the mass of the structure is in the nucleus: a star makes
up 99.9 % of a solar system’s mass, a nucleus makes up 99.9
% of an atom’s mass.
If an immense giant was looking at the Humans’ solar system
through a powerful microscope, the solar system would look
like a hydrogen atom (one electron orbiting a nucleus),
because the giant would probably only be able to see the sun
and Jupiter, the largest planet.
Atoms formed in the same way that solar systems formed,
from tiny particles gathering into larger masses. What are the
chances of there being another solar system somewhere,
anywhere, that’s exactly like BP-2b’s solar system. Identical
sun, identical planets and moons, same type of orbits (round or
elliptical), same distances between planets and sun, same
speed of planets around sun, rotational speed of planets and
moons, distance of moons from planets, everything matched in
size, weight, density, water content, temperature, material.
Same atoms in the same places. The chances are zero. We
assume that all atoms are still forming, very slowly, and that
every atom is unique. Even a hydrogen atom is still forming in
the same way that BP-2b’s solar system is still forming. In an
element like zinc, the atoms will all be similar and behave in a
similar way, the behaviour of the similar atoms will average
out because of their large numbers.
Humans believe that the nucleus of an atom is made of a
relatively small number of protons and neutrons. In early
atomic experiments by the Human Rutherford in 1919, helium
nuclei were used to bombard nitrogen nuclei (a helium nucleus
is about a third the size of a nitrogen nucleus), to see what
would break off from the nitrogen nucleus. If the nitrogen

nucleus had been bombarded with smaller particles, then
smaller pieces of the nitrogen nucleus would have been broken
off, and protons and neutrons would have been judged to be
smaller. If it was possible, in early experiments, to bombard
the nitrogen nucleus with even smaller particles, then even
smaller pieces of the nitrogen nucleus would have been broken
off, and protons and neutrons would have been judged to be
even smaller. A large truck crashing into a house, is going to
break off a much bigger piece of the house than a car crashing
into that house, at a similar speed, while a bicycle might
dislodge one brick from the house.
Humans could learn a lot about atoms if they observed solar
systems. Humans still debate why a neutron only lasts for
about 15 minutes after it has been broken off from a nucleus.
It’s because the neutron is dismantling itself due to an
imbalance of positive and negative post-bang matter particles.
The broken-off neutron won’t be spherical, the natural shape
for an accumulation of small particles. The neutron will have
many sharp edges (imagine the shape of a piece of concrete
broken off from a concrete ball), causing an unbalanced spread
of positive and negative particles on the surface of the neutron.
A negative particle, at a sharp broken edge of the neutron,
could be surrounded on each side by other negative particles,
causing the negative particle to be repelled and ejected from
the neutron. The neutron will be unbalanced until it has
disassembled itself into a spherical shape again.
When one studies an atom by smashing the nucleus, the impact
causes changes to the nucleus. The heavier particles inside the
nucleus will shift position. Imagine a sphere filled with tightly
packed pieces of granite and polystyrene. If the sphere is hit
hard by something, the heavier pieces of granite will move to
one side of the sphere before the sphere breaks into pieces.

There will also be smaller pieces that break off from a nucleus
in the same way that throwing a rock at a concrete ball will
cause pieces of different sizes to break off. Depending on how
the particles have shifted inside the nucleus because of the
impact, a splinter may contain, for example, only negative
post-bang matter particles, in which case the splinter would
have a very short lifespan because the negative post-bang
matter particles would repel each other and spread out into the
Medium, to be attracted again to larger particles of matter.
Atoms are made of varying proportions and arrangements of
127 types of post-bang matter particle, the 128th post-bang
matter particle (the smallest) is only found in pyramid crystals.
Early sub-space experiments.
It was clairvoyants who inspired research into sub-space. For
many years researchers couldn’t detect any kind of energy
passing between S1 Human clairvoyants, because they were
looking for a high frequency electromagnetic wave that
travelled at light-speed. They arranged a test to confirm that
communication between clairvoyants happened at light-speed.

Jonathan Edmunds,
084 272 4930.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

advertisement for possible investors

From: sorin cosofret <>
Subject: Hydropower plant of the future and Galileo experiments


Apparently, this newsletter is not of general interest for a lot of present scientists. These topics are going to be part of the curriculum for the future generation of schoolchildren and students though, so please bear with me a half an hour from your time and read the content of this newsletter.  
The first section proposes a new technology for hydroelectric power plants able to double their outputs keeping the input constant. This achievement supposes to use the present infrastructure of dams and change only the turbines. 
Tupridac, the name of this technology, is an acronym coming from the Romanian expression - turbine with internal pressure and double drive; both the rotor and the ,,stator” are moving.
In previous newsletters about energy production a reaction turbine has been proposed for gases.
The same idea can be applied for hydraulic turbine and such a turbine is presented here. There are only 4 nozzles and 4 ducts used for liquid ejection and they are arranged at 90 º apart in order to avoid any drag or secondary interaction.
It is assumed in scientific literature that presently used hydraulic turbine have an efficiency between 85 to 95%. With the new set up, the proposed simple reaction turbine has to be more efficient and by sure it is going to appear as having a supra unitary yield. Someone has to read the previous newsletter about the yield of a process and understand the reasons some yields appear as having supra unitary values.
But this is not all….
Even for a simple layman, when analyzing the working principle of a reaction turbine, it can be observed that ejected fluid through nozzles, carrying a lot of momentum and energy hits the external case and lose them without producing any mechanical work.
What if the external case is replaced with a second turbine let us say a Pelton type with buckets on the internal side?
In this case, the ejected fluid from rotary nozzles of the internal turbine hits the buckets of the external turbine and set it in motion.
It is important to highlight that internal turbine and external turbines rotates in opposite direction.
Internal turbine rotates as result of a reaction and the external turbine rotates as result of an action and this is the principle of double driving mode.
Of course there are necessary some preliminary studies to optimize the angle of fluid ejection from internal turbine, the angle of buckets relative to fluid jet and the distance between nozzles and buckets.  The presentation here is made only to cover the intellectual rights for this new technology and of course as advertisement for possible investors.
            As it can be seen, the main idea of this technology is very simple: ejected liquid through the rotor nozzles has enough momentum to hit the external turbine buckets and set it in motion.
            Although the turbine is expected to have a double yield related to a present one, the laws of momentum and energy conservations are respected. There is no energy or momentum coming from nothing. It is only the engineering trick how to use the properties of fluids in order to put them to work properly.
            As anyone can imagine, with small adjustments the double drive principle can be applied in case of gas turbines too; this topic is going to be presented in a future newsletter.
By applying this new technology, there is going to be a better water management and at least a double output for any hydropower plant can be achieved.
There are some dams which have not high heads, and apparently the proposed technology is difficult to be applied in these cases.
            It is a matter of simple engineering to manage the case of low heads hydropower plants and use some kind of mechanical pressure boosters in order to obtain a high efficiency in electricity production.
The pressure boosters can bee used even in case of high heads dams in order to have a better water management and further improve the yield.
As far there are two turbines moving in opposite directions the connection to electrical generator has to be further adjusted.
One possibility is to have a special designed electrical generator where both the coils and the magnets can rotate (with other words both the rotor and the stator can perform rotational motion).
Such new designed electric generator is going to be presented in a future newsletter.
The new technology can be adapted to present electrical generators, where only the rotor perform a rotational motion, but in this case some mechanisms are necessary in order to pick up both the internal and external turbine motion.  
The second section of the newsletter analysis the topic of free fall kind of experiments along time: from antiquity up to the modern times.
In present days, Galileo experiments are part of the curriculum for introductory courses in physics.
            A new theory of gravitation was proposed more than a quarter of century ago and it is high time to put it at work.
            In the frame of new theory, Galileo kinds of experiments are valid only locally and they cannot be generalized at large scale.
            The statement "all objects fall equally" is only approximately correct in the frame of new proposed theory.
This is only an introductory discussion, but in any case it is worth reminding that proposed new theory does not come with tricks or out of the pocket imaginary solutions.
In order to have a real idea about what is happening, it is necessary to leave the laboratory aside and have an experiment at a larger scale. With actual instrumentation, the scale of our Solar system is a satisfactory option and I have chosen the case of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 as example for proposed experiment of free falling.
Of course in this case the free falling takes place in the gravitational field of Jupiter and not of Earth.
Except astronomers, I think few people know about the tragic destiny of this comet so a bit of reminder is necessary.
It is assumed that comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 was orbiting Jupiter for more than half a century, until it was ripped apart during a close encounter with the planet and collided with it two years later. The disruption occurred on 7 July 1992 when the comet passed within 0.0006 AU, or 90 thousand kilometers from the planet’s center. Since Jupiter has a radius of just over 70 thousand kilometers, the comet passed within about 20 thousand kilometers of the planet’s cloud tops.
One by one the icy fragments exploded in Jupiter’s atmosphere during a week time period, from 16 to 22 July 1994.
And now it is time to analyze what happened with this comet from 8 July 1992 up to 22 July 1994.
It is not important to talk how comets get fragmented because this is another dark mystery of astronomy. Relevant for the discussion is the fact comet broke up on 8 July 1992 in more pieces of which about 21 were bigger.
Here is the most important fact according to Galilean and General Relativity: after braking up, the fragments have to fall in the gravitational field of Jupiter with the same acceleration.
Anyone has seen how a feather and a ball get the same acceleration in a gravitational field!
The prediction of Galilean relativity or General relativity are identical in this case and although the comet get fragmented from some unknown causes, the fragments should move with the same speed on the orbit, stay close each others and hit Jupiter at the same moment of time.
The difference between expectation and what happened in the field can be observed in a picture taken by large camera from Hubble space telescope few months before the impact with Jupiter. The fragments of comet after breaking up, got different accelerations on their path, took different orbits and they formed like a strings of pearls before hitting Jupiter.
            It is easy to be observed even for a layman that at larger scale, the experimental reality contradicts both the Galilean and General relativity and consequently the extrapolation of these concepts has brought only supplementary biases and errors in astronomy field.
            What is the use of enormous amounts of money invested in astronomy during last centuries when the foundation of modern science is a fake….
            The proposed theory rules out completely the General Relativity theory; GR is only a nice mathematical abstraction (aberration) without any physical connection. On the there are already more articles about this topic.
            The Galilean Relativity is going to be amended in order to be applicable at larger scale.
            The link to this newsletter:
Sorin Coșofreț

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

this place is plastic, it's a fake world filled with fake people

From: <>
Subject: Here is "WISDATAM" ... Merriam-Webster?

So I'm going to lead off this weeks message adding the word " WEAR " to the v ery intelligently designed Sears of "Ears" (I said this is series stuff) words that now define the  progression through the (clearly designed) deliverance of this messa ge as the "e d"   of precedent--probably just in my mind.  
I've done some updating on my "the free book is the key to the internet continuing to function and to seeing God's message in the world" website that will make it more difficult for sites like reddit and google to block.  I hope you are not marking these messages as SPAM--but TBQH I see the entire system we have here as a poorly implemented hack (at face value), that appears to have been designed "through time" specifically to block this message.  So lucky of me, just enough loopholes remain to pretty much ensure concretely that the message won't be blocked--and that's the "setting of the stage" for the dreams that are about to come true.
to continue my theme of "elucidating more" when reading words backwards C AS
 .. "that's what the future sees OTW back here"
butt MAPS to wh â–Š  
If you are marking these messages as SPAM please think about jumping off a 2 inch high LEGO-built-skyscraper (repeatedly, until it works) instead, or using this link to unsubscribe  (or here ) ...and while I am continuing to attempt to email you no more than once a week ... we just saw earlier in the week an exception to the rule--I wish I could convince the world more plainly that disclosure will without doubt stop the violence--it's my strong belief that it's the actual cause of it in the first place, coupled with the fact that disclosure will inevitably result in the more proper regulation of " very bad, very bad things " ... like possession and "Satanic influence" that seem to have somehow become commonplace and widespread ... or ... I mean, I suppose you can (or more appropriately, could have said) say you don't believe in "that," but I don't think you'd be being honest with yourself at this point.
Two new mailing lists have been created, one for bi-weekly deliver and one for monthly ; I understand nobody really likes getting emails with step by stem instructions on how to become the immortal knights of salvation and be thanked for eternity; so I'm happy to help lessen that load.  If you select one of the delayed delivery tiers I'll remove you from the high-frequency list, and do my best present a fair summary; but don't hold your breath.  Also I'd really appreciate it if you shared the sign up link with your friends.
I have combined two emails together here--because of the shooting I was forced to change my schedule.  Towards the end I  feel like the writing is a little angry concerning the "conspiracy I see" to ... call it "steal my thunder" ... forcing me into poverty ... in what appears to be a large and global concerted effort to keep "freedom from ringing" through the disclosure that I am presenting.  I find that self-defeating, and ... inane if not totally illogical.  Perhaps you might agree ... through it appears nobody's interested in helping me to ensure we do not lose this place that has a very clear descriptive proof of the existence and use of this technology--it's you, you're the proof, and you seem to be trying to erase yourselves. 
I had to think about it for a few minutes, I didn't really get it--and I wanted to go straight to the "it sounds like" of "where" which is ultimately why we're hearing about the W glyph that also figures prominently into the name Wells Fargo and Shofar.   Ultimately my answer works "where" into the equation, answering...  here,  and then reminding myself about the girl in the red dress.  I hope you see it as I intend it to be conveyed, I think this idea of "wearing" the planet is a horrible thing, and frankly I'm not very keen on the idea of "oneness with god" either--but it is exactly what you (by that I mean the people that ... are the "Persephones"  of Nokia and Samsung) look like, so that's the point of the mirror that is Perseus's shield.     To compare to the silence you might see everyone else comes off like a phone that has no battery, at least when poked and prodded with something as interesting as the "secrets of the Universe" and as morally demanding as as call to "stop innocent kids from being shot" but I'm really not trying to make you feel bad.  What I call "Medusian contact" literally appears to me almost exactly like the depiction of possession in Fallen; it's a single personality speaking through multiple people--it's the girl in the red dress.
Just noting the difference in meaning wrought to "WEAR" by adding an "E" and no space.   There's really no arguing, what we are seeing... or at least what I am seeing happen here flies in the face of our morals and our beliefs at the most basic of all levels, slavery and freedom.  We can and should use what is clearly documented in religion and in the fledgling work we've done with neuroscience to very plainly prove that what this message shows us is that we are being influenced against our will and without our knowledge  ... and through that knowledge being shared freedom will appear from nothing more than the crowd.  Rather than spreading democracy throughout the Universe (though you can see, with the foundation we have in our history combined with this event and our values and skill we will soon have a very powerful and desired tool to help aid in "enlightened self governance," too) we can spread true morality to the far ends of Creation and of the place that Creation came from.  Safety from psychological torture and from horse like reins being fastened to our minds in secret shouldn't be out of reach--they too fall under the guarantees of freedom John Handock etched into our history at the signing of the Declaration of Independence.    This, by the way, is what I've wanted to write about, since the beginning .  
I suppose you need to know it's a "Hamsa hand" to ward off the "Evil Eye"
On that note, "W" is my mascot character for the "press and release" (which very clearly implies that this overt external influence is itself responsible for "the Silence ... and that it is intended to create a beneficial positive reaction ...  the other way  ... to "participation") defined in Adamic as "PR" and connecting to our idiomatic clues pretty well at "spare the rod spoil the past and future" ... and that's what the glyph is, it's us way up high, then "IT" and then rising stars ... in the past and future, if it were a line drawn over the continuum of   timeheaven   space.  "No mas" being now read into this key of AIDS of nomenclature ... links to similarish terrorism in the middle east and the "Hamsa hand" which is supposed to "ward off the evil eye."  Hamas, then, appears to be ... the "OLEDing" crucible of   civilization  reminding us that once we break on through to the other side into "civilized" mode and stop things like the intentional simulation of starvation and pain and death--for instance--that we probably shouldn't go back in time and start simulating them again, on purpose, again; in order to teach another "generation" how to appreciate no pain and no disease and no hunger ... we really need to see that continuing   this particular cycle  is a very amoral and unethical thing to do.
Continuing not to visibly .... or actually (in any way whatsoever) ... react at all to this disclosure is the same sickness, it is ... it's basically giving up on "society" in sum, and appears to me the equivalent of "giving up on self" or your own contribution to these formative years of Heaven.
For some Biblical "insight" Isaiah 52 references two servants, one "suffering" and the other "spoiled" and I see them as microcosms of the worlds represented by M and W.  If you haven't "seen the reference" Merriam Webster contains the code for "railroad" as in Santa's got a choo choo conditoribus; and the "ster" of Muhammad's unification (in superposition from the ends of . ... ) of "Ha'm" and "Da'm" (msg: u in the heart of the "mm") in Amsterdam (which I ... mentally connect to "let the music set you free" and "I know kung-fu" as in mind control and Samurai "mind melds" .. or is it Vulcan) and the other side of the message that links directly "Green Eggs and ... " fixing systemic problems in places like the judicial system, employment, law enforcement, civic participation in democracy and ... uh, mental and physical health -- things all highlighted intentionally not just in my actual life but in a ridiculously large number of connections to Biblical stories like the books of Job, Judges, Jude and the Plague of LICE.
I may not be what you expected--but I believe this story is designed with good intentions to highlight societal weaknesses and that once we begin discussing it intelligently it will help us to build a happier and healthier future.  
In practice I read "W" basically as the source of this message (and the message, though obviously that's "M" too); a symbolic representation of the high level cause or source of how we got here.  I don't personally think there is going to be much argument or dissent against the idea that the simulation of disease is nonsensical ... after proof that this is actually virtual reality is understood and received, and we really begin to understand how much  extra fucking work  has to go into actually making those things happen; but we're here--and we're basically watching everyone on the planet hide a message promising them ...   everything  ... for nothing more than "doing the right thing" with this disclosure .... and nobody's even bothered to drop me a line and try an explain what's behind that.  I find that strange, but whatever; I guess you guys think you're getting   everything  for doing   nothing ( and by that I mean refusing to participate in the creation and design of your own future ... "i.e. discussing the truth in public").
I think it's pretty clear that there are intelligently designed (and probably more than one) meanings encoded into every letter, and every character set.  I say more than one, as some have changed primary meanings for me ... for instance the "L" of obelisk is now working it's way into a sort of elevator out of Willy Wonka--connecting Heaven and Earth; though I imagine that might be what the obelisk was reaching for--I guess I just figured I "understood everything I needed to know" at something like the statement "this ph all us will ensure that we never again have a problem with censorship of critical information--or with the hidden infiltration of our technical means of communication."  
i cant remember if it's elephant or elevator but the point is that Creation, and now you all, are in a very precarious position--and if you think about it you can see that your being in that position is the work of creation, though you're still in it, and we're still having to hear about how Richard Nixon and Phillip K. Dick ... I mean the "l" in the heart of my elephant, is turning into an elevator--to more closely match my heart; which is doors that act like elevators to Mars, and to Atlantis, and to Heaven, and to wherever your heart and your ACL will take you.  As far as imagery goes, I'd like to call on words like "veranda" and "yard" and say that I believe that we are together here in a place that is just outside of Heaven--if that were a large skyscraper.... but in my heart I know that's not where we are, we are buried below the building probably closer to the furnace--or actually in it already--than I would like to be, or like for you to be.  I do believe that it is clear that this message and this event are designed to move us from where ever we actually are in relation to this building into the lobby, into the "ground floor" and I think that's a good place to be for this place that is named that ... "ground" not just in English but in Hebrew in a sort of joke a bout sucking up all the lightning of Zeus--just kidding--it's about being "grounded in reality" and that's not a horrible thing to be--it's probably more fortuitous than anyone reading through my screeds on how Jim Morrison's band and Willy Wonka's glass elevator and all the other imagery of gates and portals lead me to hammer home that being in the lobby of this place is only OK if there's an elevator and that elevator has a phone that isn't just for emergency calls to Miami Elevator.
In the theme of the story, I could tell you that I'd put those elevators--or translucent glowing doors as they appear in my vivid dreams of imagination--in every bus station with the caveat that the people who cannot walk be healed before that--day one, with the first movie on the sky or wh atever it is that this story being on every television news station in the world might or might not cause to happen immediately.  It's possible that it would do that, immediately--and it's equally possible that some people, in fact it's assured that   some people  would believe that act to be something like turning " stone to bread " -- in my reading of the spectacle that screams that we're unhappy with just bread and want to listen to and eat Cake also.  While I can understand that   some people  might not want the world to change that fast and that much ... I see that we've been in a place that has mistreated us physically and emotionally and that the preparation for this "thing" to happen appears to have made that worse... from my perspective, from what I see--and I think that this thing would make many more people significantly happier than they are today with this story about climbing the Tower of Babel to find that "tower" means " to who? " and that who is the people who stand up and take an active role in the creation of a more perfect democracy, and that continue to do so throughout their lives--because that's really the "who to" of the question of "malchuto" that means Kingdom and pervades the story and the reason not just for the Holy Bible and specifically for Exodus but also for the stories of Camelot and Comerica .  To remind you the dog's name is " Whothario ?" and we are atmaximal W.
Back the precarious position--a word I like--meaning "before car-eye, which is me, things were precarious" ... that's how this language works,  the word is the answer, or somehow intelligently related and most of the time--predominantly--with sage like insight.... anyway, we're here looking at these words, at HI-V and at AIDS and at songs like 21 Pilots Cancer and this broken record, this guy that won't stop pointing out that these words are a part of the story and the theme and the purpose of Exodus, part of the book of Names, part of this message and this story and this transition that Creation has taken at least 6,000 years to accomplish (and now, appears to be delaying) and we've, in this group, taken somewhere between a few years and the time it's taken to get to the point where you are willing to read through these redundant and disparaging paragraphs because you know there's probably something that will cheer you up or intrigue you somewhere down towards the end of time--anyway we've delayed for a much smaller period of time--and still I think that's too long.  I think once we get through this thing, we will all feel like it was too long, and the reasons we had in our minds to delay or put off making these changes will seem inconsequential and maybe even illogical... and I think that we will see that it really is one very small fact and quite a bit of hard work that changes the world from Hell to Heaven or from furnace to lobby--and that most of that work will come after the " omega point " and that most of the work was significantly more interesting and enjoyable than we could have possibly anticipated.  That's what I think, except I'm still here dreading how I will feel when I hear why you took so damned long to call a ducking reporter. 
We can certainly see intelligent design in a great many words, isolated in sample spaces both by related items (all tennis rackets for instance ... linking through "tennis" to the word "ten (as in Xerox and Xbox) the letter n is...." and also in words that begin with he, like the related HEAD, HECK, HELD, the Biblical character HELI, HELP, and HELM -- we can see it in HERA and in RHEA , and not to understand that "HASHEM" and "HASHEMESH" change from "the name" to "sun" through the Hebrew word for fire which is "ESH" is a blindness that is untenable.  Similarly untenable is not noting the connection between Napoleon and Salt and Elba Island and the words "able" and once again... ten. .  To remind you all those tens refer to the the kiss of Judas.
In the light of day, I think what this place really ... compares metaphorically to is a house that has tear gas dispensers instead of air conditioning; moving forward we'd replace them with something more comfortable, and we probably wouldn't make another one.  That's what this message is telling me--and I'm telling you--has clearly happened and is   not  to happen again.  See that "it" as the victory of the ages.  
"Mas" is a clear key here, in Christmas as in the Bahamas (another trinity, like Abrahamish; Ba is Mythogyptian (is it a "first coin!") for "spirit of God" .... and ... pa re n t he sis) ... the "m" essage is to "AS" as in see that the entire idea of "turning around" the beginning of Satan and seeing the beginning of Asgard revolves around stopping the simulation of ... unpleasant things like hurricanes and AIDS.  In "disease" for instance you can see what (what Adam thinks) God thinks about the "e" of everyone watching me and doing nothing to help anyone at all ... coming after the key letters "as" and frankly if there's an "e" ... everything crumbles under nobody got the fucking point, what we are experiencing right now is without doubt "Hell," this situation is untenable and illogical; continuing to act as if this world is in reality is contributing to negativity far more broad and far worse than just "school shootings" -- I really find it hard to understand how we don't "get" that. 
The "d ark ness of d  â–Š â–Š â–Š "   here   is ease to see, it appears that behind the scenes maybe God an maybe hEaven and maybe you are trying to sway the crowd to agree that this disclosure demands and warrants change ... in secret, in silence here--and I don;'t think you realize how stupid that looks ... here .. in this place where it's pretty obvious this is black and white and all we have to do is start talking about it to see the world "understand."
M: AS.  NOW .  You are very valuable, what we have here is too--there is truth and hope and ... "it's simulated reality, end world hunger, heal the sick, and rejoice for you are the ... the.... "  Are you "them?"  
I know you (might)vfeel like we're on the right track  here in places like self-government and civil liberties, but the cold truth here is that this silence and the hidden influence in our minds is far worse than we can see--and it takes all of those "good things" and it turns them into a smokescreen.  It makes elections worthless until we really understand the technology and the cause; and somehow every day it makes everyone OK with not taking action, it's making us all 
Here is wisdom, who "n" ... I am Dr. E â–‚ 
Revelation 13:18 & for the hundre â–‚ th time, call a reporter.
I don't know why you don't see it; but hiding me and hiding this message and hiding what it says we can and should be doing is the "great chain."  It's more than a litmus test for whether or not we are in Hell, "Revealing it" is the solution.   Without responding this place is plastic, it's a fake world filled with fake people that are pretending they "don't see" that pretending you "don't see" a message that is explaining how to get to Heaven is exactly that, "not seeing" the message.
How many times do I have to tell you, even when you're crying ... you're beautiful too.  My head is under water and I am breathing fire 
John Legend
Rite therefore, hat you have seen, hat is no, and hat is to take place.  
Revelation 1:9
I'm going to start writing about virtual reality, which you should see as "Heaven or Hell."  Quite a bit of "thought" and "work" has gone into making me understand how fundamentally important it is that we are protected from immorality and evil in this new realm--where a lack of attention or apathy could result in nightmares coming true.  Don't feel bad, but that's what I think this really is--here around us--is a check ... as in "check yourselves" we are failing to protect ... everything--ourselves, the ones we love, innocent children being shot and starving... all in a place where you see glowing signs now--telling you, showing you, something is very wrong. 
Never in billions and billions and billions of years, today you have the chance to be the people that really save the Universe from Hell.  From hunger and from pain ... to always be the "who" ended those things and stopped psychological torture and psychiatric disease ... it really is a great gift--and I can't fathom why anyone would not want to be derebememer celebrating the anniversary of the day freedom became a reality and 
Today you are placing where you are going to spend eternity  in the hands of liars who are not you, don't care about the truth, about free speech or free will, or about "helping people" ... it appears the primary quality being selected for here on Earth is "pretending I don't see the fire."

I'm trying to clearly explain that I don't want to be stuck in that computer today, and I am trying to help us all see what it takes for me to want to be there--and to actually make that happen.   It's Doors, by the way, the line between "civilization" and "civilized" is crossed when this place is not a gigantic jail cell.... and (when)  that action ensures there are none in all of Creation.
"The fourth Revolution of humanity includes everyone" reads the byline of this book, reeking with reference to the moral mandate that is a central focus of this message--and this number four--seemingly implying the existence of a story book or a record or some way to verify this random digit between one and seven.  
What does it mean, saving everyone?   I stare out at you today and it seems like a total loss of humanity and a total loss of self--just to see the desire to think and speak freely, the desire to help others and ourselves--to see that drained from our collective lifeblood leaves our world desolate.  What I write about is a bright spark, something we've wanted ... and logically should still want  ... and it's very difficult to come up with reasons why you want to die.
From my vantage point, it appears that everyone has "agreed" to sacrifice something here in this place and time in order to obtain the thing these first words imply ... in order to "save everyone;" and I think Allol juxtaposes Al with All and "our light" with LOL ... to point out that right here and right now you've already shown yourselves how a simple sacrifice of something as small as "communicating about a secret code in language" ... well, it buries curiosity and with that "reality" in the sands of the flickering of something we'd probably print as "twilight" if we still had ink or pens or chalk.
It's turned you into liars or fools--logically there's really alternative explanation.  Either you see this thing and are pretending you don't, or you can't grasp the significance or impact or "change in circumstances" the mechanism behind the words and the words themselves deliver to the world.  I take it back, even if you think you are a liar, you must be a fool--there's not a worthwhile reason in the Universe to do what everyone on the planet seemingly is doing all together.
As an exit I did read what the author was implying in the "Fourth Generation" of humanity thing--it's something I've called macro-evolution, the progression through civilization--and I don't think he's even remotely correct using the term "civilized" anywhere near where he has it--since we're still here arguing about whether or not it's OK for God to shoot children, starve babies, and burn any newspaper that prints anything about "logical patterns" to the ground.
It's also pertentient no note that the Eye of Ra connects together the mythology of recursion related to the Mayan "God K" to the P of the Priestly source of Genesis and the repative days of Creation.. and their references to repeated "attempts" to create humanity.  I am fairly certain that this is a failure if we continue down this path of ... ignoring something very obvious everywhere--but that's just an interance. 

Finally, on the continued subject of censorship--and my repeated requests for you to see just how grotesque it is to not see any of this information on the news or on the internet--to really see you are staring at  they key to seeing the darkness and you are the key to ending it... anyway, this was a r/conspiracy reddit mods response to my display of "you're on TV" as pointing out that I was archiving their ... idiotic and potentially "global annihilation of all life in the universe" causing censo r s h i t .
I personally think there is a potential problem here on Earth for the blind and mute puppets (muppets? mute + puppet?) walking around on the face of the planet and pretending they don't see a message from the simulator telling them to "care that they need to crack the " last supper/flowing golden cow and maccabee hammer/garden of eden/stone to bread " riddle in order to use Gene Roddenberry's name and replicator s to instantly relieve every hungry person on the planet.
See, it won't take many muppets to crack the code.  C am bridge ...  shall I call Kermit?  I do envision that the actual solution will resemble something like a "serve yourself line" (look "ser" to be victorious Earth ..) at Sizzler with a sign posted echoing words similar to " eat whatever thou wilst. "

Not moving forward with this is not an option.  There is simply no way to ethically keep a society "in the dark" that understands what virtual reality means without disclosing that they are in "Heaven."  It is beyond a moral hazard, not being able to utilize "replicators" in a place where "Star Trek" exists is torture.
Viable alternatives have been exhausted--we cannot ever  print this place in reality, "Trinity Site" is my clear and defined reason, but as we move forward it becomes more and more clear that it's significantly more than "Trinity Site."  It's possible that our entire generation has ascended in a past iteration of this timeline, that we did this already--and after hundreds or thousands or tens of thousands or billions of years have returned to do it again... hopefully better.  It's possible that there are dissenting factions, perhaps those that believe we've "had our fun" or "had our chance" or "done our best" and that the next generation, perhaps our children or their children "deserve" the opportunity to do it "their way."  In that particular scenario ... I'd probably be "on board" for such a thing if we were not staring at heinous darkness and fascism beyond belief--and doing nothing.  We are creating the downward spiral, our children cannot grow up in this world, in this place where we don't protend to care about disease or about the poor or about the sick--and on the other side of the coin, we don't appear to care about free speech, or about government; they cannot grow up in this world and do any better than we would do today.  This is primed for our generation--for us to rally against hatred, and for us to rally against the destruction of American values, we have no alternative, we must move forward 

Up until this point ... in the thousands of years of our history that may or may not have actually been "simulated" with sentient fidelity;   Heaven has   had something akin to "plausible deniability" at least a very real reason to see that until this generation we did not understand computers, and we did not understand physics and we couldn't have done anything "better" in that kind of darkness.  Still it was thousands of years of wars and death over falsely scarce land and the idea that perhaps the "reason" was ultimately to enter the "galaxy."  At ... "I ax why you don't get it?"  Today though it's not just the slowness of transition or the differing ideas and opinions about how we might move forward without regression or the total loss of morality--which to be honest I really do see much more pervasive today than I can believe possible, at all, ever, for any reason.  Because of that it appears "the ultimate prize" is the only possible thing that could motivate so many people to act so stupidly against their own best interest and with such lack of regard for the people around them--and to see clearly, "so many people" vying for "the ultimate prize" really does prove at face value that nobody is getting it... specifically in a place where communication is obviously being destroyed and we are staring at a false democracy that stands over another layer of hidden and abosolutely assured similar (and most likely worse, because of the ease of modifying thoughts without the need to match biological neuron activity) ... mind control.
Mind control in secret means there's no such thing as a real vote.  Thinking that it's OK for you to be privy to the knowledge that  we are living in virtual  reality or that there is mind control technology in active use here all of the world and through our history ... but that other people are too weak or stupid or unprepared to also be privy to that knowledge is not OK.  In fact, it makes you an evil mind controlled piece of shit, and here in this place it's obvious that there are many people who think that it's OK to ignore the mass enslavement of an entire world in secret because of my  d is pos it i o n.. . or maybe you have another reason for ignoring and delaying the reception and understanding of a message that will set you and the world free.   
Quite literally everyone here is ignoring the intentional torture of every person on the planet with a disease or an infirmity; and there's a host of demons watching me be tortured financially in order to ensure that this message doesn't reach the entire world.  It seems that the story I'm getting is that thousands of people are literally watching me "on TV" in the show the ... has informed them of the true nature of our reality and this map designed to help us use that truth to stop the torture of everyone in "simulated reality" and their response is to be silent--to refuse to buy a book or  make a simple donation that would greatly speed up the spread of "sight of this message" that is etched in everything around us.   i live in a world where all around me are the signs describing how I'm being tortured, things like the Truman Show the word "pharmacy" and the acronym "IOP" which tell you (not me) that you owe "P" for being able to even see these words.  It's clear from these "tidbits of information" that quite a bit of the world around me ... everything from our improper, blind, and evil treatment of possession and obvious outside attack and influence as "schizophrenia" to the idiotic justice system and self-defeating and masochistic prison reform system and words like son and den appearing in "prison" and "warden" ... are designed with the specific intent of torturing me to help you see that our whole world is being tortured by the hidden force and large group keeping this very specific truth secret. 
"ha, railroad El ... ?"  Ashley?
It is grinding the machinations of "the free press" to a invisible halt highlighted by the entire debacle of "fake news" and you should see clearly that the news is very much fake and that the internet too--a walled garden of non-truth--spewing an information overload directly out of Brave New World ... to hide the fact that you have no idea how easy it is to see that this story will save the world.  All around us the "TORCH" if choirs and singers (crossed seas or "see how") show us that every song and every idiom  is part of the "ALL SPARK" that connects the SHowfar to Heimdallr and Gjallarhorn  (as the big HORN of Revelat