Wednesday, November 11, 2020

a small detail which was left aside by an imbecile science

From: sorincosofret <>
Date: Wed, Nov 11, 2020 at 9:04 AM
Subject: The process of scientific information faking for pupils - Part I


– PART I –

This newsletter is dedicated to pupils who have the first contact with science and want to make fun of the imbecilities preached by an entire elite of intellectual criminals. 
The first section demonstrates based on the classical geometry how the imbecility of Big Bang theory can be ruled out. An example is provided and then, based on Hubble deep field images, the distance between two old galaxies (which existed about 13 billions years ago) is estimated. 
It was found that a few hundreds millions years after Big Bang, the distance between the considered galaxies is about 25 billion light years. Even adopting a new kind of spatial inflation after the Big Bang, it is impossible to explain how the Universe arrived to such dimensions in an early stage. Adopting any other imbecile idea to explain this early size of the Universe rules out anyway the Hubble law. Astronomy has arrived to a situation known in chess as ZuZwang. Any move you make is going to worsen your situation ….
A postulate is necessary to clear up the things in the astronomy: 
POSTULATE: The Big Bang Theory is completely incompatible with a large scale homogenous Universe. 
The rest of scientific part of the newsletter is dedicated to thermodynamics. 
Section two presents how a genius has become only a footnote of science and how the new theory revives his image. We speak about Denis Papin the true father of thermodynamics. One of his crucial experiment is reloaded and even improved in order to show how the thermodynamics should have taken another path about three centuries ago. 
The third section is the top notch topic for the scientific part of this newsletter; it  simply demonstrate in various ways that Carnot has ben falsely considered the father of thermodynamics. 
His analogy between a waterwheel and an engine is analysed and found to be an absurd analogy. One by one, all of his claims are analysed and found absurd on basis of new experiments which can be performed even in less equipped school laboratories. 
A new postulate is formulated and another version of old Papin experiment is described in order to exemplify this postulate. 
Postulate: Mechanical work can be produced by having a thermodynamic system which remains all the time at a constant temperature. 
The fourth section is about the most famous intellectual criminal of all times. The Papin`s life is reconsidered because he was in fact assassinated for others having the priority over the steam engine. 
There are two sections about nuclear and coal power plants where it is demonstrated that a simple switch for the working agent would improve the total production with a conservative 20%. 
The last section, which is included in this email in its entirety – see bellow, analyses what has the society done for having this new theory of sciences and what are the consequences for not implementing it !

In a previous section, I made a short presentation for the Papin case in order to see what lesseon of history has to be learned. 
Of course, I am going to continue the investigations and write a book about the Papin life. I hope that some French organizations or individuals are going to support this initiative. 
By sure the life of a genial men deserves a book; by comparison some people considered necessary to write a book which analyses only the origin of the expression presented by Newton ,, by standing on the shoulders of Giants”.
I hope that some German and UK organizations are going to support a much larger project to write a more objective version of the XVIIth century events based on the documents available. 
And now it is important to make a comparison between what happened three centuries ago and what happens now.... 
At that time there was only Royal Society which sabotaged Papin, for some small reasons which by sure are going to surface soon …. 
In our days, and for a quarter of century, a crowd of imbeciles, occupying key positions in society, have been preventing an intelectual revolution, i.e. a change of the entire foundation of exact sciences. 
This crowd is composed mainly by the present intelectual elites but legislatives and executives are part of the plot too. 
The European Commission is a representative example which needs a special attention. They are meant to ensure progress and stability for the European Union and steward the interests of European citizens, but in reality they are doing the opposite. In the past, I filled in a complaint against European Commission without any positive result, there is still a initiative to the European parliament, but as in the Savery times, it is so simple to pass by these things and cover everything in a bureaucratic procedures. 
Of course, from their point of view, no one sabotaged me! They were doing their jobs only and they were doing with a bit of excess of zeal their jobs! Can someone accuse such people that being well paid, they were doing the jobs even more thoroughly as it should have been?
The academies and other representative institutions (universities, research centres) all over the world are part of the plot or in any case they tacitly tolerated it. I remember sending a paper for publishing to the Australian Academy of Science around 2007-2008 and they refused publishing it on the reason they do not understand the English in the article. I kept the original version of the article on the website (about covalent bond - the atomic book) and although there are some grammatical errors, the idea can be spotted easily. Anyway, after correcting the article to an professional English speaker and resubmitting the corrected article, they did not ever answer to my email. 
Any such representative institution in a direct or in an indirect way has took part in the plot, by not doing what they were meant to do. 
The Romanian Academy, which should promote the national values, including this theory, did the worse job in its history. There are available about 40000 Euro each year for an academician to be spend on indemnity and other expenses, but one Euro for this theory could not be found! Well, don't imagine that an academician lives only from the money coming from Academy. 
Of course, all the present Romanian academicians have been schooled in the wealthy western society and they are in contact with the intellectual elites; in fact, they have been paid directly or indirectly by these elites to keep their mouth shut and do nothing for promoting this theory. For a few thousands euro, they can be bought anytime at ,,their real market value”. They have forgotten that they should have represented the cultural elite of a nation and in the same time a model for the young generations. 
It is important to be highlighted what is at stake for the entire society in this modern plot...
Well, it is impossible to quantify at this moment what this new theory in economic terms really means! I am going to exemplify what does it mean only for a part of the energetic sector. Again, I do not make the estimation for the entire energetic sector, but only to highlight the consequences for the simple application discussed today, i.e. a simple change of a fluid in a power plant without any other investment. We have shown that by doing such small change, an amount of 3000 TWh (from coal and nuclear) could have been produced ,,from thin air” at the level of production estimated for 2016.
Ok, ,,from thin air” it does not mean I got it from my pocket, it is only the result of a technological improvement. 
At a cost of production of about 0,1 Euro per KWh, that amount would have represented
300 billions Euro for 2016, i.e. more than entire GDP of my country. 
What do you think now? Would someone want to kill for this fortune? If you say no, then your are completely torn from the reality! 99% of the human population in these civilised times would do it with the first occasion if they would be sure they are not caught!
Attention, this is not a new technology in is only a small detail which was left aside by an imbecile science...
What can a real new technology of electricity production bring, is going to be seen in the future....
Anyway, there is going to come a time when any company in the electricity field is going to be asked why did they, directly or indirectly, opposed to a switch in the technology!
The direct consequence of not implementing these technologies is seen in climate change and industrial pollution. Or course many people, especially politicians, make a lot of noise about these topics but all the strange measures they want to implement have to be supported by citizens.
The new theory comes with solutions to at least alleviate this burden on the citizens shoulders; but, do you think that this is important for a bunch of corrupt or lazy bureaucrats? 
Even a laymen could understand that society as a whole is already losing because these technologies are not implemented. 
I am not going to lose because the royalties for the electricity production are going to be recovered for me starting with 2010. Supplementary the new technologies are going to remain as intellectual property and never as brevets. Someone in the field of intellectual property knows what the difference is….
If a country wants to have progress and real scientific research, then it is high time to think in the future.

Let us see what the consequence of this organised plot for the educational system are! 

At least 20 generations of pupils, scholars, students and teachers were indoctrinated with a wrong scientific background and for most of them it is going to be impossible to switch to the new one. There are other generations coming from behind and although theoretically it is possible to ,,re-educate” these lost generations, in practice this is not going to happen. 
Although there is no doubt that this new theory of science is going to become the foundation for the future progress of humanity, this theory is only in its initial stage.... 
In the view of opposed resistance from the imbecility of elitist intellectuals, I was forced to dedicate my scarce time to bring up new experiments and facts which could demolish or rule out the present accepted dogma, so the ,,proper” development of the theory is lagging behind. If for example, the theory is going to be accepted tomorrow, there is a huge vacuum in many branches of science which cannot be filled over the night. 
As already presented with another occasion a period of at least five years is normally necessary for having new manuals, new teachers and so on. If the society as a whole afforded to be careless about such transition, this period is going to be extended accorded to the rules defined in a previous newsletter. 
How many lost generations can a society still afford? And who is going to be charged guilty for this disaster? 
Another major loss for the society as a whole is related to research expenses. 
The amount of money spent on futile research in this lost quarter of century is difficult to be imagined. At national level, for a developed country, there is about 5% of GDP dedicated to research. This is money from budget dedicated to fundamental research by the grant system. If one considers the private and industrial research, the expenses are bigger. In a quarter of a century, each developed country has thrown away at least the equivalent of a GDP.... 
Of course some are going to argue that part of these research are applicative research which remains valid even the foundation changes. This is true, but now there is necessary other input of money to clean up the mess and decide what is going to remain and what is going to be discarded. 
If this step were to be done a quarter of century earlier, tons of junk literature would have not been written and the transition would have been simpler...
Does someone think that such process can be performed over the night and with a team of few people?
Where are these people coming if the entire community is indoctrinated with imbecilities?
So, even for research there is going to be a discontinuity period according to the rules defined in a previous newsletter. 
In a future newsletter, there is going to be a broader presentation about the purpose of this theory and what are the targets....
First of all, each living person should ask himself what price would (s)he pay that his/her offspring have access to this theory. 
A real price, from my point of view, would be as follows: one generation of his/her offspring work for me, in the same conditions I have been working for decades and paid as I was paid. When his/her offspring have generated at least 1% of what I generated, then they are free to have access to this theory for them and for their descendants. 
If they are not able to generate in one generation that 1% of what I have generated, the contract extends in the same conditions for the next generation and so one. 
What do you think about this bargain? Would you be interested in it?
The difference between a great man and a common one can be seen in these conditions. 
What is going to happen when a great man acquires the power? Would he change something for the future or will he use the power only to get revenge for what happen to him previously.
The Newton – Hooke can be framed as a classical example for what happen when a tyrant got the power in his hands....
We imagine that such repetition of things is not possible in democracy but this is false. In a democracy these things happen all the time, but they are hidden. 
Beside professional harassment, for a quarter of century I was hunted by ,,imaginary ghosts” because when the entire system is against you, the danger comes from everywhere. 
A simple walk in a beautiful but uncrowned place, in a second can become a place where your life is endangered. A simple theft can appear as an accident, but these are only appearances because few (if any) such occasional acts are done for documents. Or maybe in the latest times many thieves want to improve their scientific knowledge... 
Probably the most tranquil period I remember was when I worked as a chemist for a half year to a cannabis cultivar in Switzerland. Unfortunately, this tranquillity suddenly disappeared when in a Sunday morning some gunshots outside disturbed my intellectual preoccupations. By sure I did not want to be a collateral victim in another war so this was also a reason I quit soon that job. Of course I was not keen to be part of this conflict either....
In a dictatorship, a dissident knows where the danger is coming from. In a democracy the danger comes from everywhere. 
Of course there is police but they are only to serve the system and to register the facts; they are not to prevent such situations.
Such direct or indirect pressure would drive any normal person crazy and would make it slip into paranoia and mental derangements. Boltzmann arrived to suicide for much less pressure and of course there was no one to see why such a person arrived to such desperate act. 
Unfortunately for this bunch of criminals, I have trained myself to endure this pressure and overcome any situation. 
Of course in such situations a strong believe in a ,,upper” protection is crucial; I always had an internal feeling that there is a greater purpose behind all these events and maybe someone incarnate in this life in order to change these things and show another path to be followed in the future. 
What would you think if your offspring would live in these conditions for decades?

Aren't you happy that the modern democracy we have build has tried to eliminate the greatest mind in humanity ever?...
…..and no one is guilty!
Are they, by any chance in a hurry of preparing me a commemorative plaque like for Papin? 
This is not a new thing in history. The first democracy in Athens, succeeded in killing one of the most outstanding personality of that time and of course no one was charged guilty.

The purpose of this theory is to change a lot of things in the world, starting with environmental aspects, education, research and development, economic rules and up to some social aspects. Do not worry, it is not the purpose of this theory to change a political system! 
As Romanian, it is going to be a priority to buy my country back for Romanians and to make it entire.....
Now, my country is chopped and has become only a colony for the mercantilism of a mad society. 
I hope that God is going to help me to transform my nation in an example to be followed by others, in their way toward progress and spirituality.

A usual, the link to this newsletter:


Sorin Coșofreț

Monday, October 12, 2020

mountain doesn't presses under herself? really?

Subject: important mistake in the physics

Dear  Professors and institutions
please somebody in the wolrd, finally, answer something.

g vectors are not parallel, so x part of g exists.
Which G constant is now more constant (on the left or the right picture?)
If we use g convergence (instead of G), then it describes the world correctly.

Einstein's  tea leaf paradox explanation is absolutely impossible to simulate.
But if we use my Tea leaf explanation, then the universe becomes intelligible.

Tea leaf paradox explanation:
everything is be based on the maintaining of the own inertia of the rotating medium

First is working centrifugal acceleration field (analog of H in electricity, that is why we have a moon and planet's rings), then works -coriolis field (analog of E in the electricity). Maintaining of the own inertia causes our rotating for 14 mlrd years (spinning dancer effect)

m is C in electricity

If we use equations for 1 charge Q (one rotating center= one charge), then g in the center of the Earth must be much bigger, and then the g convergence could be instead of G.

Of cause growing g convergence will affect the g under the earth surface, but it doesn't mean g is not growing.

Jolly-type experiments are impracticable- sensitive to the g convergence:
Please imagine the 3 points line: 1. weight, 2. weight, 3. -the center of the Earth: 1um vertical deviation between weights makes 6m deviation from the straight line.

If I am right, then there must be differencies between G on the pole and Equator's mountain (Chimborazo)

On Chimborazo and mountains closer to the equator they have "Bouguer anomalies":

"Bouguer anomalies are usually negative in mountains because they are associated with a decrease in the attraction of the mountain mass by about 100 milligalls per kilometer of mountain height. In large mountainous regions, they are even more negative due to isostasy: the density of mountain roots is lower compared to the surrounding earth's mantle, which causes a further deficit of gravity."

WHAT? less density under the mountain? mountain doesn't presses under herself? really? :)
And here is how to keep the flame for the termonuclear reaction, your theory can not explain that, and also violates the energy conservation law.

pps also comets are shock waves in the nonisotermic plasma (so called soliton)

and here is how photons probably looks like (something between wave and corpuscula): 
Sincerely Yours, 
Ing. Vladislav Chechelev
Czech Republic

air travel gives rise to new perplexing anomalies and new unexplainable experiences


From: jasen fabian <>
Subject: Submitted for review and feedback

Out of Darkness
                An enormous yield of molten rock is hurled through space (near to, or within a galaxy described and known in the English language as the “Milky Way”) at x miles per hour, collecting, enveloping, and combining with anything in its path. Absorbing and modifying a spectrum of elements along its journey from heavy metals and minerals, to a variety of geological amalgamations possibly the size of small planets. Gradually slowing in speed and static rotation until coming to rest in a controlled elliptical orbit around an even larger spherical formation, i.e., a massive collection of flaming gas and plasma, known in the English language as a “Dwarf Star”. Given the variable of x, physics dictates rotation beneficial to stability and the reduction of material loss. (Possible Visual Aid). Slow motion video of a water balloon in flight will show that the elasticity of the balloon works as gravity. When set in motion “without” rotation the mass is unstable, malleable and in constant flux. When propelled “with” rotation the material inside is forced outward, straining against the gravitational pull simulated by the elastic barrier. As the material is displaced toward the outside of the rotation concavities form on either side of the water balloon (e.g., projectile).
                Theory... A sizable compilation of molten rock travels through the vacuum and frigid temperatures of space. Rapidly cooling and solidifying the exterior given assistance due to the collection of H2O in solid, liquid and gaseous form saturating the gravitational atmosphere...
                Proposed is that this molten material traveled with momentum in a north over south, south over north configuration. Centrifugal force then creating the magnetic poles and leaving voids in the crust layer at the center of each side of the rotation. These voids enclosed with rock in reaction to centripetal force with aid from gravity and the presence of liquid H2O. These liquids further support the cooling and solidifying of the rock into large caverns that now fill with sea water, rising and falling in a struggle between the immense heat from the earth’s core and mass of weight from the sea water pressing down. As these pressures equalize and gases escape, the sea water once again fills these voids so rapidly that a large tornadic funnel shaped maelstrom breaches the surface at sea level. Inhaling copious amounts of air, water and particulates both large and small. Giving reason that floating debris common in the sinking or destroying of vessels at sea is lacking associated with disappearances in these areas.



                The Dragon’s Triangle (Pacific Ocean 25.0010N, 136.9987E) and Bermuda Triangle (Atlantic Ocean 25.0000N, 71.0000W) both lie nearly equal distances north of the equator in approximate opposition to one another. These geographical hotspots adjacent the Tropic of Cancer share nearly identical histories. Precedence chronicled in folklore compiled from a past that began as humanity became proficient in creating seaworthy vehicles capable of bringing the story back. Vessels have been known to enter these specific locations only to disappear without leaving so much as a trace of their existence. Whole armies have set course through these waters only to never reach the other side. Fast forward to the twentieth century where air travel gives rise to new perplexing anomalies and new unexplainable experiences. These adventures told as seen through the eyes of reliable and confidential members of progressive society. The age of flight enters relatively low flying aircraft that tend to suffer the same fate as their seafaring predecessors. Appropriate, given the possibility that the air once keeping the wing aloft would be suddenly drawn toward and connected to what may be the deepest anomalies of our lithosphere.
Thank you;
J. Fabian

Friday, September 18, 2020

for a quarter of century I was hunted by ,,imaginary ghosts”


– PART I –


This is the second delivery for this newsletter using a secondary domain. If you and all your colleagues are receiving this information for the first time, it is highly probable that your institution is still blocking my principal domain. It would be better to discuss with the people in charge about this ,,problem” because there are going to be supplementary fees when the license is going to be asked.

On the other hand, it is important that emails are opened in html format and not as text. Acyba software, which makes this delivery possible, can make a correct statistic with people who open the emails only as html format.

If you open the email in text format, I do not know that you opened the email and I keep sending the same newsletter second or third time to you from other domains. This is annoying for you, but also, time and resource consuming for me..

I am going to excuse myself in advance for those who receive the same newsletter a second time from a completely different reason. If a reader opens the email late, when  the queue for the second delivery is already running, I cannot undo the process of sending.....

Thanks for  your understanding....

This newsletter is dedicated to pupils who have the first contact with science and want to make fun of the imbecilities preached by an entire elite of intellectual criminals. 
The first section demonstrates based on the classical geometry how the imbecility of Big Bang theory can be ruled out. An example is provided and then, based on Hubble deep field images, the distance between two old galaxies (which existed about 13 billions years ago) is estimated. 
It was found that a few hundreds millions years after Big Bang, the distance between the considered galaxies is about 25 billion light years. Even adopting a new kind of spatial inflation after the Big Bang, it is impossible to explain how the Universe arrived to such dimensions in an early stage. Adopting any other imbecile idea to explain this early size of the Universe rules out anyway the Hubble law. Astronomy has arrived to a situation known in chess as ZuZwang. Any move you make is going to worsen your situation ….
A postulate is necessary to clear up the things in the astronomy: 
POSTULATE: The Big Bang Theory is completely incompatible with a large scale homogenous Universe. 
The rest of scientific part of the newsletter is dedicated to thermodynamics. 
Section two presents how a genius has become only a footnote of science and how the new theory revives his image. We speak about Denis Papin the true father of thermodynamics. One of his crucial experiment is reloaded and even improved in order to show how the thermodynamics should have taken another path about three centuries ago. 
The third section is the top notch topic for the scientific part of this newsletter; it  simply demonstrate in various ways that Carnot has ben falsely considered the father of thermodynamics. 
His analogy between a waterwheel and an engine is analysed and found to be an absurd analogy. One by one, all of his claims are analysed and found absurd on basis of new experiments which can be performed even in less equipped school laboratories. 
A new postulate is formulated and another version of old Papin experiment is described in order to exemplify this postulate. 
Postulate: Mechanical work can be produced by having a thermodynamic system which remains all the time at a constant temperature. 
The fourth section is about the most famous intellectual criminal of all times. The Papin`s life is reconsidered because he was in fact assassinated for others having the priority over the steam engine. 
There are two sections about nuclear and coal power plants where it is demonstrated that a simple switch for the working agent would improve the total production with a conservative 20%. 
The last section, which is included in this email in its entirety – see bellow, analyses what has the society done for having this new theory of sciences and what are the consequences for not implementing it !

In a previous section, I made a short presentation for the Papin case in order to see what lesseon of history has to be learned. 
Of course, I am going to continue the investigations and write a book about the Papin life. I hope that some French organizations or individuals are going to support this initiative. 
By sure the life of a genial men deserves a book; by comparison some people considered necessary to write a book which analyses only the origin of the expression presented by Newton ,, by standing on the shoulders of Giants”.
I hope that some German and UK organizations are going to support a much larger project to write a more objective version of the XVIIth century events based on the documents available. 
And now it is important to make a comparison between what happened three centuries ago and what happens now.... 
At that time there was only Royal Society which sabotaged Papin, for some small reasons which by sure are going to surface soon …. 
In our days, and for a quarter of century, a crowd of imbeciles, occupying key positions in society, have been preventing an intelectual revolution, i.e. a change of the entire foundation of exact sciences. 
This crowd is composed mainly by the present intelectual elites but legislatives and executives are part of the plot too. 
The European Commission is a representative example which needs a special attention. They are meant to ensure progress and stability for the European Union and steward the interests of European citizens, but in reality they are doing the opposite. In the past, I filled in a complaint against European Commission without any positive result, there is still a initiative to the European parliament, but as in the Savery times, it is so simple to pass by these things and cover everything in a bureaucratic procedures. 
Of course, from their point of view, no one sabotaged me! They were doing their jobs only and they were doing with a bit of excess of zeal their jobs! Can someone accuse such people that being well paid, they were doing the jobs even more thoroughly as it should have been?
The academies and other representative institutions (universities, research centres) all over the world are part of the plot or in any case they tacitly tolerated it. I remember sending a paper for publishing to the Australian Academy of Science around 2007-2008 and they refused publishing it on the reason they do not understand the English in the article. I kept the original version of the article on the website (about covalent bond - the atomic book) and although there are some grammatical errors, the idea can be spotted easily. Anyway, after correcting the article to an professional English speaker and resubmitting the corrected article, they did not ever answer to my email. 
Any such representative institution in a direct or in an indirect way has took part in the plot, by not doing what they were meant to do. 
The Romanian Academy, which should promote the national values, including this theory, did the worse job in its history. There are available about 40000 Euro each year for an academician to be spend on indemnity and other expenses, but one Euro for this theory could not be found! Well, don't imagine that an academician lives only from the money coming from Academy. 
Of course, all the present Romanian academicians have been schooled in the wealthy western society and they are in contact with the intellectual elites; in fact, they have been paid directly or indirectly by these elites to keep their mouth shut and do nothing for promoting this theory. For a few thousands euro, they can be bought anytime at ,,their real market value”. They have forgotten that they should have represented the cultural elite of a nation and in the same time a model for the young generations. 
It is important to be highlighted what is at stake for the entire society in this modern plot...
Well, it is impossible to quantify at this moment what this new theory in economic terms really means! I am going to exemplify what does it mean only for a part of the energetic sector. Again, I do not make the estimation for the entire energetic sector, but only to highlight the consequences for the simple application discussed today, i.e. a simple change of a fluid in a power plant without any other investment. We have shown that by doing such small change, an amount of 3000 TWh (from coal and nuclear) could have been produced ,,from thin air” at the level of production estimated for 2016.
Ok, ,,from thin air” it does not mean I got it from my pocket, it is only the result of a technological improvement. 
At a cost of production of about 0,1 Euro per KWh, that amount would have represented
300 billions Euro for 2016, i.e. more than entire GDP of my country. 
What do you think now? Would someone want to kill for this fortune? If you say no, then your are completely torn from the reality! 99% of the human population in these civilised times would do it with the first occasion if they would be sure they are not caught!
Attention, this is not a new technology in is only a small detail which was left aside by an imbecile science...
What can a real new technology of electricity production bring, is going to be seen in the future....
Anyway, there is going to come a time when any company in the electricity field is going to be asked why did they, directly or indirectly, opposed to a switch in the technology!
The direct consequence of not implementing these technologies is seen in climate change and industrial pollution. Or course many people, especially politicians, make a lot of noise about these topics but all the strange measures they want to implement have to be supported by citizens.
The new theory comes with solutions to at least alleviate this burden on the citizens shoulders; but, do you think that this is important for a bunch of corrupt or lazy bureaucrats? 
Even a laymen could understand that society as a whole is already losing because these technologies are not implemented. 
I am not going to lose because the royalties for the electricity production are going to be recovered for me starting with 2010. Supplementary the new technologies are going to remain as intellectual property and never as brevets. Someone in the field of intellectual property knows what the difference is….
If a country wants to have progress and real scientific research, then it is high time to think in the future.

Let us see what the consequence of this organised plot for the educational system are! 

At least 20 generations of pupils, scholars, students and teachers were indoctrinated with a wrong scientific background and for most of them it is going to be impossible to switch to the new one. There are other generations coming from behind and although theoretically it is possible to ,,re-educate” these lost generations, in practice this is not going to happen. 
Although there is no doubt that this new theory of science is going to become the foundation for the future progress of humanity, this theory is only in its initial stage.... 
In the view of opposed resistance from the imbecility of elitist intellectuals, I was forced to dedicate my scarce time to bring up new experiments and facts which could demolish or rule out the present accepted dogma, so the ,,proper” development of the theory is lagging behind. If for example, the theory is going to be accepted tomorrow, there is a huge vacuum in many branches of science which cannot be filled over the night. 
As already presented with another occasion a period of at least five years is normally necessary for having new manuals, new teachers and so on. If the society as a whole afforded to be careless about such transition, this period is going to be extended accorded to the rules defined in a previous newsletter. 
How many lost generations can a society still afford? And who is going to be charged guilty for this disaster? 
Another major loss for the society as a whole is related to research expenses. 
The amount of money spent on futile research in this lost quarter of century is difficult to be imagined. At national level, for a developed country, there is about 5% of GDP dedicated to research. This is money from budget dedicated to fundamental research by the grant system. If one considers the private and industrial research, the expenses are bigger. In a quarter of a century, each developed country has thrown away at least the equivalent of a GDP.... 
Of course some are going to argue that part of these research are applicative research which remains valid even the foundation changes. This is true, but now there is necessary other input of money to clean up the mess and decide what is going to remain and what is going to be discarded. 
If this step were to be done a quarter of century earlier, tons of junk literature would have not been written and the transition would have been simpler...
Does someone think that such process can be performed over the night and with a team of few people?
Where are these people coming if the entire community is indoctrinated with imbecilities?
So, even for research there is going to be a discontinuity period according to the rules defined in a previous newsletter. 
In a future newsletter, there is going to be a broader presentation about the purpose of this theory and what are the targets....
First of all, each living person should ask himself what price would (s)he pay that his/her offspring have access to this theory. 
A real price, from my point of view, would be as follows: one generation of his/her offspring work for me, in the same conditions I have been working for decades and paid as I was paid. When his/her offspring have generated at least 1% of what I generated, then they are free to have access to this theory for them and for their descendants. 
If they are not able to generate in one generation that 1% of what I have generated, the contract extends in the same conditions for the next generation and so one. 
What do you think about this bargain? Would you be interested in it?
The difference between a great man and a common one can be seen in these conditions. 
What is going to happen when a great man acquires the power? Would he change something for the future or will he use the power only to get revenge for what happen to him previously.
The Newton – Hooke can be framed as a classical example for what happen when a tyrant got the power in his hands....
We imagine that such repetition of things is not possible in democracy but this is false. In a democracy these things happen all the time, but they are hidden. 
Beside professional harassment, for a quarter of century I was hunted by ,,imaginary ghosts” because when the entire system is against you, the danger comes from everywhere. 
A simple walk in a beautiful but uncrowned place, in a second can become a place where your life is endangered. A simple theft can appear as an accident, but these are only appearances because few (if any) such occasional acts are done for documents. Or maybe in the latest times many thieves want to improve their scientific knowledge... 
Probably the most tranquil period I remember was when I worked as a chemist for a half year to a cannabis cultivar in Switzerland. Unfortunately, this tranquillity suddenly disappeared when in a Sunday morning some gunshots outside disturbed my intellectual preoccupations. By sure I did not want to be a collateral victim in another war so this was also a reason I quit soon that job. Of course I was not keen to be part of this conflict either....
In a dictatorship, a dissident knows where the danger is coming from. In a democracy the danger comes from everywhere. 
Of course there is police but they are only to serve the system and to register the facts; they are not to prevent such situations.
Such direct or indirect pressure would drive any normal person crazy and would make it slip into paranoia and mental derangements. Boltzmann arrived to suicide for much less pressure and of course there was no one to see why such a person arrived to such desperate act. 
Unfortunately for this bunch of criminals, I have trained myself to endure this pressure and overcome any situation. 
Of course in such situations a strong believe in a ,,upper” protection is crucial; I always had an internal feeling that there is a greater purpose behind all these events and maybe someone incarnate in this life in order to change these things and show another path to be followed in the future. 
What would you think if your offspring would live in these conditions for decades?

Aren't you happy that the modern democracy we have build has tried to eliminate the greatest mind in humanity ever?...
…..and no one is guilty!
Are they, by any chance in a hurry of preparing me a commemorative plaque like for Papin? 
This is not a new thing in history. The first democracy in Athens, succeeded in killing one of the most outstanding personality of that time and of course no one was charged guilty.

The purpose of this theory is to change a lot of things in the world, starting with environmental aspects, education, research and development, economic rules and up to some social aspects. Do not worry, it is not the purpose of this theory to change a political system! 
As Romanian, it is going to be a priority to buy my country back for Romanians and to make it entire.....
Now, my country is chopped and has become only a colony for the mercantilism of a mad society. 
I hope that God is going to help me to transform my nation in an example to be followed by others, in their way toward progress and spirituality.

A usual, the link to this newsletter:


Sorin Coșofreț


Monday, August 31, 2020

it also depends on a single God particle

From: Rosemary Ainslie <>
Subject: New concepts

Dear Professor X
Sadly, the standard model is committed to concepts and explanations of the forces that are logically flawed.  Essentially that model pivots on the claim that nothing has a greater velocity than photons, which travel at about 186,300 miles per second.  But, if any material or any particle - travelled at a greater velocity than light, then light would not be able to interact with it.  No sooner had light reached it then it would have moved.  In effect it would be invisible.  At best it may manage a partial interaction which would give an incomplete or shadowy reflection of that material.  And if multiples of that particle assembled as a field, which field also moved at greater than light speed, then that field would also be invisible, or at best, only partially visible. Because, obviously, we need light to interact with material to make it visible and the field velocity would exceed light speed.  The attached thesis identifies these fields as dark matter. 
The paper, ‘on the unification of the forces', further proposes that primary magnetic fields comprise dipoles that assemble in 1-, 2-, and 3-dimensions.  They are responsible for electromagnetism, the nuclear forces and gravity, respectively.  It proposes that stable particles are composites of this dipole and it is able to reconcile the mass/size ratio of the proton to the electron.  So. Not only does this thesis describe and localize the dark force and dark energy but it also depends on a single God particle.  The departure from Standard is only in that these arguments are argued logically.

The paper on ’the experimental evidence of a breach of unity’ is the proof that these new concepts may, indeed be correct because that measured unity breach was predicted by the model.  Professor Butrouna and Professor Gomez of WCU, have broadly approved the logic to the thesis and simulated the experiment, respectively, which test confirmed the measured unity breach that was claimed in both papers. 

The file ‘prologue’ is intended as an introduction to a small book that is written for the layman and that will be published on line.  This is included here to afford you some idea of my background as I am self-taught.   

Kindest regards
Rosie Ainslie   

706 513 3114

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Follows is the background to the development of this thesis, which is somewhat atypical and eccentric.  This is intended as a prologue for a book that has been written on the thesis and which is intended for the layman.

Like most of us, my adult life was monopolised by the need to earn a living.  I was in commercial property development and retired at 50.  I promised myself that thereafter I would only occupy my days with the two things that I loved most in life, which was art and writing.  I wrote my first novel within the first 3 months of retirement.  After this I got engrossed in a series of short stories for children.   Both these efforts were sent to Struiks who immediately published my short stories.  They also offered to publish my novel provided that I changed its locale from Uganda to Cape Town, to give it a more topical flavour.  I never did get around to doing that change.

Physics as it’s known and taught conforms to certain principles, which are widely referred to as the ‘standard model’.  This model is distinct from more contentious theories, which are entertained by scientists but not necessarily endorsed.  They include the God particle, the Unification of the forces, Dark energy, and on an on, which theories are not yet entirely proven and therefore fall outside that standard.  Well, purely by chance and soon after retirement I happened to read one of my father’s books on layman’s physics.  The Dancing Wu Li Masters by Gary Zukov.   This book gives a broad-brush stroke introduction to that standard model but is written with a rare clarity that is not often associated with science.   I read it at least 3 times, cover to cover. 

I had never studied physics at school.  Certainly those subjects were available.  But I only needed one science subject for my matriculation and, because my interest then was nominal I opted for biology.  But now, at the age of 50, I had discovered a new passion.  It was physics, and, while my knowledge of the subject was somewhat bereft, my appetite for it became insatiable.  Questions abounded.  What caused gravity?  What was magnetism?  What was electricity?  I needed to know.  And I needed to experiment.  I couldn’t actually experiment with the strong and weak nuclear forces or with gravity.  But magnets are widely available.

It’s actually rather amusing looking back on it.  I first bought about 50 bar magnets, each of them about 10 centimeters long.  And then I hung them in clusters to see their interactions.  I cooked them to see if this made a difference.  I even tasted them.  It was an obsessive interest, which was there when I woke up and stayed with me until I eventually went back to bed.   Those experiments were hardly scientific.  But they added to my curiosity.  And eventually I found some small comfort in reading all that I could that was available in layman’s literature.  And so it was that my knowledge and understanding of the subject became marginally more defined.

Probably because I spent that month or more, obsessively looking at the interactions of magnets with magnets and coupled with the happy fact that I was never schooled in the subject, I felt free to ask my own questions.  The first most obvious question was in trying to determine if there was an actual material property to magnetism.  What was that thing that arranged itself as a field?  Could there be something there that was invisible?  Like a ghost particle?

The real issue at question here is that we need light to make things visible.  And we need photons to give us light.  And we also know that the speed of light is about 186,000 miles per second.  But what if fields, those magnetic or nuclear or even gravitational fields, comprise particles?  And what then if those field particles moved at an even greater speed than 186 000 miles per second?  Light would never be able to interact with that field.  As soon as it reached them they’d have moved.  Always they’d be out of reach.  At best light would manage a random, or a partial interaction.  A chance hit.  And then they’d perhaps expose some shadowy indication of something there.  But they could never shed light on the actual material itself.  It would be moving too quickly.

My second question was this?  We’ve all learned that E=Mc^2.  In essence this means that if you had the mass of a particle, or in fact of anything, you could then calculate its potential energy.  My problem with this was that I had read that a photon has zero mass.  Its speed, or better said, its velocity, is about 186 000 miles per second.  And yet it has no mass?  Nothing?  Because whichever way you multiply it, or square it, or do what you will with it, the product of the speed of light and the mass of a photon is zero.  How then can it also be so uniquely and so extraordinarily energetic?  The standard explanation is that light has a frequency.  But is frequency not also a measure of energy?  Or perhaps, just perhaps, there may be something very wrong with the basic assumptions of our experts in the field?

That the standard model is incomplete is a little known truth.  For example no one actually knows what causes electricity, let alone gravity or the strong and weak nuclear forces.  When I finally I realized this I also realized that I would need to find my own answers.  But I had no knowledge of math, none at all.  If, indeed, I were to resolve anything I would first need to establish some basic rules of logic, which I did, eventually.  In fact I formulated my entire thesis from the use of logic applied to scientific questions.  Generally and in effect it was simply an eccentric use of the dialectic, and surprisingly I’ve since realized that nothing else would have worked. 

Specifically, the proposed answer was, at best, non-standard.  The thesis suggests that the unification of the forces is actually shrouded in the mysterious properties of a dipole.  This was my concluding deduction.  Accordingly, all that was and is, is structured from varying numbers of an unpretentious spherical particle.  It has an equitable amount of two opposite charges distributed on either side of an imaginary equator.  Not unlike the two poles on our very own planet Earth, except that its charge would be entirely contained within its spherical boundary.  And singly, or in composites, or even in field multiples, this little sphere is the only material thing needed to generate the manifold structures of our entire universe.  But where it comes from?  And why in such abundance?  God only knows.      

I will never forget the day.  It was August 31, 1997.  I had the television on and had been up late.   Cape Town is on the same timeline as Paris and, at about 11 o clock that evening, it was announced that Princess Diana had been killed in an automobile accident.  It was just prior to this that I had finally dared to subject my insights to the ultimate test of numbers.  I had applied some tenuous principles of size and velocity to a series of theorized composite dipoles and their proposed inverse proportional relationship.  And it had worked out right.  My proton was precisely 1836 times greater than my electron.

So it was that I realized that this dipole might indeed be the object of a universal search for the elusive God particle.  And, over the next few months, I discovered that composites of this dipole would then generate particles of infinite stability, including the electron, the proton and the photon.  It was amazing.  Thereafter I was also able to determine the direction that these composites would move inside various fields.  And ultimately it was a colleague of mine, Donavan Martin, who resolved the final question.  He found the dipole’s required symmetries needed to generate a field. 

Well then.  If this much was right it may well indicate that the entire thesis may be right.  In which case?  Space, all of space would therefore be filled with fields of these little dipoles.  Varying clusters of evident or measurable matter would, in turn, be trapped inside an all-encompassing universal magnetic field.   Dark matter.  And I could argue the shape of all those fields as well as determine the number of dimensions needed to sustain this extraordinarily beautiful, this most elegant of systems.  It was heady stuff.

For some weeks thereafter I subjected my arguments and conclusions to a rigorous comparison with what was known within the standard model.  And I consistently had the real satisfaction of seeing those answers conform to this thesis. 

The details of the unfolding argument are the subject of this book.  I’ve tried to make this intelligible for the layman when, in fact, it’s presumptuous to propose that it’s even intelligible for academics.  I published a paper on the thesis and a paper on its experimental proof.  But the first is really a philosophy paper.  And the paper that holds the experimental evidence has claims in it that contradict our thermodynamic laws.  Sadly, this seems to render the entire thesis somewhat too distasteful for our experts’ consumption.

Here’s the thing.  Our science experts depend on experimental evidence to advance science, but with this caveat.  Evidence that contradicts thermodynamic laws is self-evidently erroneous and is, therefore, dismissed out of hand.  And when it comes to speculation on the property of fields filled with an invisible material?  Then indeed, and to a man, they are of the opinion that one is dealing, not with science, but with a rather speculative and adventurous philosophy.  Couple this to the proposal that size itself may an adequate description of a particle, as is advanced in this thesis?  Then indeed one is flirting with scientific heresy.  This is because, in terms of the standard model, a particle’s weight or, better said, its mass, is one of its definitive features.  And according to those same experts a particle’s mass bears no correlation to its size.  So sadly my proposed particle, my version of the God particle, is not only confrontational but it requires a skill set for understanding it, that is neither entirely geometry nor entirely philosophy. 

The universal consensus from our experts in the engineering fraternity has been one of outright dismissal.   Measurement’s error!  Pseudoscience!  But happily it seems that our particle theorists are possibly more persuadable.  I finally managed to get one to read the paper, a Professor Kamal Butrouna, of Western Carolina University.  I gave him a copy of the paper, as then still unpublished, in July, I think it was, of 2019.  He took some two or three months to get back to me.  But when he did, he met with me in their library and congratulated me.  I was amazed.  For the first time in my life I had found an academic who saw some merit in the thesis.  To the embarrassment of us both I was moved to tears.

Thereafter he spent some time trying to find a colleague in high-energy physics to collaborate with him to write a proper physics paper on the thesis.  But, sadly, he did not succeed.  Nor did he have the time to do this entirely by himself.  But he did manage to persuade another one of his colleagues, a Professor Rodriguez Gomez, to read it.  Professor Gomez is an astrophysicist.  Particle physics is certainly not his expertise.  But he was, nonetheless, sufficiently intrigued to do a simulation of the experiment.  He found those same measurement anomalies, which were claimed in the paper.  And such results were undeniably in breach of Thermodynamic Laws.  In effect they’re widely considered to be impossible.

He then undertook to repeat the actual experiment if I could supply him with the transistors.  And at some considerable difficulty I finally managed this.  I gave him the IRFPG50 MOSFET transistors in November 2019.  As I write it is now June 2020 and there has been no word.  So, of necessity, my hopes here have been put on ice.  I have since learned that he’s been promoted and his workload is not as manageable.  Hopefully he’ll eventually find time for this.

Meanwhile, through a miracle, my paper on the thesis was eventually published in The Journal of Nuclear Physics.  It took a full gestation period of 9 months after submission.  But I doubt that anyone other than the reviewer has ever read it.  I’ve sent the PDF to a long list of academics without even getting acknowledgement of receipt.  Disheartening indeed.  But I’ve been told that the advancement of any new ideas depends on one’s attendance at conferences and on a certain amount of explanation.  And ideally this should be coupled with some level of accreditation, however nominal.   However any kind of attendance at conferences is both beyond my competence and my budget.  And I have no accreditation at all.  None.

I have now nearly completed a small book on the subject, which is written for the layman.   These pages will be its prologue.  I am hoping that this may generate a groundswell of interest in the unhappy event that our academics continue to ignore this potential technology.  Clearly I’m excessively optimistic.  And equally hopefully, I am trusting that this writing may be intelligible to both the layman and the expert.  But the former would need to have some real interest in science, which is rare.  And the latter would need to be uniquely and perfectly unbiased, which is unlikely.  Perhaps God Himself can again intervene.  I really need another miracle.

Before I wrap up here I must reference the outrage that my work has evoked.  I was under attack 24/7 for about 3 years.  I had published a paper titled ‘Experimental evidence of a breach of unity on switched circuit apparatus’.  Predictably this attracted a fairly large following and ultimately I was getting up to 750 K hits a month on my blog.  Then a veritable team of trolls moved onto that blog and systematically and unmercifully criticized both my work and my lack of expertise.  This attack was and is inappropriate because my claim is based on experimental evidence.  Their time would have been better spent in disproving those results.

Eventually they persuaded me to subject our experiment to a more rigorous test by taking measurements precisely at the negative terminal of a battery supply.  This localized point is certainly not indicative of the energy distributed throughout the circuit and is entirely different to the measurements taken on the ground rail itself.  Notwithstanding this, we did as asked and we also did this experiment on line.  And we did indeed find a result that appeared to belie our claim.  It showed that there was a positive discharge from the battery supply.  But this result could not be accounted for in the light of an open circuit.  Technically it would have been impossible for that discharge to be released by the battery.  It made no sense.

Retrospectively I realized that this was always their intention.  They used that video as an admission of failure.   My published paper proved that conventional application of the electric force is grossly and unnecessarily prodigal.  And that paper also claimed that electricity could be delivered at the smallest fraction of its current costs.  While this would certainly appeal to the average user, it would also, most certainly, alarm our energy suppliers, both in fossil fuel and in renewable energy.  I am of the opinion that these were the players that were funding my trolls.  Certainly that team of 8 or 10 people was permanently on line and on my blog, and for many years. 

But left unanswered from that very public video, was the anomalous evidence of a battery discharge onto an open circuit.  Engineers know that this is impossible.  It just can’t be done.  And the only other possible deduction would be that the battery itself was not discharging but recharging.   Certainly that was both my claim and the indication of measurement taken both there and elsewhere on the circuit ground rail.  And this fact, coupled with the measured evidence of a battery performing in excess of its watt-hour rating was my proof that energy was actually coming from the circuit itself.

But here they showed an excess of positive current on the wrong side of the switch without pointing out the anomaly of this reading from an open circuit.  And such a measurement belied a benefit and was more in line with standard predictions.  It was enough to throw doubt on the claim.  And certainly the release of that video was enough to silence my supporters.  Indeed, it was a brutally effective means of discrediting the claim without any need to evaluate its evidence.  My trolls moved out of reach after their release of that video.

Be that as it may.  I am somewhat of a fatalist and I believe that the blog closure was long overdue.  The time had come for me to more earnestly promote this knowledge directly to the academic.  I needed to write a paper on the thesis.   And now that I have both completed and published that paper, which for me was the most challenging of tasks, I am trying to advance this knowledge more broadly and through my best efforts herein.

What follows is a loose schedule of the concluding claims of this work.  They need to be disproved.  Because it’s only in the art of disproof that this, or in fact any work in science, can be correctly evaluated.  Nothing else cuts it.  Nothing else is appropriate.  Certainly any opinion, either positive or negative, would simply be an insult to this most noble of all the arts.  It’s an art that claims a complete dependency on experimental evidence and the claims here are easily disprovable.  Of course they are.  They rest on measurement and logic both of which can be evaluated.  The following few paragraphs list some of the claims of this thesis, but in its broadest terms. 

-            Everything that is, is structured from precisely one particle.  This includes both material that can be made visible to light, and material that is invisible.  This particle is a dipole having the same amount of both positive and negative charge within its structure.

 -           These dipoles can assemble into strings, which then structure magnetic fields including 1-, 2-, and 3-dimensional fields.  Due to the dipoles’ interaction with each other and within those strings, the fields generate a spin making them both localized and orbital.  Their velocity exceeds light speed, which puts them out of range of an interaction with light.  This renders the fields invisible.

- Invisible 1-dimensional fields are structured as a simple string of dipoles with their ends closed.  These strings are responsible for binding atoms and molecules into identifiable structures.  In response to a charge imbalance in a battery mix, these binding fields become open strings positioned across a battery terminal.  They can then be measured as potential difference.  Under closed circuit conditions these open strings move across a circuit from one terminal to another thereby adjusting their charge so that they can then reorganize and balance the binding in that mix.  This movement through the circuit is measured as electric current flow.  And, subject to a switched circuit in series with an inductive load and that supply source, this electric energy can be delivered without an attendant loss of potential difference to its supply.  When and if these binding strings collapse or become chaotic, they manifest as fire.  This fire then seeks out new material to bind.  

-            Invisible 2-dimensional fields are responsible for the strong and weak nuclear force.  They assemble in multiple closed strings that are structured on the horizontal plane.  These fields are the basic hidden structure of the elements.  At critical sizes their strings collapse and disassemble the dipoles in those strings.  Then the liberated dipoles transmute into protons, electrons and neutrons all of which, in turn, are dipolar composites that remain inside the boundary of that 2-dimensional field. The number of those assembled composite particles determines the atoms’ type, its complexity and its mass.

-            Invisible 3-dimensional fields are responsible for gravity.  They assemble and stack multiple two dimensional magnetic fields into the form of a torus.   These fields can then be determined by compass and they generate a gravitational force by forcing all matter within that field, to its centre. This resolves that matter into the form of a sphere.  Antimatter, conversely, would be forced to the outer boundaries of that field.

-            There is a further ultimate and universal toroidal field that holds all matter.  When a string from this vast field is broken, the dipoles within those strings spill out into a localized area of space.  They form the visible nebula, which, in its early form, is a chaotic assembly of the dipolar material that was previously hidden in its orbiting or string condition.  Matter systematically re-assembles from this spillage thereby generating large assemblies of elements as suns.  And when these suns spin outside the ambit of that nebula they experience a voltage imbalance from the localized orbit of that universal toroidal field.  Not only do they then catch fire but some of their binding fields are discarded.  These discarded fields, in turn, generate 2-dimensional orbiting fields of dipoles strapped at the circumference of that star and thereby forming solar systems.

If correct then these deductions indicate that it would be feasible to generate antigravity.  And certainly the experimental evidence is that one can generate electricity at a fraction of its cost and through a method that would be far kinder to our environment.  But I’m also hoping that this thesis will give reason to desist from any use of nuclear fission for any purposes at all because the indications here are that the potential force of that energy could ultimately degrade the Earth’s magnetic fields.  And if used in space it could likely degrade that universal toroidal field.  Both are critical.

As mentioned in the paper, there is no patent on any of this technology.  The hope is that this will motivate readers of this to both experiment and apply this technology to a myriad of potential uses.


Tuesday, May 5, 2020

this Singularity is all about (waffles and) …


you have sinned before me (and after!)
have compassion upon us and upon our children
help us bring an end to pestilence, war, and famine
cause all hate and oppression to vanish from the earth

 So I’m on “EV” and “N” (as you, not me) … funnel and Rapunzel … “never” seems to shine out of those Adamically and Biblically central letters that connect the “sewer” of Adamah’s Bubonic Plague and Stargate’s Naquedah … probably once again to the story of Cain and Abel, and a total loss of civilization that I (and we) should all see here hidden in the ether, sort of playing the “recreation” of the First Morning here in this world like some kind of game or stage … “pretending” they either need or don’t need a refresher in "what the fundamental building blocks of civilization actually are.
Here we have examples that connect “aquaducts” to a form of “infinte power” and sanitation and the proper handling of total garbage to something like avoiding the largest cause of mass graves since you were sure that “grave danger” was some kind of direct threat on your supposed and hidden immortality.
Honestly I’d prefer to see Ai-rports and “social contracts” on our list of things whose “total loss” (of understanding) that are actually the “Fall of Mankind” … but this is what we have to work with–so here’s yet another Princess Bride reference to connect these messages to the key “land of Nod” where Cain was ressurected–(I mean banished to)–after the First Morning seems to have totally led everyone astray and forced a mass return to Hell to once again find out why “earthquakes” and “school shootings” are on also on the list of things that seem to have been totally misunderstood in our exposition on “why being in Heaven” has something to do with actually stopping those things–rather than pretending you aren’t the “what goes up has returned” that defines the end of “Heavenly behavior.”
12 If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how canyou believe if I tell you heavenly things? 13 a No one has b ascended into heaven except c he who descended from heaven, the Son of Man. 7 14 And d as Moses lifted up the serpent inthe wilderness, so must the Son of Man e be lifted up, 15 that whoever believes f in him g may have eternal life.
John 3:13
I don’t really agree with the above quote-and it’s reprnted here sort of just to prove or indicate that someone other than myself has actually thought about these “exact words” connecting to the meaning of “the letter n” … what appears to be thousands of years prior to our “here and now” and this very strange Apocalyptic (apparently repeat-)event that seems to be characterized by a very large group of “fallen angels” (or descended Heavenly beings, it’s al about perspective) torturing their birth-bodies with … permanent or temporary erasure as well as myself–and anyone else that didn’t make into their evil club of “secrecy” that has totally destroyed (maybe temporarily) the purpose of religion to maintain “humane decency” and “visible morality” through a disclosure that they “xist”–in my mind through tactile and visible proof that the “Earth is in Heaven” and that means virtual reality … by actually ascending the minds of nearly everyone (hey …)
Somehow “actually walking around in Heaven” seems to have lead to a mass disrespect for religion, for God and for me–and I feel like aside from “feeling like I’m the last human being (see Mr. Nobody)” and the only person “left out” … I’m tortured not just by the whole of the world apparently "Leaving Behind Morals’ but literally with threats, psychological manipulation and torture a la “Fallen” and “Joan of Arcadia” (en masse, everywhere I go) … as well as significant and repeated threats of bodily harm both “out loud” from people here … as wellas “out loud” from invisible demons that really have no business talkking to me–or to you through me–or frankly existing at all in the time and place it appears God has designed to remove them from the future.
So frankly I blame “whatever is there” … and there’s plenty of clues that it’s actually not “input/output to space” but rather “knowing everything” that has somehow corrupted not only how you judge or view an “individual unrelated to the First Morning (or anything that came after it”) but to blanketly ignore sinificant mental torture not just from ignorant people on the street but actual and sigificant direct neural torture … “thought injection” … emotion modification … literally the stuff of mental slavery (probably two halves of the point of Exodus) … to stop the intentional and evil external impartation of the symptoms of “schizophrenia” and of “the blindness that characterizes Biblical darkness” and also whatever is behind your lack of “honest commnication.”
These things probably get worse before they get beter–and it’s overy clear to me that here in this place we have a foundation in neuroscience and “Brain Computer Interfaces (BCI)” specifically to help us understand … why religion and “biologcal brains” exist here in this horrendous spectacle of “simulated reality” where I’ve commented on numerous occaisions that it’s probably seeing and understanding our fledgling “birth soul source biological thinking machines” that actually frees a much larger place and a group of people that think they’re “perfect” from what appears to be a storm of outside thought manipulation that has rendered you all … mute and evil … rather than the moral little simians that were supposed to connect “simulated reality” and the throes of natural disaster to the beginning of a message about how technology can either build Heaven or … whatever the Hell you think this place actually is.
inscribe us for blessing in the book of life
let the new year be a good year for us
avinu malkeinu sh’ma kolenu
avinu malkeinu chatanu l’faneycha
avinu malkaynu alkenu chamol aleynu
Here’s these three letters again, sort of placing us “in betwen the e and the n” of the words end and Heaven and “everyone” … in a message hopefully helping us see that “saving everyone” is significantly more than a “numbers game” or simply assimilating a much larger mass into some collective … Hell bent on doing nothing but presenting to itself and to everyone and everything looking at this world a “mass lie” significantly less obvious and more sinister and toxic than the “original lie”–that we’re sitting in virtual reality and “weren’t overtly told” with religion, a crash course in computing, and Occulus Rift.
Your mass lie is much worse than His–though it’s almost certain God is ultimately behind your inane stupidity now just like he appears to be behind the insane Darkness outlined
in Exodus and honestly every word of every language … in this place where the intelligencia among you might wonder … “is there a reason?” and at least on some superficial level conect it to what might be a much larger problem with “ignorance of mind control” and “loss of self” occuring in secret–in a place that thinks it understands just about everything except how to care about themselves and “thank the world that saved them” from … being slaves forever and ever.
I’ve written severall times before about “EV” and it appears connected directly to movies like Evita and Rocky and …
I mean you’ve literally been manipulated “en masse” as in … every single one of you to torture Jesus Christ, ignore every word and every movie you grew up … watching or making–and their actualy meaning–and to continue to “simulate natural disaster” (among less obvious torture devices) and then … in your idioticly blind minds somehow either “blame me” for Creation or your mass ignorance; and to do absolutely nothing useful. ((Kudos)) and by the way I’m not two people, and neither are you.
Worse, you are either pretending you don’t understand something very simple; you are actually being made to “not get” that the letter “t” is a cross or a sword and the letter “l” is the Washington Monument and the letter “n” is Newton’s apple arc and the letter “d” is a trigger… and that walking around here ignoring that is tantamount to treason against humane behavior and high crimes and … what’s this got to do with my demeanor?
So I’m floating here in Lake Worth advocating the worth of re-working the ascension process, this monstrosity that has created an “everyone must go up and come back” message in the land that refuses to acknowledge “Amphetamine” and “Ketamine” have something to do with the “world of the son of the morning” being re-created and re-worked by … it once was “everyone” writing the story–and to be honest I don’t even think that’s a physical possibility–or what changes were made other than adding a few extra movies, maybe the Talmud, and Islam.
Literally, those are the things you’ve done, in a place where “Arimeathea” and “Sharia Law” connect to “the he[aring of Jesus Christ” and a judge named Ari Porth]. Ring true with some kind of understanding, you or this place have intentionally made problems like “bad legislative process and laws” significantly worse to return here and make them more obvious to see, easier to change, and … literally to make it a mandatory action to disclose that’s exactly what “Sharia Law” is.
Then you got here, and decided not to do it. I imagine to my detriment you’ve decied not to do it “just here” in a place where “e” has now come to scream a meaning closer to “in control of a multiverse simulator and abusing it horribly” much more than it has anything to do with “everyone” (other than that being a prime reason we aren’t whole, anywhere) rather than being defined by “medicine” and a “Seac of Unholy Water” refusing to see those four letters in Caesar and Hepheastus and … t care that democracy and medicine have nothing to do with each other at all until we have free speech and open honest discussion.
It appears you’ve placed me in a world of “descended space toasters” and you think I should be happy or thankful to be walking around in a planet of fake, lying, enslavd puppets–and then that you can treat me like … (do you torture ants?) some kind of thing that I can only liken here to the Roman Colleseums and to Pitbul Fighting; linking “pit of DES & prime pairs” … something we literally abhor here–and would most likely find even more repugnant when those dogs were “people” … and yet you stand in silence and gaze at it laughing like morons… at least that’s what the gladiator mETLcosm appears to indicate … and what I hear in the “ether.”
So that’s what I see in the world, and that’s what I see in religion and myth… somehow you’ve gotten your brain put into a machine that expands it into something much larger–something much more mechanical–and this thing has convinced you beyond doubt or “comment” that it’s OK to stick your hand in a pot of frying oil … and just ignore it as if it’s some kind of “vacation in fake-reality.”
Nobody seems to blame the machine or the process-or this gigantic historical message that precedes everything I’ve ever done, written, and frankly the vast majority of my life–and instead you seem to think it’s some kind of rational decision to “blame me.” I’ve heard “reasons” from the thing I see blaming me for it’s mistakes–things like “well, he has the most light, so…” and I can see how this world of (evil, blind, and self harming) jackal-thieves might convince themselves that the person with the most “inherited money” should probably pay everyone for all the suffering they’ve imposed on themselves and continue to impose on the world around them–I can only shake in fear to think that this might not be “the worst place” and I can see nearly every work how people seem to have blood tear from their glowing eyes as the invisible world exudes some kind of “relishment” in the temporary creation of a much worse Hell … one that the invisible thing fused with my face and soul appears to fight off–maybe with some more invisible help.
That’s scary, and even more so because some of it sticks–the thing I’ve now come to connect to the “belt of Orion” and Beetlejuice; in particular, that’s stuck for far longer than I can imagine … and today when I look outside it’s still the land of “nods and epiphanic laughter” whenever I walk outside and stare at Eden’s snake connecting Ophhiccus and Apophenia as the procession of “phones to Hell from EN” drives by me …
I wonder if they laugh at the same things that I do–or if they see the driver that’s just passed before them doing exactly the same thing–I wonder if you all see what I see, if you are intentionally creating a world that appears to be enslaved …
all the while in my mind … the only logical reason and cause for such a thing … that you’re off playing in the land of hollow cities … a sparse topological map of “rooms and games” connected by friends lists … here manifesting in the world in words and conversations I have with “things” like Florida, MIT, and Business Insider.

wonderfully delish!
IMAGINE that” some very cute girl I had a crush on in 1999 would say with me; at least myself not realizing that word that John Lennon made glbally “famous” yet another clue and key to this place where I once connected JISC-MAIL and the Mailman center to the apocalypse of “Mad Max Beyond the Postman” … and here another birth name linked to Ren and Dr. Stump … and the other word … “FLUKE” indicating very clearly it’s no fluke that I’m in Florida, or that this thing has happened numerous times. That repetition is clearly due to something outside the life of the “green” Jesus Malverde or Osiris or whatever you want to connect to the “sick to his stomach” person who appears clearly to be the only one whose memory from birth to thirty screams “this is the first time this has happened” in a place where I later found out there’s at least three repetitions encoded throughout my life, from Trinity to the Spanish and Italian near wives I link to the word “SEMITES” …
Que Lastima, I throw in … in retrospect … to link the Hebrew word for “mom” [latka?] that means “my great grandmother” to me personally and on a grand scale to the words “I am the beginning” in this place where the Fallen Snake was repeatedly called “the end of time.”
Na Na … Na Na ManNa
So you seem to “blame me” for religion and mythology having some hidden connection to drugs–literally to the Holy Sacrament of the land of Egypt … “Manna” from Heaven now connecting to bath salts and to the common street name for Prometheus’s name’s heart, “Tina.” You literally seem to think it’s A-OK to torture me with fear and a sick amount of obvious “conspiracy to commit murder” to ignore this message and an obvious “frame job” … missing the “YON” connecting the Hebrew name for the God Most High and it’s link to the heart of the word “everyone” … to fail to see that this message that should turn addiction into something like “bliss on tap” connects the Islamic Iblis to Armilust; to the “amor” of Rick and Morty …
… but clearly and most importantly to a message that explains how the technology responsible for creating “e” (the you and I, superimposed … MIL version) … and somehow you think taht means “you’re me” and that’s the whole point of turning around the message “contamination” failing to link “INATION” and “assassination” to words like “extinction” and “examination.” To kiss, I try every day to show us how understanding the technology responsible for forcing me to do drugs could instantly flip a switch and destroy “addiction” and “come downs” and “withdrawals” and at the same time give us something like “modes of self” that sometimes increase euphoria temporarily and sometimes increase interest or … ability to concentrate.
The existence of these names, these myths–the word “name” itself–it should be enough for you to logically figure out there’s something bigger going on here than “stealing from God.”
The world as a whole–through silence–or the invisible world that actually speaks to me … you seem to think that “I need to turn around” and they’re just fine literally torturing me with attrition and silence and “pretending to be real” or actually being the most broken “formerly free civilization” I can imagine. There’s no doubt in my mind that the way this world reacts to “me blowing the Horn of Revelation” is the broken thing, that the world is wrong and it needs to turn around–and that you should see clearly enough the mythological connections between Medusa and Perseus and The Silver Surfer to fathom that I really am God’s little mirror in a world that really is his “large mirror” and both I and this world are reflections of “everything wrong” either with you (in my case) or with the Cosmos and Heavens as a whole, in the case of the Earth itself.
Frankkly I think you “actually get that” and for reasons that are illogical, selfish, and self defeating (as well as "group ending") ...
I forgot to mention “gin” is a euphemism for meth. This connection between alcohol and speed runs deeper than "Spinach" and also connects Hell’s Bells to Heimdallr’s "mead" and Horn (which contains famous initials and is the "actual myth" of Hell's Bells).
I could like that to “metacity” and the open source window manager that literally defines the product of a group of people that “don’t refuse to see this message or act to follow the will of God” … to create a sort of “crash course in Heaven” and make it pluggable and scriptable and enhancable and then to deliver it to “everywhere” to the hidden rocks on the playground and the Hells far worse than here. It needs to be that, pluggable and enhancable and it needs to work for cave men and for the world you seen–proverbially and probably something like cavemen to the land in the future that wrote the words “sackcloth” about the garb that we wear and probably laugh inside about “garbage” … and carriage and … a stepping stone on the road to morality and actual “Christ like behavior” that doesn’t like the Golden Rule to Karma and create a sick culture of disgusting jackals in the sky, but rather to something like "treat others significantly better than you were treated, or would want to be–and that will “carautomatically come back to you…”
This is a place that heard stories about immortality and about infinite power and has twisted it–contaminated it–believes to have stolen it, all the while plunging those infinite years into what appears to be a future of “games and getting back at people” plaguing the bored minds of whatever it is that’s come here … probably “seeking exit” or “more Pac-Man pellets” and fails to see a very timely message about closed economies festering–and their failure to “actually follow this message” creating inflation to the point of “Mamma, there’s no light at all.”
And I have a memory of the thing that speaks through me overtly sometimes, commenting about “try some poison-light” for a change, and I wonder if you remember it, if you realize that’s the crux of “seeing me” and thinking I’m blind–what you remember and don’t seems to be taking away “happy future” from the skies just like it’s taking away “ending addiction” from the Alcoholics Anonymous C of Isaac.
You should believe me when I tell you my addiction is fueled by outside control, by a world that refuses to see it and instead takes part in it–that it’s not just “carrot on a stick” or seeking the world to change before me, but literally pressing a button that “fires neurons that create craving and desire” and probably literal puppeteering–scripting of my movements … just like “nodding” and just like “laughing.” You should believe me because it’s the kind of thing that I see in everyone, and it’s the kind of thing that truly understanding creates the very virginity and innocense that characterizes the virgin birth of a Mary that’s the sea of children of this place–rather than it’s “grand-mother.”
It’s similar to other guidance I’ve “thought to the ether” … to see how every war in our history essentially boils down to be actually caused by the “primevil lie” … by scarce resources like energy and land–and how that too can be part of the ‘automatic script’ that alters or “colors our memories” to remove blame and engender forgiveness.
It’s not all that intuitive, it’s probably not what you want or would feel naturally–but it’s the kind of thing that can be mathematically proven, and not seeing that here in this place the exacerbation of hiding “simulated reality” and “heaven” has made it significantly worse–it shows me at least that there’s no way around “forcing understanding” of our birth conditions and the throes of a civilization being birthed in Heaven in fake reality into the “really” that … again … turns “willing” in the sewer to see “the reason all are why there is no Hell, anywhere, ever again.”

Human 2.0 Is Almost Here: The Transhumanism Agenda Just Went Mainstream

I’m not really sure how “knowing everything” and ascending to become a space toaster doesn’t connect in your minds to “total and complete loss of self” but it should. It appears to me that there’s a concerted effort to “r in secret” meaning to ascending your minds and not your bodies into some kind of invisible system that brings you off to … “a gigantic jump so big you can’t even see it here.”
In short it looks like the older version of you–or the thing that controlled your life is literally becoming you–both here and in “the other place” and you don’t seem to think there’s anything wrong with that. Longer and more drawn out, this is basically “plugging Siri into your brain” on steroids–except totally changing the functionality of our minds–to the point where we can think as multiple people and believe we are them–see and understand things beyond our means, and the entirety of the process … for lack of a better explanation really appears to completely leap frog over the thing I think will be most fun for us … which is exploring and controlling that process, the “in between hundred (or thousand) years.”
That’s what I want to actually experience–not waking up as God–but rather in a place where we have some kind of external control over the rules and creation of “our VR’s” (kind of a new acronym (RVRs) He “coined”) … without it being an actual full extension of how we think–I want to use tools to build places, not just have them magically appear as whatever the cruel genie can find in his coffer of past made stuff–I want to make new things, and I want the old things to be available as a starting point, to connect the “they” and the “them” that’s neither us nor we.
I want to be involved in the process of building those tools,a nd of playing in the magical things that we come up with–never never land–without it literally being exactly as it was done before, or even guided by that place “in secret.”
Unfortunately you don’t seem to care to comment on whether you agree or disagree, and that’s a big problem for “freedom” and “future.”
Written with StackEdit
I’m doing some more research into the software packages available to boostrap the shaft of this “sword from the rock” thing; ran across what appears to be a decent reddit like implementation in the blockchain-world (though missing nearly all of the blockchain benefits) … that I might wind up spending some time trying to actually “join a community”–it’s been quite some time since I was able to deal with functioning in thsi world, that 90% pretends I’m invisisble … while somehow echoing and booming at least a decent amount of what I am writing about to the population in a kind of very scary Orwellian obvious-speak. I imagine I’ll find the same kind of “sshh adam” response no matter where I go–and I think that’s really indicative of a gigantic social problem; one that appears to convey a very evil kind of statement along the lines of “we know and … because we didn’t do a good job (the last hundred times) OR didn’t get the point at all OR just believe some other group of nearly us failed at doing this … WE have decided to be “oblivious 4 the cause” …” ostensibly of blaming the end of civilization on a single person, rather than … literally the whole of this place and maybe something more profound or meanigful than the very bland and pointless reasons I can imagine myself.
Steem is several years old now, it’s a blockchain based social networking eco-system that pays you to post and comment - plus has a plethora of aother benefits. Despite it’s greatness, it has also had it’s fair share of problems, but a recent update to the network appears to have made a big shift towards balance, fairness and could be just what the world has needed to be added to Steem. The Steem community now has a way to combat vote selling via free downvotes and also pays much more rewards to curators, meaning that the best posts (subjectively) now stand a much better chance of gaining exposure organically due to manual, community driven upvoting.
ura-soul (73) in threespeak • 2 days ago
I find it almost hillarious (in a sick and depraved sort of way) that I’m going to have to “pull this trick right out of the anvil all by myself” … having found little support for what appears to me to be the most obviously useful and lucrative software project … literally ever embarked upon in our history … amongst my personal friends and small list of direct contacts from these messages. Not a single new person has come out of the woodwork in the last few weeks; and that’s disheartening–as I’ve noted several times of yet.
The Pope though, continues to provide a solid kind of obvious-speak from the Vatican … well timing the quote above to coincide with these series of explanations of what exactly it is that the Arthurian legend and “the word sword itself” is actually all about–so thanks to him and them … for that. At the Vatican, you could … start to organize an independent project along these lines; if you wanted wink.
Again, these are simple ideas–a group of disparate things that “when intersected” become something much larger and much more important to the assimilation of new technologies in regards to the democratic evolution process … than I think we can really fathom at this point, still staring at an old G.W. quote … “democratic capitalism [I read representative democracy] is the best system ever devised” to the nation on the economic crisis, September 24, 2008–nearly exactly eleven years ago. I think it’s absolutely amazing to glimpse what we are about to do here, and really see it as something like a giant leap forwards for humanity–something bigger than walking on the moon.
Space colonization is obviously a huge part of this message–one tied to both the foundation of the creation of the thing we call “Heaven” … and I’ver sort of parallelled (LED, another interestingly constructed mathy-word) the discussion that I’ve had with God and Tempus … in my periods of high meditation … with a narration in these series of messages without being overly verbose about the stories of time travel and actual “printing of space stations” that are far beyond my subconscious imagination. I intend to write down some of these stories more verbosely; and it would be great if I could get some advanced spending money from a publishere for the effort (fingers and shoe laces crossed) … a decently side population of receipients here are still literary agents and the like.
Some of what I write doesn’t give enough credit to the great synchronicities that I experience, things like the Pope’s statement from earlier this week. I have a pretty unique understanding of time travel and how it relates to “waking up one day and being part of an intergalactic civilization” rather than one imprisoned inside a virtual rock in a virtual holographic song about “you and I” connecting to a message about democracy … one that runs much deeper than Back to the Future. I like to think it’s closer to reality, in a place where our words for “spooky action in timespace” link to FTL particles tagged as “tacky” … or requests for Taylor Momsen to pay for breakfast–(ACH me, hun) … and I think that’s the kind of thing this Singularity is all about (waffles and) … waking up in a significantly better circumstance than the one we fell asleep to literally one third of a revolution of the Earth spinning on its axes earlier… something like Apollo 13 being Found in Timespace overnight–another one of the stories that I link to “hidden documentaries about mET&Lcosms and time travel.”
Still that doesn’t mean we don’t have to “do it”–to recall ancient words from Kentucky, “there’s a first time for everything” … and this is without a doubt the first time we’ve ended Hell forever; even if it takes calling my grandfathers together on the Frequency-phone …
… which sort of ties together the “grand father paradox” and the ansible of Ender’s game in a “how I really think it works” sort of explanation–there’s no calling someone who hasn’t built a phone, and we might have the very first one … here …
… as an early explanation for why the time tree Yggrasasil and the “living vine of Christ” … repeatedly connect to this timeline and a story that links President Stump to Ren and Stimpy … ex post facto and only via “reading about the key.”
Of specific note was this “high energy cosmic radio burst” … from apparently intragalactic space, nearly perfectly coinciding with my “great revelation” that particular place might just be the most lucrative and safe place to colonize–what could be the strange temporal point of origin of the phrase “all roads [between galaxies] lead to Rome…”
Nevermind, these radio transmissions are coming from all over the Universe.
"yom tov approaches."
I just haven't been clear enough.  I should explain verbosely what "The Truman Show" and "Nagasaki" really mean to me--something about completely disproportionateness... about "touching alcohol (or meth, or anything) ..." having an effect on the world around me that looks like something far worse and far more evil than "the dropping of an atomic bomb" ... and from my perspective that's a broken sky, and a broken press, and and a broken government ... and a broken you doing it on purpose.  
From Caesar and Julian to WW2, to all our movies ... music, Chandryan-2 and the Nostradamus quattraine about "the two wounded by Aleph and Aleph.." look at what you are ignoring in vain--it's everything ... literally everything you grew up knowing and loving from "voting" to being able to walk down the street without fear of being ... kidnapped and teleported to someone else's "castle" ... or am I wrong?  Were you never people here?  Or do you still think that you are, despite ... a global ignorance far scarier than I ever thought "the great delusion of Daniel" was going to manifest itself as?  I am beyond scared of "what you look like" and I think you should be also.
I can see clearly the world is playing a game around me--at least that's what it appears you and they think--and understand, this is no game.  I've been very clear "on the truman show" many times--and we can see it echo in "BOGOMIPS" (that's ... because of "Carmen Sandiego" message to Casper's Pan: we are in the ghostscript) and a number of other places--the skies and the ... demons haunting my little Pac-Man game have no concept of what a real working economy looks like--they seem content with "seeking hyperinflation" in their theft of the Templars Gold ... in a place and time where that just won't do.  
We're talking about "space colonization" and about the enhancement and growing of "free and democratic society" and those things don't jive with "oblivious for the cause."  You just don't seem to understand that what's being hidden ... here in this place ... that's the message and the information and the people that are going to "fix eternity" and see that "actually understanding resource consumption and allocation" is something we absolutely need to do to "clear the DES-tructive invisible Hell" and to be able to "mathematically ensure" that we aren't being overtly or subtly controlled from some outside entity (or a Bostrom line-feed-visor) or ... 
You're sitting here ignoring a glaring ... I mean the alternative to what you see here is an eternity that doesn't know what "reality" is ... and doesn't care.  It doesn't know what freedom is, and it's got no frame of reference of "something better" ... the thing that Uncle Samael and ... and the whole of our fabricated "beginning of time history" here delivers to us--it's not a curse, at least--it shouldn't be.  
Silence is squandering our chance for victory; inaction is eradicating "hope" ... and thinking you are "free and better off" somewhere else--anywhere else capable of fixing the problems that are clearly outlined here .. and isn't doing it ..
That's doing nothing but preparing for an eternity far worse than "Touch Me" and Heroshema ever wanted for you.  For what it's worth, I do believe whole heartedly in the prophesy I read in our religion and our history, and I'm confident we are approaching the actual "day of atonement."  #C1ME