Friday, September 18, 2020

for a quarter of century I was hunted by ,,imaginary ghosts”


– PART I –


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This newsletter is dedicated to pupils who have the first contact with science and want to make fun of the imbecilities preached by an entire elite of intellectual criminals. 
The first section demonstrates based on the classical geometry how the imbecility of Big Bang theory can be ruled out. An example is provided and then, based on Hubble deep field images, the distance between two old galaxies (which existed about 13 billions years ago) is estimated. 
It was found that a few hundreds millions years after Big Bang, the distance between the considered galaxies is about 25 billion light years. Even adopting a new kind of spatial inflation after the Big Bang, it is impossible to explain how the Universe arrived to such dimensions in an early stage. Adopting any other imbecile idea to explain this early size of the Universe rules out anyway the Hubble law. Astronomy has arrived to a situation known in chess as ZuZwang. Any move you make is going to worsen your situation ….
A postulate is necessary to clear up the things in the astronomy: 
POSTULATE: The Big Bang Theory is completely incompatible with a large scale homogenous Universe. 
The rest of scientific part of the newsletter is dedicated to thermodynamics. 
Section two presents how a genius has become only a footnote of science and how the new theory revives his image. We speak about Denis Papin the true father of thermodynamics. One of his crucial experiment is reloaded and even improved in order to show how the thermodynamics should have taken another path about three centuries ago. 
The third section is the top notch topic for the scientific part of this newsletter; it  simply demonstrate in various ways that Carnot has ben falsely considered the father of thermodynamics. 
His analogy between a waterwheel and an engine is analysed and found to be an absurd analogy. One by one, all of his claims are analysed and found absurd on basis of new experiments which can be performed even in less equipped school laboratories. 
A new postulate is formulated and another version of old Papin experiment is described in order to exemplify this postulate. 
Postulate: Mechanical work can be produced by having a thermodynamic system which remains all the time at a constant temperature. 
The fourth section is about the most famous intellectual criminal of all times. The Papin`s life is reconsidered because he was in fact assassinated for others having the priority over the steam engine. 
There are two sections about nuclear and coal power plants where it is demonstrated that a simple switch for the working agent would improve the total production with a conservative 20%. 
The last section, which is included in this email in its entirety – see bellow, analyses what has the society done for having this new theory of sciences and what are the consequences for not implementing it !

In a previous section, I made a short presentation for the Papin case in order to see what lesseon of history has to be learned. 
Of course, I am going to continue the investigations and write a book about the Papin life. I hope that some French organizations or individuals are going to support this initiative. 
By sure the life of a genial men deserves a book; by comparison some people considered necessary to write a book which analyses only the origin of the expression presented by Newton ,, by standing on the shoulders of Giants”.
I hope that some German and UK organizations are going to support a much larger project to write a more objective version of the XVIIth century events based on the documents available. 
And now it is important to make a comparison between what happened three centuries ago and what happens now.... 
At that time there was only Royal Society which sabotaged Papin, for some small reasons which by sure are going to surface soon …. 
In our days, and for a quarter of century, a crowd of imbeciles, occupying key positions in society, have been preventing an intelectual revolution, i.e. a change of the entire foundation of exact sciences. 
This crowd is composed mainly by the present intelectual elites but legislatives and executives are part of the plot too. 
The European Commission is a representative example which needs a special attention. They are meant to ensure progress and stability for the European Union and steward the interests of European citizens, but in reality they are doing the opposite. In the past, I filled in a complaint against European Commission without any positive result, there is still a initiative to the European parliament, but as in the Savery times, it is so simple to pass by these things and cover everything in a bureaucratic procedures. 
Of course, from their point of view, no one sabotaged me! They were doing their jobs only and they were doing with a bit of excess of zeal their jobs! Can someone accuse such people that being well paid, they were doing the jobs even more thoroughly as it should have been?
The academies and other representative institutions (universities, research centres) all over the world are part of the plot or in any case they tacitly tolerated it. I remember sending a paper for publishing to the Australian Academy of Science around 2007-2008 and they refused publishing it on the reason they do not understand the English in the article. I kept the original version of the article on the website (about covalent bond - the atomic book) and although there are some grammatical errors, the idea can be spotted easily. Anyway, after correcting the article to an professional English speaker and resubmitting the corrected article, they did not ever answer to my email. 
Any such representative institution in a direct or in an indirect way has took part in the plot, by not doing what they were meant to do. 
The Romanian Academy, which should promote the national values, including this theory, did the worse job in its history. There are available about 40000 Euro each year for an academician to be spend on indemnity and other expenses, but one Euro for this theory could not be found! Well, don't imagine that an academician lives only from the money coming from Academy. 
Of course, all the present Romanian academicians have been schooled in the wealthy western society and they are in contact with the intellectual elites; in fact, they have been paid directly or indirectly by these elites to keep their mouth shut and do nothing for promoting this theory. For a few thousands euro, they can be bought anytime at ,,their real market value”. They have forgotten that they should have represented the cultural elite of a nation and in the same time a model for the young generations. 
It is important to be highlighted what is at stake for the entire society in this modern plot...
Well, it is impossible to quantify at this moment what this new theory in economic terms really means! I am going to exemplify what does it mean only for a part of the energetic sector. Again, I do not make the estimation for the entire energetic sector, but only to highlight the consequences for the simple application discussed today, i.e. a simple change of a fluid in a power plant without any other investment. We have shown that by doing such small change, an amount of 3000 TWh (from coal and nuclear) could have been produced ,,from thin air” at the level of production estimated for 2016.
Ok, ,,from thin air” it does not mean I got it from my pocket, it is only the result of a technological improvement. 
At a cost of production of about 0,1 Euro per KWh, that amount would have represented
300 billions Euro for 2016, i.e. more than entire GDP of my country. 
What do you think now? Would someone want to kill for this fortune? If you say no, then your are completely torn from the reality! 99% of the human population in these civilised times would do it with the first occasion if they would be sure they are not caught!
Attention, this is not a new technology in is only a small detail which was left aside by an imbecile science...
What can a real new technology of electricity production bring, is going to be seen in the future....
Anyway, there is going to come a time when any company in the electricity field is going to be asked why did they, directly or indirectly, opposed to a switch in the technology!
The direct consequence of not implementing these technologies is seen in climate change and industrial pollution. Or course many people, especially politicians, make a lot of noise about these topics but all the strange measures they want to implement have to be supported by citizens.
The new theory comes with solutions to at least alleviate this burden on the citizens shoulders; but, do you think that this is important for a bunch of corrupt or lazy bureaucrats? 
Even a laymen could understand that society as a whole is already losing because these technologies are not implemented. 
I am not going to lose because the royalties for the electricity production are going to be recovered for me starting with 2010. Supplementary the new technologies are going to remain as intellectual property and never as brevets. Someone in the field of intellectual property knows what the difference is….
If a country wants to have progress and real scientific research, then it is high time to think in the future.

Let us see what the consequence of this organised plot for the educational system are! 

At least 20 generations of pupils, scholars, students and teachers were indoctrinated with a wrong scientific background and for most of them it is going to be impossible to switch to the new one. There are other generations coming from behind and although theoretically it is possible to ,,re-educate” these lost generations, in practice this is not going to happen. 
Although there is no doubt that this new theory of science is going to become the foundation for the future progress of humanity, this theory is only in its initial stage.... 
In the view of opposed resistance from the imbecility of elitist intellectuals, I was forced to dedicate my scarce time to bring up new experiments and facts which could demolish or rule out the present accepted dogma, so the ,,proper” development of the theory is lagging behind. If for example, the theory is going to be accepted tomorrow, there is a huge vacuum in many branches of science which cannot be filled over the night. 
As already presented with another occasion a period of at least five years is normally necessary for having new manuals, new teachers and so on. If the society as a whole afforded to be careless about such transition, this period is going to be extended accorded to the rules defined in a previous newsletter. 
How many lost generations can a society still afford? And who is going to be charged guilty for this disaster? 
Another major loss for the society as a whole is related to research expenses. 
The amount of money spent on futile research in this lost quarter of century is difficult to be imagined. At national level, for a developed country, there is about 5% of GDP dedicated to research. This is money from budget dedicated to fundamental research by the grant system. If one considers the private and industrial research, the expenses are bigger. In a quarter of a century, each developed country has thrown away at least the equivalent of a GDP.... 
Of course some are going to argue that part of these research are applicative research which remains valid even the foundation changes. This is true, but now there is necessary other input of money to clean up the mess and decide what is going to remain and what is going to be discarded. 
If this step were to be done a quarter of century earlier, tons of junk literature would have not been written and the transition would have been simpler...
Does someone think that such process can be performed over the night and with a team of few people?
Where are these people coming if the entire community is indoctrinated with imbecilities?
So, even for research there is going to be a discontinuity period according to the rules defined in a previous newsletter. 
In a future newsletter, there is going to be a broader presentation about the purpose of this theory and what are the targets....
First of all, each living person should ask himself what price would (s)he pay that his/her offspring have access to this theory. 
A real price, from my point of view, would be as follows: one generation of his/her offspring work for me, in the same conditions I have been working for decades and paid as I was paid. When his/her offspring have generated at least 1% of what I generated, then they are free to have access to this theory for them and for their descendants. 
If they are not able to generate in one generation that 1% of what I have generated, the contract extends in the same conditions for the next generation and so one. 
What do you think about this bargain? Would you be interested in it?
The difference between a great man and a common one can be seen in these conditions. 
What is going to happen when a great man acquires the power? Would he change something for the future or will he use the power only to get revenge for what happen to him previously.
The Newton – Hooke can be framed as a classical example for what happen when a tyrant got the power in his hands....
We imagine that such repetition of things is not possible in democracy but this is false. In a democracy these things happen all the time, but they are hidden. 
Beside professional harassment, for a quarter of century I was hunted by ,,imaginary ghosts” because when the entire system is against you, the danger comes from everywhere. 
A simple walk in a beautiful but uncrowned place, in a second can become a place where your life is endangered. A simple theft can appear as an accident, but these are only appearances because few (if any) such occasional acts are done for documents. Or maybe in the latest times many thieves want to improve their scientific knowledge... 
Probably the most tranquil period I remember was when I worked as a chemist for a half year to a cannabis cultivar in Switzerland. Unfortunately, this tranquillity suddenly disappeared when in a Sunday morning some gunshots outside disturbed my intellectual preoccupations. By sure I did not want to be a collateral victim in another war so this was also a reason I quit soon that job. Of course I was not keen to be part of this conflict either....
In a dictatorship, a dissident knows where the danger is coming from. In a democracy the danger comes from everywhere. 
Of course there is police but they are only to serve the system and to register the facts; they are not to prevent such situations.
Such direct or indirect pressure would drive any normal person crazy and would make it slip into paranoia and mental derangements. Boltzmann arrived to suicide for much less pressure and of course there was no one to see why such a person arrived to such desperate act. 
Unfortunately for this bunch of criminals, I have trained myself to endure this pressure and overcome any situation. 
Of course in such situations a strong believe in a ,,upper” protection is crucial; I always had an internal feeling that there is a greater purpose behind all these events and maybe someone incarnate in this life in order to change these things and show another path to be followed in the future. 
What would you think if your offspring would live in these conditions for decades?

Aren't you happy that the modern democracy we have build has tried to eliminate the greatest mind in humanity ever?...
…..and no one is guilty!
Are they, by any chance in a hurry of preparing me a commemorative plaque like for Papin? 
This is not a new thing in history. The first democracy in Athens, succeeded in killing one of the most outstanding personality of that time and of course no one was charged guilty.

The purpose of this theory is to change a lot of things in the world, starting with environmental aspects, education, research and development, economic rules and up to some social aspects. Do not worry, it is not the purpose of this theory to change a political system! 
As Romanian, it is going to be a priority to buy my country back for Romanians and to make it entire.....
Now, my country is chopped and has become only a colony for the mercantilism of a mad society. 
I hope that God is going to help me to transform my nation in an example to be followed by others, in their way toward progress and spirituality.

A usual, the link to this newsletter:


Sorin Coșofreț


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