Monday, October 12, 2020

mountain doesn't presses under herself? really?

Subject: important mistake in the physics

Dear  Professors and institutions
please somebody in the wolrd, finally, answer something.

g vectors are not parallel, so x part of g exists.
Which G constant is now more constant (on the left or the right picture?)
If we use g convergence (instead of G), then it describes the world correctly.

Einstein's  tea leaf paradox explanation is absolutely impossible to simulate.
But if we use my Tea leaf explanation, then the universe becomes intelligible.

Tea leaf paradox explanation:
everything is be based on the maintaining of the own inertia of the rotating medium

First is working centrifugal acceleration field (analog of H in electricity, that is why we have a moon and planet's rings), then works -coriolis field (analog of E in the electricity). Maintaining of the own inertia causes our rotating for 14 mlrd years (spinning dancer effect)

m is C in electricity

If we use equations for 1 charge Q (one rotating center= one charge), then g in the center of the Earth must be much bigger, and then the g convergence could be instead of G.

Of cause growing g convergence will affect the g under the earth surface, but it doesn't mean g is not growing.

Jolly-type experiments are impracticable- sensitive to the g convergence:
Please imagine the 3 points line: 1. weight, 2. weight, 3. -the center of the Earth: 1um vertical deviation between weights makes 6m deviation from the straight line.

If I am right, then there must be differencies between G on the pole and Equator's mountain (Chimborazo)

On Chimborazo and mountains closer to the equator they have "Bouguer anomalies":

"Bouguer anomalies are usually negative in mountains because they are associated with a decrease in the attraction of the mountain mass by about 100 milligalls per kilometer of mountain height. In large mountainous regions, they are even more negative due to isostasy: the density of mountain roots is lower compared to the surrounding earth's mantle, which causes a further deficit of gravity."

WHAT? less density under the mountain? mountain doesn't presses under herself? really? :)
And here is how to keep the flame for the termonuclear reaction, your theory can not explain that, and also violates the energy conservation law.

pps also comets are shock waves in the nonisotermic plasma (so called soliton)

and here is how photons probably looks like (something between wave and corpuscula): 
Sincerely Yours, 
Ing. Vladislav Chechelev
Czech Republic

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