Thursday, July 30, 2015

You may also be wondering of this work predicts anything new. Yes, hybrid speed.

My late father was a leading wave theorist who spent his remaining years in retirement adapting his life’s work to electromagnetic physics. His work identically duplicates all observed and measured aspects of Special and General Relativity but makes additional predictions. I hope you’ll find my father’s thoughts regarding gravity unique, refreshing and of some value to your work.

In the point atomic model the atom is regarded as electrically neutral (equal number of protons as electrons). However, a finite (real) distribution of dissimilar charges will always produce a finite attractive field. This force is thought to act simultaneously in all directions in the Universe creating a steady difference electric field (gravity), unsteady electric fields (light), and a residual difference electric field (inertia). Light and gravity appear to both be forms of the same electric (not electromagnetic) field. This description can be shown analytically and demonstrated physically as follows.

If we consider a photon as a non-massive particle representation of an electromagnetic wave generated by an unsteady electric field through charge (electron) movement in the atom, gravity can be represented by a steady difference electric field from distributions of dissimilar charges (electrons and protons) in atoms and molecules. The attractive far field strength is based on the attractiveness of dipoles. A dipole will always attract another dipole, free dipoles will automatically align to construct lateral quadrupoles, a distribution of quadrupoles will always align to produce a difference attractive electric field which will attract a similar field (gravity). The atomic weight (gravity) is basically proportional to the atomic number, number of dipoles in the atom. This finite attractive field is commonly known as the London (1930) dispersion force, recognized in this work as gravitational mass.

It is important to make the distinction that the gravitational force is not in the form of an electromagnetic field. However, electromagnetic fields and the gravitational force are in the form of the same electric field, explaining why electromagnetic fields act oppositely on electrons and protons whereas gravitational fields do not. When electrons jump orbit at an atomic level, the moving charge creates an unsteady electric field, more commonly known as an electromagnetic field, which can influence individual electrons and protons. However, steady difference electric fields, that surround atomic dipoles or groups of dipoles, extending out through every point in the Universe cannot.

The steady difference electric field has all the properties of a gravity field, it has a retarded time i.e. takes a finite time for disturbances to travel along its field, decays according to the inverse square law with distance and has an extremely weak attractive field, the equivalent charge is q*=(G/k)m=(6.67x10-11/8.99x109)m=0.74x10-20m, where m is the mass in kilograms. Although these gravity fields decay according to the inverse square law with distance, their contribution at any point in space (from an expanding sphere of uniform gravitational mass density) increases according to the square of the distance. This at least maintains the field strength throughout the Universe, creating the difficult to detect, but intense inertial field.

A graviton under this model is an unsteady gravitational field, more accurately described as a non-massive particle representation of a gravitational wave generated through charge variations, movement, creation or annihilation. Therefore, the Higgs (1964) field can be described as a steady residual difference electric field (steady residual gravity field which creates inertia) from all the mass in the Universe and has the ability to provide the potential dark energy required to expand the Universe and overcome gravity. The Higgs boson is the particle equivalent of a disturbance (wave) in the Higgs field, which appears to use the same reference field or propagation medium.

A New Relativity (NR) theory, as the theoretical work is generally referred to by the author, anticipates that gravitational and electromagnetic fields are electric and unified with a propagation medium providing a common reference. The Lorentz transform (LT) (observer motion), its inverse (source motion) and the quadratic can be obtained directly from equations based on Maxwell's propagation medium and Lorentz's motional theory, without any input from Einstein.  Recognizing the propagation medium provides a basis for a solution to the complete general wave equation for electromagnetic source and observer motion, presented here for the first time. It supports Einstein's measured predictions, based on Maxwell's propagation medium as defined by permeability (electrical inertia) μ, and a permittivity (electrical stiffness) ę (or ε), which allow EM waves to propagate (bounce) through the propagation medium, terms that can be shown to thread throughout all electromagnetic theories that define the properties of the propagation medium.

Historical and contemporary measurements made by Bradley (1725), Fizeau (1851), Michelson and Morley (1887), Sagnac (1913), Michelson and Gale (1925), Hafele and Keating (1972), Saburi et al (1976), and GPS (1992) can now be shown to support Maxwell's electromagnetic propagation medium via a new gravitational entrainment model GEM. Within this model, the propagation medium is attracted by mass and orbits with the Earth within its gravitational field of dominance, with an electro-gravitational boundary layer which is shown to exist between the Earth's rotating surface and the stationary propagation medium orbiting with the Earth.

The curvature of spacetime in the presence of gravitational mass is more easily described by considering that the propagation medium through which light travels is concentrated by the presence of mass, creating complex velocity gradients within the propagation medium, as demonstrated by gravitational lensing. The path that light travels is deflected by mass, as traditionally considered, but not as a direct consequence. There is a subtle difference, light simply bends as it passes through the compressed (by mass) propagation medium.

These velocity gradients have been partially mapped around our own planet and confirmed by experimental results at various altitudes; with an interferometer at the Earth’s surface by Michelson and Morley (1887), by Hafele and Keating’s (1972) flying atomic clocks, by Saburi et al’s (1976) trans-Pacific satellite measurements, by GPS (1992), and through symmetrical communications between Mars and Earth via the Mars-Viking Lander project measurements by Reasenberg et al (1979). All of these results are consistent with the GEM model upon which it is based. Velocity gradients can be further mapped at other altitudes around massive objects within our solar system in order to more accurately model how mass compresses the electromagnetic propagation medium at various altitudes.

The propagation medium also describes the behavior of light within planetary atmospheric environments. NR is compatible with Stokes (1845) total convection of light, where according to Schwarzschild (1916), massive bodies (planets) attract the propagation medium. Referencing the GEM model, this is shown to occur within the region of the Electro-Gravitational Boundary Layer (EGBL). If the body rotates and there is an atmosphere, the propagation medium can totally convect with the body's surface, creating the EGBL. This total convection should not be confused with Fresnel's (1818) partial convection, verified by Fizeau (1851), where a transparent gravitational mass such as water (refractive index n>1) moves relative to a stationary source, observer and propagation medium (air, n ≈ 1) on the Earth's surface, partially convecting the light relative to the propagation medium. This partial convection is supported by this work and accounted for using simple relativistic addition of velocities based on Lorentz's medium based motional transform, between the moving gravitational mass and the stationary propagation medium.

Systems in motion actually contract both time and space, while mass gravitationally distorts them. This means that a moving observer effectively has the ability to expand a gravitationally compressed propagation medium, i.e. reduced aging through gravitational compression of the propagation medium which can be increased by observer acceleration relative to the propagation medium, creating an optical version of the Equivalence Principle. Therefore, source frames contract passing through the propagation medium, time slowing and space contracting. Whereas observer contraction through motion now relatively expands (dilates) the propagation medium‘s observed time and space and its contents. Contracting systems are therefore found to result by passing through and interacting with the propagation medium, while again, spacetime distortion is caused by mass compressing the propagation medium.

You may also be wondering of this work predicts anything new. Yes, hybrid speed. Here it is understood that the speed of light cannot be exceeded (in the propagation medium), M (or β)=v/c<1. Where M again is the Mach (1887) number, system speed ‘v’ compared to the light speed ‘c’ in the PM. By comparing moving frames in stationary propagation medium the speed of light can be exceeded across frames (M*>1, where M*=M/α). The speed and distance capability is much greater across the hybrid frame by α-1, where α is the Lorentzian contraction factor. Distance is measured in the familiar stationary propagation medium and the slower time and local spatial contraction in the moving system frame. As M→1, a→0 and M*→∞, allowing hybrid system speed to exceed the speed of light in the propagation medium in a spectacular way. Spacecraft shrink, both time and structure, but not the distances they travel. Hybrid speed is not a mathematical loop-hole, it predicts the possibility of travel throughout our galaxy, and beyond, within a human life span.

It is hoped that you found this information helpful and it inspires you to investigate further. As previously mentioned, it is now possible to detect absolute time and space using a newly conceived instrument. Please don’t hesitate to contact me any time if you are interesting in assisting with this project or if I can answer any questions or help you in any way.

Yours sincerely,
-Kelvin Wright

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