Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Don't you hear and fear the rising, persistent, general laughter?

Do you know what is the definition of "general opinion" 
according to the philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer? 
First of all, you shall find his Eristic Dialectics: 
then you shall read Stratagem XXX: 
But you do not find Schopenhauer's definition of "general opinion" with Google and Wikipedia: 
you need to look for a paper book!!! 
You shall find that a "general opinion" is initially the opinion of two or three...Sergey Brin and Larry Page, for istance! 
Let us go back to today's physics: 
Don't you hear and fear the rising, persistent, general laughter? I know that 
you are smart enough to remember that history, in Schrödinger's words, is the 
most important of sciences. 
One should not forget that excerpt from the book 
"Greek Science" by Benjamin Farrington (Pelikan Books, London, 1949), 
that looked so admirable to Erwin Schrödinger. He quoted 
it in his article Are there Quantum Jumps? (The British 
Journal for the Philosophy of Science 3, 109-123, 233-242 (1952)). 
The excerpt says: 
"Perhaps the most decisive defeat of the scientific spirit in antiquity 
had been the loss of the sense of history. History is the most funda- 
mental science, for there is no human knowledge which cannot lose 
its scientific character when men forget the conditions under which it 
originated, the questions which it answered, and the functions it was 
created to serve. A great part of the mysticism and superstition of 
educated men consists of knowledge which has been broken loose from its 
historical moorings." 

"Black hole physics" originated sixty years ago from 
the American idiocy of John Wheeler, 
who in Princeton decided that Albert Einstein (!) was an "Alt Trottel", an old imbecile. 
Your paper shows that you urgently need to read two papers by Professor Liebscher 
and me.  One was published in 2001 in Astronomische Nachrichten 
and can be found at http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0102084. The second one 
deals with Kretschmann's interpretation of "general relativity" 
and can be found at http://arxiv.org/abs/0910.2073
Have a careful reading. 

Salvatore Antoci 

P.s.: there is more for you: it is quite possible that all  the present troubles with cosmology, 
astrophysics, general relativity of 1915 and quantum physics are occurring because the later 
work of both Einstein and Schrödinger, summarized e.g. in the last chapters of 
Schrödinger's "Space-Time Structure", 
has been completely forgotten. It is a pity, because 
starting from the year 1982, I found and published exact solutions of 
Einstein's unified field theory that depend on three coordinates, and particular solutions happened to 
assume a promising physical meaning. The class of solutions is at http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0108042v1
Electrostatics is here: http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0405064v4
confinement in hadrons here: http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0604003v2
The choice of the metric was a stumbling block since many years. Now I 
know that the correct metric is Hély's metric. Lichnerowicz was right. Look at the Bianchi identities. 
The origin for the astonishing efficiency of the method lies in 
Schrödinger's Lagrangian: it is the square root of the determinant of the Ricci tensor, and it 
does not change under linear combinations of rows and columns. If it is a new, Hermitian 
Ricci tensor, it is a solution. In the class of solutions mentioned above this occurs due to 
the fulfillment of the very simple Eq. (8) of //arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0108042v1
Einstein's theory is a limit case of vanishing cosmological constant. 
Schrödinger's purely affine version of that theory too should be studied anew by 
mathematicians and physicists with the utmost attention. 

"Dans la relativité générale, à chaque fois qu'on fait un pas il faut s'arrêter pour nettoyer ses chaussures." 
Jean Marie Souriau 

P.s.: in 1982, when internet did not exist, the mathematician and 
historian of exact sciences Clifford Truesdell wrote the text of a prophetic conference, 
entitled: "The computer, ruin of science and threat to mankind". You may find it here: 

and, last but not least: 





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