Thursday, November 10, 2016

waiting for a renowned magazine that dares to publish my article

RE: Erik Verlinde his article: Emergent Gravity and the Dark Universe

I send you this message to show that there is also a less esoteric kind of physics that also explains, in a simple but most fundamental way, that Einstein’s two theories on relativity are untenable. To express it mildly.

The latest version of my arguments is published at  The Principle of Absolute Relativity.

The abstract sounds:

The Special Relativity Theory (SRT) is based on two, in 1905 by Einstein proposed, presumptions: the first one, labelled by Einstein as the Principle of Relativity, 
the second one defining the supposed property of the speed of light in vacuum. 
This article shows how close Einstein, as well as Lorentz, has been to a solid solution of the problems physicists encountered a century ago, observing electro-magnetic phenomena. 
It also shows that Einstein’s PoR is a fundamentally restricted version of the “now-a-days-PoR”.    

I invite you to show me specific/pertinent flaws in this article .

Please don’t tell me that I don’t understand Einstein’s SRT. That is true, just like it is true that I don’t understand that 1+1 = 3.

To be honest: based on a 30 years old experience and on a countless number of discussions with dozens of physicists I can predict you for sure that you will not find such flaws.

To be honest once again: I’m waiting for the physicist that dares to admit openly that my arguments are correct.

And I’m also waiting for a renowned magazine that dares to publish my article.

It took Arxiv half a year before it decided not to publish my submission. Without any relevant argument!

Kind regards,

Sjaak Uitterdijk

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