Tuesday, November 26, 2013

I thank Mr David Barnett for his comments.

Souls are mathematical entities (revised)

This is about souls of dead people.
I think like Plato that mathematics exist outside our heaads,
in a non physical Sky.
Souls are changing sets of thoughts thus mathematical entities
thus immortal.
That is why there is a doubt from some people about their existence.
Souls change with a time which is a mathematical time, a counting.
I think that thoughts are not physical waves.
Mathematics gains ground on Dialectique.

This thesis is a new step in the galilean revolution with Godmathematician.
It has not been long since the churches of the western world have had a setback.

A soul is a set of infinite sets of thoughts. Thoughts are
sets of mathematical waves.
Souls should have a spiritual part for reading thoughts from
the Sky and composing thoughts for the Sky.
Spiritual is not necessarily mathematical.
Souls are mathematical entities up to a point.
I think that mathematics are part of Good which is like a sun
which can be seen from everywhere with an infinite speed.
I thank Mr David Barnett for his comments.

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