Monday, May 14, 2018

Being simple is not simple.

Subject: An opportunity to learn the real Theory of Everything
From: Bob Moon <>

Dear Professor:

Kindly allow me to introduce myself. I am a man who has lived the quiet simple life of a monk studying science and mathematics. I obtained Masters of Science degrees in Abstract Mathematics and Chemical Physics as well as a PhD (abd) in Mathematical Statistics. I am writing you because I believe we have a mutual interest: the Theory of Everything.

It came to me some time ago that the current attempts by physicists to unify fields to create a unified field theory are off track in that they are too complex. Have you ever considered a much simpler approach? If one assumes that reality is non-dualistic but within that non-dualism one experiences dualism, then there is a very simple model of reality as the unification of religion and science. Now you might well ask how and why does this work? It works because it is a model of mind and mind is non-dualistic. How is it possible to find a Theory of Everything without including oneself in the equation? That is the fatal flaw in all attempts by physicists to discover the real Theory of Everything. From my perspective any God capable of creating Everything must have made Everything simple enough for humans to understand and He Himself must be equally easy to understand. The catch is that, to see this one has to research mind. How can this be done?

In a word, the way to research mind is to be simple. Being simple is not simple. Specific monastic practices must be learned. In particular there is a language called the language of all languages, the language of God, and the language of faith that must be learned. This language is very simple otherwise it could not be as described. It can equally express all ideas of any religion and all ideas of science and mathematics, I know this language and can teach it.

It is my experience that scientists do not know what science is at this level of simplicity. Neither do monks know what God, religion, and faith are at this level of simplicity. Have you ever asked yourself what is religion, what is science? I have and I know the answer to both questions. It is precisely this lack of simplicity that has kept physicists baffled about the Theory of Everything. There is a belief in many scientists that to solve the Theory of Everything it is necessary to develop more mathematics. Do you see this approach is away from simplicity and towards complexity? No scientist will ever succeed in unifying fields in this manner. It is too complex and it is also incomplete. It is incomplete because reality is alive. Do you know as a scientist what life is? I do. One discovers life in simplicity. The real Theory of Everything is a very simple expression of life at the simplest level as the unification of science and religion within God. All the relevant pieces of reality needed for the discovery of the Theory of Everything are already known and merely need to be assembled.

I seek a few honest scientists who want to learn the real Theory of Everything. It will require learning how to be simple in body and mind. I am not recommending you become a monk. Rather it is necessary for you to at least learn the basics of simplicity in order to understand the language in which the real Theory of Everything is written.- the language of God. Let me assure you I am not joking. There is nothing in my research to fear, reject, or be disappointed in. Probably it will take you about five to ten years to learn the basics of simplicity. The name of my research is: Christ's Revelation of Christ as the Theory of Everything - The General Theory of God as the Kingdom of Heaven: Proof of the Existence of God Through The Cultivation of Christ Consciousness. Probably this sounds religious, but it is really the middle way between religion and science. This model is very simple and it is exact. It has no shortcomings. Within it are the unification of Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity, and even the resolution of mathematical foundations. It is a complete description of all aspects of life from the nature of mind to the meaning of life.

If this research interest you, feel free to contact me at  and/or  806-341-7107 (USA), I realize this proposal may be asking you to suspend your beliefs in the complex. That can be challenging. Whatever I can do to help you with that, I will, I can send you a resume, transcripts, and letters of reference if you desire, Please feel free to pass this letter on to any of your colleagues who might be interested.  Thank you for your time.

Sincerely yours,

Robert J. Moon

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